It was late at night.

A quiet, remote alley.

The six Chen Nan quietly hid in the darkness.

Watch the rat poison under the hazy moonlight.

Say rat poison.

It's actually some grain-soaked grain.

I waited for almost ten minutes.

A group of rats ran over, as if they had been hungry for many days, and ate the rat poison in a short time.

After that, the rats wandered around the alley.

There are even some male mice that look like teddy possessed.

Lying on the female mouse beside him.

This scene stunned everyone.

Doesn't it mean that rat poison can wipe out all rats?

But why did these mice not only not die after eating, but also ushered in the second spring?

"Is this poison, or C medicine?" Song Yunfei's scalp was numb.

Chen Nan took the sack containing rat poison in Song Yunfei's hand, grabbed a handful of grain in it, and put it in front of his nose and sniffed.

As a doctor.

He could tell that the grain had been soaked in the rhizome.

And the rhizome of fairy grass can make people have hormones soar.


There are also other medicinal herbs.

It smells pungent.

And then.

He picked up a few and put them in his mouth and chewed gently.

This scene directly looked stupid Song Yunfei and others.

I never expected that he would try the medicine by himself.

"Boss, you can't take this medicine!" Song Yunfei picked up the water bladder: "Hurry up, gargle quickly."

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "How many of you have mothers-in-law, right?" When you go back, eat some and make sure that your mother-in-law will bow down to you and call you Daddy. Speaking of this, he grinned.

The five people were all confused, and Zhang Lu said: "It's obviously a husband and wife, why do you call dad?"

Song Yunfei seemed to have thought of something, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes: "You mean to say that this medicine has the effect of C love?"

Chen Nan: "In addition, you can also fill your hunger."

Zhang Lu smiled and said, "Although I didn't expect this thing to have this effect, none of our brothers need this thing."

"Yes, real men never need to use these things."

"Maybe you can use it when you're older, but it's not necessary now."

Several others spoke.

Song Yunfei looked at Chen Nan: "Boss, do you have any clues?"

Chen Nan nodded undeniably: "The rat poison was invented by the Zhang family, Zhang Mingquan, right?"

Song Yunfei snorted: "Zhang Mingquan was originally an apprentice in the medical hall, and he used dozens of medicinal herbs to boil and make rat poison.

"I used to see rats that had eaten rat poison and died violently."

"It was also after that that that the government signed a long-term supply contract with Zhang Mingquan."

"Buy rodenticide at Zhang's house to kill rats."

"As far as I know, the official government only buys rat poison in Zhang Mingquan's hands, and the annual cost is as much as 20,000 taels of silver."

More than 20,000 taels of silver a year, which is definitely not a small amount.

Chen Nan asked, "Do you remember what year the government signed the contract with the Zhang family?"

Song Yunfei thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "If I'm not mistaken, it should be three and a half years ago."

Chen Nan: "Can you be more accurate?" "

I know." A middle-aged man named Xu Weiqiang spoke: "I remember very well, it was the 18th day of the second lunar month three years ago, and that day was my birthday.

Chen Nan fell into deep thought.

He thought about the time of death of the first dead person in the file.

Three years ago, the twentieth day of the second lunar month.

Although some people had died before this, none of them had rodent scratches or bite marks.

Therefore, it can be concluded.

This matter is suspected that the Zhang family cannot be washed away.

"Go back to the county first, and investigate Zhang Mingquan tomorrow."

Subsequently, Chen Nan and the others returned to the county.

Nothing happened overnight.

Early the next morning, they came to the vicinity of Zhang's house.

Although the Zhang family is not a famous family.

But because of the development of rat poison, he became a partner with the government.

So it still has a lot of influence in Tongcheng.

"Boss, bring me thirty meat buns and six bowls of porridge."

At the breakfast stall not far from Zhang's house, Chen Nanliu put down the saber and shouted at the boss.

Soon thirty steaming meat buns were delivered.

Song Yunfei also went to pick up some small pickles.

While eating, chatting at the same time.

It gives the feeling of patrolling here.

Just while the six were eating.

The closed door of Zhang's house was opened.

I saw a middle-aged man in his thirties, wearing a white robe, holding a bamboo basket, walking straight towards the breakfast stall.

Seeing Song Yunfei and the others eating, a shallow smile appeared on his face, as if he had not seen an old friend for many years: "Brother Song is also eating here!"

Song Yunfei quickly got up: "It turned out to be Zhang Shanren!" "

Zhang Mingquan is a good person in the eyes of the people of Tongcheng.

Because he would give thousands of taels of silver every year to do good deeds.

Over time, he became a good person in people's mouths.

"Why don't you see Team Wu? Rested? Zhang Mingquan asked casually, and then gestured to Chen Nan's head: "This little brother is very new, right?"

Song Yunfei: "Yes, the boss is resting, this is the new brother of our team."

"Old Meng, Song Chao quickly recorded their breakfast today." Zhang Mingquan looked at the stall owner: "By the way, bring me ten buns, five meat and five vegetarians."

Old Meng Le said he

Zhang Mingquan was stunned, and a displeased expression appeared on his face: "Song Chakuai, you come to my door to eat, how can you pay for it yourself?" Don't do that in the future.

Song Yunfei smiled and said, "Okay, if you come back next time, you will definitely not pay for it yourself."

Zhang Mingquan snorted: "My wife should also wake up, so I won't chat with your brothers, I'll go back first, let's see you later." Saying that, he took the buns in the bamboo basket and walked towards Zhang Mansion.

"Boss, what clues do you see?" Song Yunfei asked in a low voice.

Chen Nan shook his head.

He had used the Qiqi Technique before.

But he found that this person named Zhang Mingquan was covered with a layer of demon qi.


He saw no other useful information.

After all, Chen Nan's strength is too weak now, even if he hopes for qi arts, he can't be as omnipotent as when he was in the immortal world.

Just at this time.

A donkey cart loaded with a cart full of things came to the gate of Zhang's house.

Zhang Mingquan asked people to carry things to the house, looked back at Chen Nan and the others at the morning stall, and muttered something to the delivery person.

A moment later, the middle-aged man who delivered the goods came to the breakfast stall carrying a bag of walnuts weighing more than fifty pounds, and said respectfully: "Several officials, this bag of walnuts was given to you by Zhang Dashanren, saying that your work is not easy, so let you share it and take it back to eat." Song

Yunfei and the others showed a hint of joy on their faces.

Chen Nan looked at the donkey cart parked at the gate of Zhang's mansion, and asked the middle-aged man who delivered the goods: "Are the dozen or so sacks on the car filled with dry goods such as walnuts and nuts?" The

middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but say, "Sir, how do you know about this?" "

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