Song Ziwei shrugged: "I was also surprised to learn about this.

"But the wood is ready."

"Your first love girlfriend will become your mother-in-law tomorrow."

Speaking of this, a playful smile appeared on her face.

She knew that the young master and Xia Youwei had already made a private agreement for life.


Does it matter?

It doesn't matter at all.

The important thing is that the generation of the two is about to open the gap.

"How did it come to be like this?"

Chen Nan was stunned.

Even if he is the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

Even if he has a lot of confidants.

But never experienced such a thorny problem.

My girlfriend is married, the groom is not me, and it is very painful for me.


Who the would have thought that a girlfriend would become a mother-in-law???

It's quite chicken fucking.

"Young Master, what are you going to do now?" Song Ziwei asked distressedly.

Chen Nan lay on the recliner with a decadent face, and let the birds in the birdcage chirp towards him.

He looked at the firmament blankly: "I thought that my life would be a cool book, and I was cool all the way to the end."

"It turns out that although there are many bumps and bumps along the way, they have all been conquered by the young master and me."

"But I didn't expect such a bloody plot."

"It's really bloody." Song Ziwei pursed her lips and smiled: "However, you are the author of your book, and even if this kind of plot occurs, you can only handle it yourself."

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, if someone else controls my destiny, I have to stuff his head into his skin swallow." "

He's in the sun.

Coming to the underworld again.

Never before have you encountered such a difficult problem.


He really didn't know what to do.

I don't know how to face Xia Youwei.

I call her by my milk name.

Or call her mother-in-law?

Of course.

Being a very possessive man.

He really couldn't accept that his father-in-law married his first love.

"Okay, I'll go to Madame's." Chen Nan sighed, the matter had come to this, he could only go to see Leng Qingmei.

Although he couldn't accept that his father-in-law had found his mother-in-law for himself.

But he also believes.

Leng Qingmei couldn't accept that her father had found her a stepmother of the same age.

If Leng Qingmei has objections, she can completely avoid Xia Youwei becoming her mother-in-law.

"I've seen my aunt!"

After coming to the deserted courtyard, the four maids hurriedly saluted.

For this aunt in front of you.

They no longer dare to underestimate anything.

They had already heard about the young master's angry beheading of the father and son of Wen Bohou.

After knowing it, I had a shocking feeling.

Chen Nan bowed his head slightly: "Madame in the room?"

Chunmei said nervously: "Yes, aunt, you will wait later, I will go and call Miss."

Chen Nan snorted, and then came to the pavilion to wait.

During this time, Sharan brought tea, pastries, and fruit plates.

He completely regarded Chen Nan as a real aunt.

"Fujun has become a famous figure in Tongcheng in the past two days. In particular, your angry killing of the Wimber family is shocking. Leng Qingmei was wearing a sky blue long dress, and slowly came with a shallow smile on her face.

Chen Nan knew that she was talking about her anger at Wen Bohou's father and son, and said, "The emperor's life is in him, and his duties are there, that's all."

Leng Qingmei sat on the stone bench in front of Chen Nan and asked with concern, "How is the work in the Yamen?"

A sneer rose in Chen Nan's heart.

If I'm not mistaken.

This is the first time that Leng Qingmei cares about herself.

That's why she's like this.

It is nothing more than seeing that he is in the limelight and taking the opportunity to show favor to himself.

After a few pleasantries, he diverted the topic: "I heard that my father-in-law wants to marry a wife?" Leng

Qingmei's face showed a complicated color: "It has been more than ten years since my mother passed away, and although we were all persuading my father to find another companion, he never agreed."

Speaking of this, a bright smile appeared on his face: "He Cheng wanted his father to go out to do business this time, but he met a good person. Since he was in love with the woman, as a daughter, he naturally supported their marriage.

Chen Nan looked stunned.

I thought of letting Leng Qingmei break up the marriage of Xia Youwei and her husband.

Unexpectedly, she was fully supportive.

Leng Qingmei suddenly said, "If I'm not mistaken, my husband should have grown up in Pingyang Town, right?"

Chen Nan: "Yes.

Leng Qingmei smiled and said, "That's really a coincidence, the woman my father met is from Pingyang Town. You should know about the Xia family in Pingyang Town, right? Have you ever seen the palm pearl of the Xia family? It is said that she is the first beautiful woman in Binh Duong Town. "

I've heard about it."

Chen Nan smiled awkwardly.

Have I seen the palm pearl of the Xia family?


I know exactly how many hairs she has.

And she doesn't snore when she sleeps.

The problem of grinding teeth is clear by the little master.

Leng Qingmei said, "The wedding will be held tomorrow, and then you will accompany me to receive the guests of the Leng family." "

Tomorrow?" Chen Nan shook his head and said with some embarrassment: "If something happens in the Yamen tomorrow, I'm afraid I won't be able to pull away." "

There's nothing going on in the Yamen.

He just didn't want to stay in the Leng family.

I don't want to see Xia Youwei marry her father-in-law Leng Xuemin.

There was a trace of resentment in Leng Qingmei's eyes: "Husband, tomorrow is the big day for my father to marry Miss Xia, and you are the son-in-law of the Leng family."

"How can you not be at this time?"

"Do you really think that the relatives of the Leng family came for their father's wedding?"

"They want to take the opportunity to see your aunt."

This is not wrong.

At this wedding, most of the people came to Chen Nan.

After all, the story of his angry killing of Wen Bohou's father and son had already spread throughout the city.

Even the relatives of the Leng family wanted to meet this ruthless man.

Although they had participated in Chen Nanhe Leng Qingmei's wedding.

But no one went to see this [wasted son-in-law] too much at the beginning, and now they all come to climb high branches.

Seeing that there is no way to prevaricate.

Chen Nan could only agree.

The mood is very helpless.

Sooner or later, it will come.

It is clear that hiding is not hiding.

Just as he returned to the backyard, the housekeeper came over: "Aunt, the master invites you to the front hall to discuss matters."

"I'll change my clothes, and this will pass."

Chen Nan changed out of his catcher clothes and came to the front hall of the Leng family in civilian clothes.

I saw my father-in-law, Leng Xuemin.

He is eight feet tall and has sword eyebrows.

Looks unusually burly.

When Chen Nan appeared, Leng Xuemin stood up with a smile and said, "I heard that my son-in-law has done a lot of great things during this time, not bad, not bad, worthy of being my son-in-law Leng Xuemin!"

Chen Nan said politely, "Father-in-law is wrong!"

Leng Xuemin said: "Tomorrow is the day of old age, my Leng family has no male members, and I hope that the virtuous son-in-law will take more care to help greet the guests." "

In the past, Leng Xuemin would not have been so polite.

But now.

Chen Nan is no longer what he used to be.

Even if he was Chen Nan's father-in-law, he did not dare to raise it in front of Chen Nan.

Chen Nan: "This is all within the responsibility of my son-in-law." "

Right now.

A familiar voice came from behind Chen Nan, causing him to instantly start: "Husband, is this your son-in-law?" "

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