One listen to this.

Chen Nan's heart felt bitter.

He once promised Xia Youwei.

After gaining a foothold in Tongcheng, he returned to Pingyang Town and married her.

Which Cheng thought.

On the same day, they parted and met again, but the identities of the two changed so much.

It's all coming.

Then face it calmly.

Thinking of this, he turned to look at Xia Youwei.

The moment when the four eyes are facing each other.

Chen Nan had mixed feelings in his heart.

The last time we met, we kept talking.


She is about to become her mother-in-law.

Creation is deceiving!

It's just that.

His keen discovery.

When Xia Youwei looked at herself, there was only curiosity in her eyes.

As if looking at a stranger.

It was as if the two had never known each other.

That's fine.

Save yourself embarrassed.

Thinking of this, he bowed to Xia Youwei: "Son-in-law Chen Nan meets his mother-in-law."

Xia Youwei bowed her head slightly, which was regarded as a greeting, and then a pleasant voice came out of her mouth: "I heard that the Leng family has a talented son-in-law before, and today I really have little to do at first sight."

"Tomorrow our wedding will have Lao Xian's son-in-law bother."

Chen Nan said humbly: "This is all within the responsibility of juniors.

"Madam, come and taste the grapes I have prepared." Leng Xuemin diverted the topic: "This is the grape of Changgou, and it is also a specialty of our city."

"I like grapes the most." Xia Youwei sat aside with a smile, picked up the grapes on the table and ate them with a look of enjoyment, looking very enjoyable.

Leng Xuemin looked at Chen Nan: "Virtuous son-in-law, I also asked people to prepare some grapes for you, and I will send them to you later."

"Thank you father-in-law, if there is nothing else, then the son-in-law will quit first." Chen Nan said politely, and then exited the front hall.


But a big question arose in my heart.

He and Xia Youwei got along for five years.

In his memory, Xia Youwei did not eat grapes.


To be precise, she was allergic to grapes.

As soon as I ate grapes, I had diarrhea and red spots all over my body.

But before, Xia Youwei could eat grapes in large mouths.

This is weird.

As a doctor, he knew it was an allergen problem.

It is an unsolvable disease.

And also.

She really didn't know herself.

Or pretend not to know yourself?

If he hadn't dealt with Zhang Mingquan's case before, he would definitely not have thought much about it.

But at the moment.

He had a hunch.

The Xia Youwei in front of her may not be the woman she knows who sticks to her all day.

Think of this.

He turned his head to look at the woman in the living room nestled in Leng Xuemin's arms.

A light yellow demon qi appeared in his eyes.

He chuckled in his heart.

A sense of foreboding arose.

He knows.

The real Xia Youwei is afraid that something has happened.

The person in front of him was a demon transformation.

Although she and Xia Youwei look exactly the same.

But she didn't know Xia Youwei's memory.

I don't know Xia Youwei's personality and preferences.

Tell the truth.

If Leng Xuemin found a demon who transformed into an adult, he would definitely not be entangled in this matter.

After all, true love transcends races.

As long as the other party can treat Leng Xuemin wholeheartedly, it is enough.

But now...

It's clear.

This demon is not a good type.

If she really wanted to be good, how could she transform into Xia Youwei's appearance?

'Why did this woman blend into the Leng family? '

'Does she just want to use the Leng family to obtain wealth and thus practice?'' '

There was suddenly an extra demon in the house.

Chen Nan had a feeling like he was on his back.

Although he wanted to tell Leng Qingmei about this.

But he knew that even if he said it, Leng Qingmei would not believe it.

That's it.

It can only be done one step at a time.

He first had to find out 'Xia Youwei's intention to blend into the Leng family.

If the plot is wrong, then find a way to kill her.

Before that.

You have to raise your cultivation up.

Reach the Yin Realm as soon as possible.

Only in this way can we compete with each other.

in order to avenge Xia Youwei!


the next day.

Leng Xuemin's wedding took place as scheduled.

Because it has reached the age of flower armor.

The Leng family's wedding was not carried out in a big way.

Only a few tables of relatives were received, and this opportunity was taken to reunite and be lively.

Although the other five major families have sent people to send gifts.

But except for the Chen family's share, the gift money of the other four families was all returned by the Leng family.

Chen Nan was busy with the west, and he was more tired than the groom official for two days.

Fortunately, the wedding was a success.

After the meal.

Chen Nan returned to the backyard.

It's still a soaking medicinal bath.


This time, I added ten parts.

After soaking in the medicated bath.

He lay on the bed and slept beautifully.

It wasn't until the next morning that he was woken up by Song Ziwei.

"Young Master, the housekeeper just came over, please go to the front for breakfast."

The Leng family had just married a new daughter-in-law.

Families should gather for breakfast.

He changed into a clean brocade robe and came to the Leng family's restaurant.


This was the first time he had eaten in a restaurant since he came to the Leng family.

"It was really hard yesterday." Xia Youwei was wearing a red gown, and said politely, with a charming light flashing under her eyes.

"It's all my son-in-law's business." Chen Nan panicked in his heart.

This demon shouldn't have an idea about him, right?

Chen Nan was a little afraid.

Mo said it was a demon.

Even if it was really Xia Youwei, he couldn't fool around with her.

After all, the identities of the two have changed.

As a son-in-law, how can he mess around with his mother-in-law?

This is a divine condemnation.

This thing.

Leng Xuemin's face was haggard, but he walked over in good spirits.

Chen Nan hurriedly saluted.

But there was a sense of foreboding in my heart.

Leng Xuemin himself has reached the age of flower armor, and now that he has married a beautiful wife, he will definitely be unable to eat it physically.

In the long run, it won't be long before the body is hollowed out.

"Virtuous son-in-law, I have already thought about it, and you will take care of a cloth shop." While eating breakfast, Leng Xuemin suddenly spoke.

The Leng family is mainly engaged in the fabric business.

To put it bluntly, the Leng family almost monopolized the fabric business in Tongcheng.

In addition, there are two large dyeing houses.

Before Chen Nan became a catcher.

He also proposed to work in fabric in the past, which can be regarded as a contribution of his own.

If nothing else, just be able to stand up and be a person.

But it was ruthlessly rejected by Leng Xuemin: You are just an illegitimate child, do you understand what business is?

And now.

However, he took the initiative to give Chen Nan a cloth to manage.

This human heart is really as deep as the sea.

Don't think about it!

He said with an apologetic face: "Thanks to the kindness of my father-in-law, my son-in-law is now half a public official, I am afraid that I don't have so much energy to devote to the business of the cloth business."

"In order not to affect the cloth business, I also asked my father-in-law to take back his life."

Leng Xuemin said lightly: "It's just a cloth shop, even if it loses, how much can it lose?" "

At this time.

A guard of the Leng family ran over quickly, he greeted Leng Xuemin, and then looked at Chen Nan: "Uncle, there is a catcher named Song Yunfei outside who came to visit, saying that there is a major matter related to life and death looking for you." "

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