Just when Yue Shan hadn't come to his senses.

The green-eyed zombie rushed towards him.

Its speed is extremely fast, exuding a monstrous corpse qi and fierce qi.

The sharp fangs are like divine weapons.

It gives a chilling feeling.


Yue Shan was furious.

Although he has the strength of the Avatar Realm.

But in the face of zombies of the level of green-eyed zombies, there is also weakness.

Although he wanted to run.

However, those who are strong in the Avatar Realm can only transform once a day.

At the moment, there is no other choice but to fight.

A sharp two-handed sword appeared in his hand.

Unlike ordinary longswords.

Two-handed swords are slightly longer than regular longswords.

The length of the sword body alone is one meter and five.

The hilt is at least thirty centimeters long.

Thanks to Yue Shan's burly figure, he is almost two meters tall.

For a person of shorter height, this weapon cannot be used at all.

Compared to traditional longswords, two-handed swords are much less flexible.

But at the same time, the flexibility is diminished.

Attack power will also be increased a lot.

This is the biggest difference between a one-handed sword and a two-handed sword.

Yue Shan clenched the hilt of his sword with both hands and slashed fiercely at the green-eyed zombie.


The crisp crash sounded in the night.

You can see the green-eyed zombie's hands splashing dazzling sparks when they collide with the long sword.

Chen Nan was a little envious.

Hard is good.


It is good for the body to be hard.

He missed his invincible appearance when he was in the sun.

Has a powerful physical body that can defy any weapon.

On mass graves.

The fierce fighting continued.

A powerful stream of energy crushed in all directions.

Zhen flew out a decomposing corpse.

and skeletons.

The scene was bloody and almost disgusting.

The strength of the green-eyed zombie is certainly terrifying, and even Yuan Zun holding the Yin Messenger Order is difficult to defeat.

But Yue Shan's strength is stronger.

Suppressing the green-eyed zombies in terms of momentum.

It is defeated one by one.

Of course.

It is not that the green-eyed zombie is weak, but it failed to complete the Hundred Corpse Alchemy Technique, and its cultivation retreated.

If not, even Yue Shan would not be able to suppress it.

Watch as the green-eyed zombies are beaten and retreated.

A sense of foreboding rose in Chen Nan's heart.

He had wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

But I didn't expect the situation to be one-sided.

If Yue Shan really killed the green-eyed zombie.

He will surely become a fish to be slaughtered on the board.

Think of this.

Chen Nan silently took out a slingshot.

He had seen Song Yunfei use a slingshot, so he specially asked him to prepare one for himself.

He also didn't know if a slingshot could disturb the state of mind of a powerhouse in the Transformation Realm.

But at the moment.

He had no other choice.


After pulling out the slingshot.

An iron bead whistled out and hit Yue Shan's forehead.

Yue Shan suffered pain.

Let out a scream.

And the green-eyed zombie also blasted out with a palm, leaving a bloody scratch on his left shoulder.

Yue Shan was furious: "Chen Nan, you are really more despicable than I thought, there is a kind of fair fight between you and me."

Chen Nan sat on a stone tablet and sneered: "You are a master of the Transformation Realm, and I am just a mortal, how can there be a so-called fair battle between us?" Before

, he was also worried that the green-eyed zombie was not Yue Shan's opponent.

Then there is no worry now.

Corpse poison is extremely terrifying.

Now Yue Shan has been hit by a green-eyed zombie.

Even if he can support the killing of green-eyed zombies, he himself will become the end of the crossbow.

When the time comes.

I can completely reap his life.

"Give me death!"

Yue Shan also sensed that the corpse poison had invaded his body.

He roared angrily, and the Yin Qi in his body poured into the long sword in his hand through his arm.


The black sword body suddenly erupted with a terrifying sword qi.

Let the temperature plummet!


He danced his sword with all his might.

The move of splitting Huashan fiercely slashed at the right neck of the green-eyed zombie.

Look at the posture and want to split it in two.


The long sword in his hand was stuck in the neck of the green-eyed zombie.

Although it did not split the green-eyed zombie in two, it spewed purple-black blood with foul-smelling blood on its neck.

The green-eyed zombie is injured.

This is something that Yuan Zun has not done before.

One can imagine how terrifying Yue Shan's blow just now was.

"Go and die!"

Yue Shan's face was full of hideousness, and the yin qi in his body was fiercely injected into the long sword.

Then he pressed the sword down desperately!


Purple-black blood gushed at the shoulder of the green-eyed zombie.

It roared up to the sky and let out a roar of unwillingness and anger.


When the long sword in Yue Shan's hand cut off the ribs of the green-eyed zombie, the sword body was like cutting tofu, instantly splitting the corpse of the green-eyed zombie, splitting it in two.


Yue Shan spat viciously, his long sword stuck on the ground, and looked at Chen Nan angrily: "I'm sorry, even if you find a helper, it's not enough to kill me."

Chen Nan on the stone tablet shrugged: "I'm sorry, it's not my helper." "

Huh?" Yue Shan frowned: "What do you mean?"

Chen Nan: "This green-eyed zombie has committed a hundred murders in Tongcheng, and we have thought about killing it, but we have never been its opponent."

"Don't measure yourself!" Yue Shan's face was full of disdain: "Mo said that you, even Yuan Zun can't defeat this zombie."

Chen Nan grinned: "But you helped me kill it!"

Yue Shan was stunned, his eyes full of anger: "So, you deliberately led me here and borrowed my hand to get rid of this green-eyed zombie, so as to ensure the peace of the city?"

Chen Nan smiled unkindly: "So, it's not too much to say thank you, right?"

Yue Shan walked towards Chen Nan step by step, his eyes were gloomy, and his whole body erupted with terrifying killing intent: "Even if I help you get rid of that green-eyed zombie?"

"Green-eyed zombies will die, and so will you!"

"Not only that, after killing you, I will also kill Yuan Zun."

Chen Nan calmly asked, "The previous city lord died bizarrely and violently, did you do it against the Heavenly Sect?"

"Where is your anti-Heavenly Sect's base camp?"

Yue Shan snorted heavily: "Are you interrogating the old man?"

"Nope!" Chen Nan said honestly: "I'm delaying time.

Yue Shan was amused.

He had never met such a frank person, and the disdain on his face grew stronger: "Are you trying to wait for help?"

Chen Nan shook his head slightly: "No, I just want to wait for your blood bar to gradually run out."

Yue Shan frowned, not understanding what the word blood strip meant.

Chen Nan saw the doubts in his heart and explained with understanding: "In layman's terms, the blood bar is the life force of every person, and when the blood bar is exhausted, this person's life will also come to an end."

"And you... Approaching the end of life.

"Really? I don't believe it. Yue Shan looked disdainful, even if he was hit by the green-eyed zombie and infected with corpse poison, he was a strong man in the Transformation Realm.

What is corpse poison to him?

Just the next moment.

A whirling feeling swept over, making his body unstable and lying directly in front of Chen Nan.

Feel like your body is being hollowed out.

He looked at Chen Nan angrily, his eyes full of fear: "Why is this happening?" "

Why can you see my blood bar?"

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