Chen Nan looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle: "This is a very complicated and long topic, and I can't explain it in two words."

"If you have to know, why can I see your blood streaks..." Maybe... The reason why I'm longer and more handsome than you!

Speaking of this, he stood up and walked towards Yue Shan: "If I'm not mistaken, you should have a magic weapon for storage on you, right?" It just so happens that these things immediately belong to me. "


As if he was dying and sitting up in shock, Yue Shan suddenly flew up.

The ferocious punch slammed into Chen Nan's chest without warning.

This is his counterattack before death.

In any case, it is necessary to pull Chen Nan's back.


Chen Nan spat out blood, and after being punched by him, he withdrew more than ten meters.

Watching Chen Nan bending over and spitting blood, his face was as pale as wax.

Yue Shan laughed loudly: "The old man is also a strong person in the Transformation Realm, even before death, he can easily kill this ant of yours."

"Yes?" Chen Nan showed a crazy smile, he slowly straightened up, and a powerful momentum erupted in his body.

The next moment.

The yin qi between heaven and earth was submerged in all directions.

It's like a demon god awakening.

"You actually stepped into the Yin Harvesting Realm?" Yue Shan exclaimed, as if he had seen a scene that made him creepy.

"Well!" Chen Nan laughed madly: "Xiao Ye is only one chance away from the Yin Harvesting Realm, I have tried many times, but I have not been able to break the shackles in my body." Yue

Shan's pupils trembled violently, black blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, he looked at Chen Nan angrily, his sharp eyes wanted to tear Chen Nan to pieces: "So, you deliberately approached me just now?"

"You know I'm going to strike suddenly."

"So you want to borrow my power to help you break through the shackles?"

Chen Nan nodded undeniably, his eyes full of gratification: "It turns out that you didn't disappoint me!" "


Yue Shan only felt the blood qi flowing backwards, and couldn't help but spew out a mouthful of blood.

He thought he could kill Chen Nan, the ant.

But never dreamed.

The counterattack before his death not only did not kill him.

On the contrary, it fulfilled him and helped him break through the shackles.

This cargo is calculating itself when dying.

It's really cunning and insidious.

Dying at his hands is humiliating.

But who let the other party be an old yinbi?

It was determined that Yue Shan was dead.

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled and began his first cultivation after stepping into the Yin Harvesting Realm.

Although he stepped into the Yin Harvesting Realm with the help of Yue Shan, the other party's strength was extremely domineering, and it almost tore his internal organs at that moment.

Fortunately, he succeeded.

After stepping into the Yin Harvesting Realm, his strength has more than doubled.

You can borrow the yin qi between heaven and earth to quickly replenish physical strength, similar to the foundation building period of the yang.

It can also borrow the Yin Qi between heaven and earth to repair the injuries in the body.

Change to before.

He was seriously injured and would take at least a few days to heal.

And now.

Yin Qi is injected into the body, like a ganlin watering, which instantly relieves the pain.


Chen Nan slowly opened his eyes.

Clear eyes shimmered with essence.

Comparable to the stars in the night sky.

"Now that I have stepped into the Yin Harvesting Realm, I only need to find a Ding Dan furnace to improve my cultivation through drugs."

"So as to rise quickly, and then go to the eighteenth level of hell and meet the Houtu Niangniang."

After coming to the Underworld for so long, Chen Nan was still very happy to finally step into the Yin Harvesting Realm.


Soon, his gaze locked on Yue Shan's body.

Especially the inky black wrench on his wrist.

Without further ado, he immediately walked over, removed the wrench and put it on his thumb.

"As I thought, this is a storage magic weapon."

Chen Nan felt the fluctuation of the storage magic weapon, and immediately bit his fingertip and dripped a drop of blood.

The moment the blood dripped on the wrench, the wrench burst out a faint white light, and then disappeared above Chen Nan's thumb, as if it was integrated with his body.

His mind moved, and the wrench appeared on his thumb again.

Then he waved his right hand.

All the items in the wrench flew out and were neatly placed on the ground.

A wooden, round token.

There is almost no weight in the hand, but it has a refreshing medicinal fragrance.

It is actually made of fine 10,000-year-old agarwood.

There is also a moire pattern on the token.


There is no other useful information.

Chen Nan didn't know the significance of the existence of this round token.

But the scent released by the token alone can serve as a calming effect.

So you can't throw it away.

With a move in his mind, he put the token into his wrench.

Then he found a small pile of Xuanyin stones on the ground, these Xuanyin stones were the same size as the thumb nails, and looked very irregular, but they contained a strong yin qi.

Although not many, there are also a hundred or so.


There is also a golden mask.

As well as some living items.

The mask was good, and Chen Nan didn't lose it and put it away.

Do this.

He saw the two-handed sword that Yue Shan had used before.

The weight of this sword is almost a hundred pounds, which is definitely a heavy object.

Chen Nan had never used a two-handed sword.

But he used long sticks.

You can use it as a long stick.

Put away the two-handed sword.

As for whether there are any treasures on the green-eyed zombie...

Chen Nan was too lazy to look.

Even if he had, he wouldn't have touched it.

Without it, dirty.

And then.

He found several coffin boards and placed the bodies of Yue Shan and the green-eyed zombie on them.

The clothes found in Yueshan's storage wrench ignited the coffin board.

The flame burned slowly, and after a moment a burning smell spread.

Just as Chen Nan was about to leave.

He was keenly aware of the sound of footsteps coming from behind him.

He subconsciously sacrificed his two-handed sword and prepared to attack.

But the next second.

Yuan Zun's voice sounded in his ears: "Vigilance is good, but if I kill you, you will not be able to detect my existence at all."

Chen Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile: "The two hidden dangers have been solved!" Yuan

Zun and Chen Nan stood side by side, quietly looking at the two burned corpses.

There is no peace of mind.

He didn't expect that.

These two tricky existences would be solved so easily by Chen Nan with his schemes.

Whether it's killing green-eyed zombies.

Or kill the remnants of the Anti-Heavenly Sect, this is all a great merit.

"Oh, right." Yuan Zun suddenly said, "I received a summons before to investigate the disappearance of the gold medal from death, and I will arrive in Tongcheng tomorrow night.

"Moreover, the other party's surname is Gong, and he is the same clan of Gong Xiancheng."

Speaking of this, a sad look flashed in his eyes.

If he hadn't parachuted into Tongcheng, County Cheng Gongping might have become the lord of Tongcheng.

Even if he was about to step down, after becoming the city lord of Tongcheng, it was equivalent to renewing his life.

Now that the Gong family is serving as a messenger, and even comes to investigate the theft of the death-free gold medal, this is also a very tricky thing for him.

Because the Gong family and the Wen Bohouliu family have a very good personal relationship.

Chen Nan picked up his two-handed sword and dug a hole in the ground, his eyes flashing with a glint of essence: "As long as they dare to come, I will bury them all!" "

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