Seeing that the accompanying catcher was about to break into the door, Gong Xiancheng said in horror: "Sir, is there some misunderstanding?"

"This is the villain's house!"

"This is your house?" Gong Yi's face changed suddenly.

If you really find the death-free gold medal in Gong Ping's mansion.

Even he had to be killed.

After all, stealing the death-free gold medal is a capital crime for the Nine Races.

And they are clansmen within the five services.

Even if it was him, he had to be blamed.

Without much thought, he quickly looked at Bi Cang and asked nervously, "Sir, is there some misunderstanding in this matter?"

Bi Cang's face was full of majesty: "This compass was personally handed over to me by the Great Emperor, and I don't believe that this compass can go wrong." "

Come man, break the door."


The entourage directly used brute force to break down the door.


The gate fell in response.

At the same time, those members of the Gong family swarmed out with clubs in hand: "Who is so bold as to dare to break down the door, you know that this is Gong Xiancheng's house..."

The words are not finished.

They saw Gong Ping, who was trembling.

and Yuan Zun.

I was immediately too frightened to speak.

Bi Cang ignored them and came to the Gong Family Ancestral Hall according to the direction indicated by the compass.

And then.

His gaze was locked on the incense burner in the middle of the ancestral hall.

He stepped forward and put his hand in the incense burner.

Immediately, under the incredible eyes of everyone, he took out a golden golden medal to avoid death.


Gong Xiancheng and Gong Yi were directly stunned in place like five thunders hitting the top.

Although gold is very tempting.

But everyone knows what this death-free gold medal means to them.

This means that the Gong family will usher in a catastrophe.

Bi Cang snorted coldly: "Gong Xiancheng, the evidence is conclusive, but you told Ben Qincha that it was a misunderstanding?" Are you blind when Benchincha? "

Brush brush brush!

The sound of the sword coming out of its sheath instantly sounded.

A sharp sword was placed on the necks of Gong Yi and Gong Xiancheng.

Gong Yi's eyes were torn apart, and he roared angrily: "Gong Ping, why do you want to die?" Why did you steal the Liu family's death-free gold medal?

Gong Xiancheng was directly frightened into incontinence, and he was terrified: "No, I haven't stolen the Liu family's death-free gold medal, I can swear to the sky."

He didn't know at all why the Liu family's death-free gold medal was in the incense burner in the Gong family ancestral hall.

"Lord Bi, there are still many doubts about this case." Gong Yi's brain spun rapidly, and he endured the uneasiness in his heart: "Gong Ping is about to retire in a few days, I don't believe he will steal the Liu family's death-free gold medal."

"Because even if you steal this thing, it will not be of the slightest value to ordinary people."

"Secondly, even if he really stole the Liu family's death-free gold medal, why did he hide it at home?"

"Please also ask the adults to take a clear look and return justice to the Gong family."

He panicked though.

But still very capable.

Otherwise, the Great Emperor would not have sent him and Bi Cang to investigate the theft of the death-free gold medal.

It's just that.

Eating melons on your own head is quite surprising.

Bi Cang's face was expressionless: "You mean, someone deliberately framed the Gong family?"

Gong Yi lowered his head nervously: "This possibility is not excluded."

Bi Cang snorted coldly: "That official wants to know, who has a deep hatred with the Gong family, can steal the death-free gold medal in the heavily guarded Liu family, and hide it in the incense burner of the Gong family?"

Gong Yi looked at Gong Xiancheng angrily: "Say, who have you offended, who wants to accuse you of the Nine Tribes?" Gong

Xiancheng's face was sallow, and he couldn't say a word.

"Waste, you're a fucking waste." Gong Yi cursed.

Bi Cang's eyes were complicated, and he said, "Lord Gong, the Great Emperor has an order, but anyone involved in the theft of the death-free gold medal, no matter who it is, will accuse the Nine Races."

"Although you are a messenger, according to the law, I can only be wronged first."

"I hope you don't rebel..."

The word resistance has not yet been spoken.

A powerful momentum erupted in Gong Yi's body.

The long sword around his neck flew out and turned into a goshawk and soared into the sky.

He knows.

The case is a foregone conclusion.

No one can change the final outcome.

Instead of being escorted back to the capital city, it is better to escape.

Otherwise, death awaits him.

"In front of this official, how can I allow you to escape?"

A cold light flashed in Bi Cang's eyes.

He turned his fingers into swords.


The sword light of the practice broke through the roof, and it was like a flash of shock flying into the sky.

Gong Yi, who turned into an eagle, felt a powerful aura approaching, and subconsciously lowered his head.

Immediately, the sword qi slashed against the neck of the goshawk.

A blood mist was splashed.

The next moment.

The goshawk manifested Gong Yi's essence.

A bloody head and a headless corpse fell in the air.

A dull crashing sound is made.

"Why... It's going to be like this..." Gong Yi's eyes widened, and his eyes were filled with endless unwillingness.

He had thought.

After investigating the case of the gold medal of avoiding death, after returning to the capital city, he will definitely make steady progress and rise step by step.

After all, this is the benefit of Chincha.

How nay, the death-free gold medal was actually in the Gong family.

"Chen Nan, it's you, it's you who framed our Gong family!" As if realizing something, Gong Xiancheng looked at him angrily.

"On that day, you exchanged a tanuki for the prince in front of Wen Bohou's eyes, so that the token they took out became fake, and you used this trick to harm the Liu family."

"Then you hid the real death-free gold medal in my Gong family's incense burner."

"The reason why you did this is to retaliate against me, because I have made it difficult for you before."

Except for Chen Nan.

He does not remember his sins against others.

So Chen Nan has great suspicions.

Chen Nan looked at him in surprise.


So smart.

He actually had insight into his own means.

It's just that.

Why do such smart people offend themselves when they are about to retire?

"Gong Xiancheng, you are a bloody mouthful." Yuan Zun shouted angrily: "Chen Nan did come into contact with the death-free gold medal that day, and although he was also accused by Liu Qingfeng, Wen Bohou cleared Chen Nan's suspicions.

"Before Wen Bohou died, he said that Chen Nan could not be fake in front of his eyes."

"How can you, an outsider, be sure that it was Chen Nan who replaced the real death-free gold medal?"

"Do you think your words can be more convincing than Wimberg's?"

Gong Xiancheng cried: "However, our Gong family is really wronged, and Xiaguan really didn't steal Wen Bohou's death-free gold medal!"

Bi Cang said lightly: "Maybe your Gong family has not stolen the death-free gold medal, but it doesn't matter.

"The important thing is that the Great Emperor only wants one answer."

"He just wants to get back the death-free gold medal."

"That's all."

"Come, arrest everyone in the Gong family, escort them back to the capital city, and hand them over to the emperor to decide!"

Hear this.

Gong Xiancheng's eyes were directly frightened, and he died on the spot.

Before he died, he saw it in horror.

Chen Nan silently raised a disdainful middle finger to him.


Outside the Gong family, Song Ziwei's anxious voice came from: "Young master, young master, are you there?" Chen

Nan immediately ran out, Song Ziwei found here, something big must have happened.

Without much thought, he quickly asked, "What happened?" "

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