Song Ziwei gasped, and her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat: "I went to visit my wife at the Chen family before, and I met the Xia family as a result.

Chen Nan's pupils trembled violently: "Pingyang Zhenxia family?

"Yes." Song Ziwei's eyes were complicated: "It's your father-in-law's father-in-law and mother-in-law who came, and they came to the Chen family to find their daughter." "


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

Your father-in-law's father-in-law and mother-in-law are here.

You listen.

What are these words.

He didn't have time to complain about Song Ziwei's words, and quickly asked, "Where are they now?" A

strong uneasiness rose in Chen Nan's heart.

If the Xia family finds the Chen family, then the identities of themselves and Xia Youwei will inevitably be revealed.

It's just that the Chen family knows it.

But in case the Leng family knew their relationship with Xia Youwei.

Then things are troublesome.

Song Ziwei said, "I was worried that the matter would be revealed, so I specially arranged Miss Xia's parents to the other courtyard where Madame lived before, and then came to look for you."

"You wait for me first, I'll go take a leave." Chen Nan said and returned to the ancestral hall of the Gong family, saluting Bi Cang and Yuan Zun: "There is something wrong with my humble position, and I want to take a leave." Some

displeasure rose in Yuan Zun's heart.

What can be more important than receiving Chincha?

Do you kid want to fly in the future?

Having said that, he still said: "You are on vacation yourself, since there is something, then go back and deal with it!" "

Lord Xie." Chen Nan bowed out of the hall, and then quickly rushed towards the house where his mother lived before.

Because he reached the Yin Harvesting Realm, he walked like a fly, and Song Ziwei was directly left behind from afar.

After arriving at the house where my mother lived.

Chen Nan saw the Xia family's family standing at the door.

He entered it directly and met Xia Youwei's father and mother in the courtyard.

"Junior Chen Nan has seen Patriarch Xia, Mrs. Xia!" Chen Nan bowed to Xia Hou and Wang Qiang.


Xia Hou snorted heavily: "Young Master Chen is now the son-in-law of the Leng family, the red man in front of Lord Yuan's eyes, how can I accept your worship?"

"Don't torment the grass people!"

They know that coming to Tongcheng to find their daughter is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Because of this, he went straight to the Chen family.

After all, the Chen family is one of the six major families.

And then.

They met Chen Nan's maid Song Ziwei.

So I was brought here.

One wait is more than an hour.

It upset him.

Seeing Chen Nan, he was even more angry.

Wang Qiang did not sneer at Chen Nan, and quickly asked: "Young Master Chen, Youwei left a letter, saying that she came to Tongcheng to find you, do you know her whereabouts?" "

At this time.

A servant of the Xia family rushed over and said, "Madam, the investigation is clear, the young lady married into the Leng family and became Chen Nan's mother-in-law." The

words came out.

Xia Hou, and Wang Qiang and his wife suddenly stood up.

The eyes reveal an incredible gaze.

After coming back to his senses, Xia Hou gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Nan: "Is what he said true?" Did Youwei really become your mother-in-law?

Chen Nan: "Can Mr. Xia retreat others?"

Xia Hou looked at the subordinates: "All retreat!" The

subordinates of the Xia family quickly withdrew from the courtyard.

Chen Nandao: "He is right, there is indeed a woman named Xia Youwei who married my father-in-law and became my mother-in-law. Don't stare and listen to me finish.

"However, that person is not a young Buddha-figure, but a demon."

"The real young Wei has been properly placed by me, you don't need to worry about this."

Xiahou and his wife both showed deep horror in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, a demon turned into the appearance of a daughter.

And also married into the Leng family.

Thanks to their prior knowledge.

If you know that your daughter married into the Leng family and came to the door.

The identity of that demon is bound to be revealed.

At that time, that demon is very likely to kill people.

And not only them.

Even my daughter can encounter accidents.

"Where is Yuwei now? I want to see her. Xia Hou was not worried about his daughter's safety, and he would only be at ease if he saw her with his own eyes.

"Mr. Xia can see her if he wants to, but only you and your husband know about this matter." Chen Nan's expression was solemn.

Before the demon of the Leng family was solved.

Xia Youwei's affairs cannot be known to more people.

The more people know, the more dangerous her situation becomes.

Xia Hou: "Good." Then

Chen Nan took Xia Hou and Wang Qiang to leave the courtyard.

Just out of the alley, Song Ziwei came into view, she was panting and looked very tired.

"You go back to the Leng family first." Chen Nan said to Song Ziwei, and then took Xiahou and his wife straight to Xia Youwei's residence, and he also bought Xia Youwei some food halfway.

Knock knock!

It wasn't long after there was a knock on the door.

Inside, came Xia Youwei's weak voice: "Here." "

A moment later.

The door opens.

After seeing Chen Nan, Xia Youwei said with a resentful expression: "Didn't you say to buy me breakfast?" Why are you only coming back now, are you trying to starve me?

"If you don't come again, I'm going to eat all those rotten vegetables in your house."

Without waiting for Chen Nan to reply, she saw a familiar face: "Father and mother, why are you here?"

Xia Hou did not hide his anger in his heart: "Chen Nan, you said before that my daughter has been properly placed, so we don't need to worry.

"It's almost evening now, and she hasn't even eaten breakfast, is that what you call proper placement?"

Chen Nan looked bitter: "A lot of things happened today, and I also lacked skills so that I didn't have time to deliver food to Youwei."

Wang Qiang even grabbed the food bought in Chen Nan's hand and gave it to her daughter with a distressed face.

Xia Youwei nodded repeatedly, and while eating happily, she whispered: "Father, don't blame Chen Nan, I believe this matter is not his intention." "

Come on, come in and talk." Saying that, he hurriedly invited his parents to enter the courtyard.

After entering the other courtyard, Xia Hou sniffed his nose hard and frowned: "Why is there a smell of rot?" Aren't you afraid of getting sick if you live in such a place?

Chen Nan said, "Patriarch Xia, there are a lot of rotten vegetables in the guest room, and those vegetables are what I can store."

"Yes, that's his lifeblood. He said that the vegetables inside can turn into golden pimples. Xia Youwei never doubted Chen Nan.

But her words fell in Xia Hou's ears but made him extremely angry: "How can vegetables turn into golden pimples? I wondered, what kind of soul soup did this guy pour into you to make you obsessed with him so much?

Xia Youwei playfully spat out the tip of her tender tongue.

She never contradicted her father.

But he will not listen to his father.

Seeing that my daughter was silent.

Xia Hou suddenly felt as if a punch had entered the cotton, and the anger in his heart was also vented a lot.

He looked at Chen Nan indignantly: "The surname Chen, my daughter ended up now because she was looking for you." Tell me, how do you plan to break the mess in front of you? "

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