Yuan Zun's sudden appearance surprised the fox demon.

She didn't expect the other party to come so quickly.

Immediately, she sensed the aura of the peak of Yuan Zun's Soul Gathering Realm, and a trace of disdain appeared on her face: "It's just a little ghost in the Soul Gathering Realm, even if you can treat me..."

The words are not finished.

A fairy wind Dao bone figure seemed to flash out of thin air, and a ghost appeared on the roof in the distance.

This person is no one else.

Chincha Bicang.

"Soul Thirsty Realm powerhouse?"

The fox demon's scalp was numb, as if it had met a natural enemy.

Instantaneous manifestation of the ontology.

It was a yellow fox.

Unlike other foxes, it has blood-red eyes.

Don't think about it.

The fox demon immediately went into the darkness.

"You also want to escape in front of this official?"

A trace of disdain flashed in Bi Cang's eyes.

I saw him pinching it with one hand.

A pale golden sword qi tore through the night.

Instantly nailed the fox demon to the ground.

Blood spilled.

The fox demon spat out words and kept pleading: "The little demon knows the mistake, and begs the adults to let the little demon have a way to live."

Bi Cang's face was indifferent: "Since you have already eaten meat, then the official naturally cannot tolerate you." The

words fell.

The sword qi nailed to the fox demon's body burst out with dazzling light.

The fox demon let out a heart-rending scream.

It knows that it will die today.

But he was unwilling.

The soul left the body and killed towards Chen Nan.

"Don't measure yourself!"

Bi Cang snorted coldly.

A sword qi roared out.


The fox demon's soul let out a piercing scream.

The soul scattered and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Thank you two adults for coming in time!" Chen Nan saluted Yuan Zun and Bi Cang.

He knows.

If it weren't for Yuan Zun and Bi Cang coming in time.

He will most likely be here today.

Of course.

This is also why he dared to agree to solve this fox demon's confidence in cold and mei.

Because after killing that green-eyed zombie.

Yuan Zun gave him a signal flare.

According to Yuan Zun's words, you kid is too impulsive to do things and does not consider the results.

Just in case, he gave Chen Nan a signal flare.

In order to save Chen Nan's life at a critical moment.

"It is your duty to kill the demon Pifu, but thank you for finding a fox demon." Bi Cang showed a meaningful smile, and then he waved his hand casually, and the fox demon's body fell into his storage magic weapon.

Whether it is a person or a demon, once cultivated into the Transformation Realm, it will disguise itself as another person.

This kind of person is difficult to detect even the ghost king.


He was curious about how Chen Nan knew that Xia Youwei was a fox demon.

Chen Nan saw the curiosity in Bi Cang's eyes and knew that he had already doubted himself, and immediately said: "Don't hide my lord, the real Xia Youwei is from Pingyang Town, and I am in Pingyang Town..." Red face confidant.

"And this demon didn't know me after coming to the Leng family, and even liked to eat grapes from Changgou, which caused the villain's suspicion."

"And I've already met the real Xia Youwei."

"Also, yesterday I took leave from my humble position in the Gong family because Xia Youwei's parents found Tongcheng."

"The lowly position was afraid that the fox demon would learn its identity and reveal its stuffing, so he hid the Xia family."

Bi Cang showed a look of approval: "You kid does things without leakage."

"The people girl has seen Lord Chincha, and asks the adult to save the father." Leng Qingmei knelt down towards Bi Cang, she thought that her father would wake up after the fox demon died.

It's not.

The father is still in a coma.

This made her uneasy.

So he wanted Chincha to save his father.

Bi Cang shook his head slightly: "Ling Zun's three souls and seven spirits, there are already one souls and two spirits that have been eaten by fox demons, in my opinion, it is better to prepare for Ling Zun as soon as possible!" Saying

that, the figure disappeared on the roof.

Yuan Zun winked at Chen Nan, and also turned and disappeared into the night.

The Leng family was silent.

Only the pool of blood on the ground, the sword marks, proved what had happened before.

Leng Qingmei's face was bloodless, and she knelt on the ground dumbfounded.

Eyes full of sadness.

She lost her mother at an early age.

He grew up with his father.

Because of this, she did not dislike her father for finding another young woman.

I never expected it.

My father would have died because of it.

After coming back to his senses.

She stood up angrily and put the long sword on Chen Nan's neck, her eyes full of cold: "Say, why didn't you tell me about the fox demon as soon as possible?"

"If you tell me about it, how can my father die because of it?"

Chen Nan looked at her incredulously: "So, is the death of my father-in-law all because of me?" Leng

Qingmei burst into tears, and the blade in his hand had already cut through Chen Nan's neck: "Isn't it?" "

This moment.

Chen Nan not only did not feel fear, but even laughed angrily: "Leng Qingmei, cold and beautiful, you have to speak conscience, and you have to touch your heart before speaking."

"Yes, I did not inform you about this."

"But if I say it, will you believe me?"

"Feel your conscience and tell me, will you believe my words?"

His voice suddenly increased, and he was so frightened that he snorted.

Chen Nanyue said more and more angry, and vented all the anger and unhappiness in his heart: "Don't make trouble!"

"In the eyes of your Leng family, I am a waste that eats and waits to die."

"Even the subordinates in the house have never looked up at me."

"All of you are snobs."

"Including your dad."

"If I hadn't won the favor of City Lord Yuan, you would have invited me to eat in the front yard?"

"Will you give me a good look?"

"Will you give me a cloth shop to take care of?"

His face was full of hatred: "I can endure all this."

"But I can't bear you to impose your father's death on me."

"His death had nothing to do with me."

"Even if I tell you in advance that Xia Youwei is a demon, you won't believe it, and you will even beat the grass and startle the snake."

"If that's the case, do you think it's just your dad who died?"


"Everyone in the entire Leng family will die at the hands of that fox demon."

Leng Qingmei forcibly endured the killing intent in her heart and withdrew her long sword: ", I don't want to see you now!"

Chen Nan touched his bloodstained neck and resolutely turned away.


Quite suddenly.

The Leng family had just finished their wedding.

It's only been three days.

The funeral is coming soon.

At this moment, the Leng family's face was afraid to be damaged.

It's time to become the laughing stock of Tongcheng.


What does this have to do with him???

Instead of returning to his residence, he carried two altars of wine and bought some cooked food and pastries on the street.

Head towards 13 East Park Street.

That's where he cultivated penicillin.

Now the fox demon is dead.

He intends to tell them the good news.

Have a good meal with their family to celebrate.

But at the same time that Chen Nan passed by a quiet Hu.

He couldn't help but slow down.

He clearly sensed that someone was following behind him.

Although the other party is deliberately hiding the breath.

But his instincts never went wrong.

Think of this.

He looked into the darkness, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "Since the two adults are here, why should they hide in the secret?" "

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