The next moment.

Yuan Zun and Bi Cang appeared in Chen Nan's eyes like ghosts.

They first appeared at the mouth of the alley dozens of meters away.

With the moonlight, the figure of the two can be seen.

But the next second.

They disappeared out of thin air.

Then he appeared five meters behind Chen Nan.

Bi Cang looked at Chen Nan curiously: "How do you know that the two of us are following you?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Guess." "

Oh?" Bi Cang was interested: "Why do you say this?"

Chen Nan said, "There are not many cultivators in Tongcheng themselves, and although the juniors are not strong, they have also reached the Yin Harvesting Realm by luck.

"Therefore, it must be a strong person above the Soul Gathering Realm and even the Transformation Realm who is following me."

"Therefore, the junior concluded that it was two adults."

"As for how to guess that someone is following, it's simple."

"Listen, there is silence all around."

"Unless a powerful presence comes, even under nightfall, it will not be so silent."

Yuan Zun smiled and said, "Sir, I just said that this guy is thoughtful, even if the two of us converge our breath, we will be perceived by him."

Bi Cang nodded slightly, and a hint of approval flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he said, "I heard Lord Yuan say that you are proficient in physiognomy, and Old Immortal specifically wants you to see the future.

Chen Nan said politely: "The junior only understands a little, and is not proficient. Since adults can trust lowly positions, they can help adults take a look. "

Speaking of which.

He uses the Qiqi Technique.

This was the first time he had used the Hope Qi Technique since he became a cultivator.

I also see something more profound.

He hesitated and said, "If nothing else, my lord will definitely be impeached when he returns to the capital city this time."

"That man should be a king with a different surname."

"This person and Wen Bohou are family friends."

"He will impeach you for failing to complete the theft of the death-free gold medal."

Hear this.

A cold light flashed in Bi Cang's eyes.

Chen Nan's words sounded a bit fanciful.

But he knew that he wasn't talking nonsense.

There are now two camps in the court.

One is the radical faction headed by the head of the dynasty.

One is a conservative group headed by a heterogeneous king.

Shousuke wants to take back all the titles under the sky and all the death-free gold medals.

Do not let those with knighthoods be above the royal power of the law.

Thus achieving true equality of all beings.

However, it was fiercely opposed by Wang and others with different surnames.

They claimed that the system set up by the previous emperors should not be abolished.

This is the greatest disrespect to the emperor before and after those who made meritorious achievements.

It's just...

How could Chen Nan know about the disputes in the court?

This is not something that ordinary people can know.

Even Yuan Zun couldn't touch it.

This moment.

He was convinced of Yuan Zun's words.

This son can really predict the prophet.

Chen Nan continued, "The Emperor of the Imperial Capital will be pressured to transfer you to Dongning Mansion, seemingly an official promoted to one level, but in fact your rights have been weakened a lot. Bi

Cang couldn't calm down in his heart.

Dongning Prefecture is a state capital though.

It is the parent official who is in charge of tens of millions of people.


There are many such officials, and it is far better to stay in the capital city.

"According to what Mr. said, what should I do with old age?" Bi Cang asked politely, he really didn't want to transfer out.

Especially Dongning Province.

Because he had already received news when he came, there was a serious flood in Dongning Prefecture.

Generally, there are places where there is a great disaster, and plague will occur afterwards.

He didn't want to clean up the mess.

Chen Nandao: "Dongning Mansion seems to be a dangerous place, but it also has the opportunity to soar for nine days. As long as the murder turns into luck, the adult will definitely rise to the top and become a heavy minister in the dynasty in the future.

"Thanks to the gentleman for the guidance, the old man knows what to do." Bi Cang bowed to Chen Nan, although he didn't want to go to Dongning Mansion.

But the situation in the court is dangerous.

Instead of staying there, give it a go.

Then he seemed to think of something.

Spread your right hand.

A black incense burner appears in the palm of your hand.

This incense burner is about 10 centimeters tall and has mysterious and ancient cloud patterns on the body.

Bi Cang said, "I heard Lord Yuan say that you are looking for the Dan furnace.

"This Dan furnace will be given to Sir!"

"Give it to me?" Chen Nan was carried away by this great joy.

As long as there is a Dan furnace.

He can refine elixirs and quickly improve his strength.

Bi Cang: "This Dan furnace was acquired by old age by accident, and instead of keeping it on the body as a decoration, it is better to give the beauty of adults to those in need."

"Then thank you, my lord." Chen Nan put down the wine and food in his hand, and took the Dan furnace with both hands, his heart was extremely excited.

This Dan furnace directly determines whether he can become stronger or not.

Can it be a ninth-level yin difference.

Can you go to the eighteenth floor of hell to meet Houtu Niangniang.

Bi Cang said, "To use this Dan furnace to refine elixirs, you don't need to use flames, as long as your spiritual power urges you."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

This is convenient for alchemy.

Yuan Zun and Bi Cang then left.

Chen Nan also took the Dan furnace into his arms, and then came to No. 13 Dongyuan Street with wine and food.

Xia Youwei opened the door and asked cheerfully, "Why are you here at this hour?"

Chen Nan glanced at Xia Hou, who was reading at night under the candlelight in the courtyard: "This time there is good news to tell everyone that the fox demon has been killed."

"From now on, your family can live freely in Tongcheng."

This news is very exciting for the Xia family.

But Xia Hou was relatively indifferent, and he asked, "Even if that fox demon is dead, what are your plans for my daughter's affairs?"

"Although my Xia family is not as good as the Leng family, it is also a big family with a head and a face in Pingyang Town."

"You can't let her be a concubine for you, can you?"

This question stumped Chen Nan.

He didn't think about how to deal with his relationship with Xia Youwei at all.

Seeing this, Xia Youwei played a round for Chen Nan and said, "Father, you don't have to worry about the affairs of the two of us, as long as you can be with him, it doesn't matter if you have a name or not." "

Listen to this.

A strong anger rose in Xia Hou's heart.

He taught his daughter Qinqi calligraphy and painting, poetry and song.

In order to let her find a wishful Langjun in the future.

After meeting Chen Nan.

She forgot her own instructions, like a flower idiot obeying him.

This made him extremely angry.

I feel that a well-served Chinese cabbage plant has been arched by a pig.

But helpless.

Because in his heart, his daughter is happy more than anything.


the next day.

The Leng family announced that Leng Xuemin died unexpectedly.

The funeral will be held three days later.

As soon as this news came out, many people felt incredible.

After all, he had just married a beautiful girl, who would have thought that he would suddenly die tragically.

As the son-in-law of the Leng family, Chen Nan single-handedly organized Leng Xuemin's funeral.

Give him the end-of-life.

Although many people looked down on Chen Nan, the ruthless son-in-law, they were also impressed by his character.

As an unrespected son-in-law, it is still admirable that he can send Leng Xuemin to the end.

Leng Xuemin's funeral had just been held.

Song Yunfei came to the Leng family, his eyes were red: "Team Wu has been in a coma for three whole days, I'm afraid it won't work."

A shallow smile appeared on Chen Nan's haggard face: "Not necessarily!" "

Go, come with me somewhere."

"Then comes the moment to witness the miracle!"

The cultivated penicillin should now also be extracted.

This will be directly related to whether Wu Jiu's life can be saved!

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