Strong anger surged into Chen Nan's heart.

He originally thought of going back to Chen's house for a few days and moving out after buying the house.

But I didn't expect it.

You will see the image of the mother being kicked out.

Without much thought, he ran forward as soon as possible and helped his mother Wang Mengqing up: "Mother, are you injured?"

Wang Mengqing forced a smile: "Mother is fine, but why didn't you come to see me during this time?" "

She doesn't seek great wealth.

I only wish my son peace and joy.

Of course.

It would be nice to see him often.

A debt rose in Chen Nan's heart.

He had inherited the host's physical body for so long, and he had never visited his old man.

In fact, he can't be blamed for this.

It was he who thought too much.

Before, he was afraid of retaliation from the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect, so he only returned to the Chen family once.

After the death of the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect, fox demons appeared.

After the fox demon died, the old man died again.

He really lacks skill.


Song Ziwei's angry voice sounded: "Did you eat bear heart leopard bile?" Why did you kick Madame out?

Guan Yanyue's face was full of indifference, and she walked out with a group of subordinates and maids: "I let people drive them out, do you have any opinions?"

"I know it's you demon who makes it bad!" Chen Nan's face was full of anger: "Where is your father, aren't you afraid of your father's anger when you do this?" "

Bah!" Chen Fan spat viciously and said with a sinister smile: "Chen Nan, do you think that if it is not for your father's order, we will kick your mother out of the house?"

Chen Nan's face changed suddenly: "What do you mean?"

Chen Fan laughed out loud: "What do you mean?" Don't you know you've lost ground? You used to support you with City Lord Yuan, so there is no one in your eyes and you don't put us in your eyes.

"Even force your father to abolish the identity of your mother's main room, and let your mother, a slut, become the Chen family's house."

"However, you didn't expect that City Lord Yuan would be transferred out of Tongcheng, did you?"

"What? Yuan Cheng was mainly transferred away from Tongcheng? Chen Nan's face was full of disbelief, Yuan Zun had just been in office for less than a month, and he was about to be transferred from Tongcheng?

Although I don't know why this happened.

But he also understood one thing.

For example, why did Leng Qingmei take a break from herself.

In the final analysis, it was because Yuan Zun was transferred away from Tongcheng.

In the eyes of all.

Yuan Zun is his backer.

Once Yuan Zun was transferred from Tongcheng, he would still be the useless waste.

Who needs to fear him at this time?

Who else needs to give him a good look?

"At the funeral of Patriarch Leng before, Miss Leng once proposed to dissolve the marriage contract between the two families." Chen Bohan walked out with an indifferent look behind his hands: "I agreed to this."

A strong anger rose in Chen Nan's heart: "You didn't ask my opinion when you became a couple, and now that the Leng family has dissolved the marriage contract, you don't say anything to me in advance, do you still have me in your eyes?"

Chen Bohan snorted coldly: "You are just a waste who does not learn and has no skills, if it were not for the Chen family's need for you to marry the Leng family." Do you think I will let you recognize your ancestors and return to the Chen family?

Chen Nan's face was full of anger: "So, I want to be kicked out of the clan by you now, right?"

Chen Bohan sneered, "It's not that I want to drive you out of the family, but you don't deserve to stay in the Chen family." From now on, you must not cause trouble outside as a member of the Chen family.

"Of course, if you have a career in the future, we will not climb you."

Chen Nan clenched his fists: "I hope you will do what you say."

Guan Yanyue chuckled: "Just relying on him, what can he do?"

"Son, since we are not allowed here, then let's go!" Wang Mengqing's face was full of helplessness, she thought that the other party would miss the past affection.

But I didn't expect it to be so ruthless.

Seeing his son lose power, he turned his face and did not recognize people.


Even though Chen Nan had a stomach full of anger, he had nowhere to vent it at the moment.

He didn't want to get angry in front of his mother.

"Slow down!"

Chen Fan's voice suddenly sounded: "You mother and son can leave, but this maid beside you has to stay." I feel that this girl is quite good, if it is cold today, it can warm my bed. Speaking of this, he grinned maliciously.

"Of course, Young Master Ben will not wronged you."

"Give you ten taels of silver every month."

Song Ziwei directly gave him a roll of his eyes: "Silly fork, do you really think that you have a few smelly money to be great?" "

Ten taels of silver is certainly a lot.

But she now has tens of thousands of taels of silver tickets.

Moreover, Bai Yu's book is currently being printed and published one after another, and they are not short of money at all.

"Let's go!" Chen Nan picked up the current bag and carried it on his body, and then helped his mother to leave the Chen family.

Chen Bohan's voice sounded again: "I plan to raise pigs in that house in the west of the city, and you can't live there in the future."

Chen Nan showed a bright smile: "That's your house, you have the right to do anything there." Of course, we didn't think about returning to the house. "

Regardless of the sun, the underworld.

Money brings security.

Even if Chen Nan and his mother were kicked out of the Chen family at this moment, he did not panic.

Looking at Chen Nan's distant back.

Chen Bohan couldn't help but frown.

He thought that after expelling Chen Nan from the family, he would be very angry.

Even made a big fuss about the Chen family.

But he was unusually calm.

This gave him an inexplicable sense of foreboding.

It always feels like he has some means.


found an inn.

After temporarily settling my mother there.

Chen Nan came to the county for the first time.

I met Yuan Zun, as well as Tian Bo.

He asked, "Sir, I heard that you are transferring from Tongcheng?" "

Sit." Yuan Zun smiled, and after Chen Nan sat down, he said, "I also learned about this yesterday, and I wanted to inform you as soon as possible, but you were at Zhang Luo's funeral, so I didn't tell you in time."

Chen Nan couldn't help but say, "I don't understand one thing, why did you just come to Tongcheng to take up your post, but you had to be transferred?"

"It's easy!" Yuan Zun said, "Lord Bi Cang has been transferred to Dongning Mansion, and there is an extra vacant position on the side of the capital, and this position must be taken up by someone."

Chen Nan touched his head: "Shouldn't it be you?"

Yuan Zun smiled bitterly: "If I can directly enter the capital city, what is the difference between that and ascending to the sky in one step?" "

It was Cai Zhifu of Guangling Mansion who took over Lord Bi Cang's position."

"And I want to take over the official position of Cai Zhifu and become the prefect of Guangling Prefecture."

Chen Nan was clear.

Yuan Zun poured him a glass of water: "It is said that this matter will not be my turn, after all, I just came to Tongcheng to serve."

"However, I happened to become a sixth-level yin."

"Plus you gave me the credit for the green-eyed zombie and Yue Shan."

"So the imperial court made an exception for me to become the prefect of Guangling Prefecture."

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you."

A wry smile appeared on Chen Nan's face: "You are very happy to add an official to the knighthood, but it has suffered me!" Before you left, I was suspended by the Leng family and driven out of the family by the Chen family.

Yuan Zun's face was full of anger: "Just because I want to be transferred, so they treat you like this?" "

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