Tian Bo, who was helping Yuan Zun sort out his official duties, was also full of anger: "The Leng family and the Chen family are really deceiving people, Lord Yuan has not left yet, they are treating you like this, don't they know that Lord Yuan is promoted and not transferred?" "

Although Yuan Zun wanted to transfer away from Tongcheng, he became the number one in the entire Guangling Mansion.

Even if there is a new city lord in Tongcheng.

That was also Yuan Zun's subordinate official.

"They probably don't know that I'm going to become the prefect of Guangling Prefecture." A cold light flashed in Yuan Zun's eyes: "Chen Nan, don't worry, this official will help you knock and knock them."

"Let them beg to get back together with you."

Chen Nan waved his hand: "It doesn't have to be like this, let me go alone in the future." "

He had taken advantage of Yuan Zun's momentum before and wanted to gain a foothold in the underworld.

And now.

He has become a cultivator.

And also successfully bred penicillin.

Penicillin alone allowed him to rise quickly.

Yuan Zun smiled and shook his head: "Also, you have so many means, how can a Leng family and Chen family become your opponent?" "

He rarely admires others.

But he admired Chen Nan in his heart.

Not just because he was able to predict prophets, observe the lives of others, and official paths.

What I admire the most is his means of pitting people.

Chen Nan got up and bowed deeply to Yuan Zun: "This farewell, I don't know when we will meet, I wish you a bright future and a smooth journey."

Yuan Zun patted him on the shoulder and said seriously, "With the intelligence of this guy of yours, this little Tongcheng will definitely not be able to trap you."

"I'm waiting for you in Guangling Mansion, and by then, we'll have a good drink."

Although Chen Nan has not yet become a yin.

But he knows.

All he lacks is a process.

When the selection is negative.

He will definitely stand out.

"Then it's a word, and at that time, we'll get drunk and rest." Chen Nan smiled, then waved his hand dashingly with his back to Yuan Zun, and resolutely left the county.

Tian Bo asked cautiously, "Sir, do you want to explain to the new lord of the mansion and let him take care of Young Master Chen?"

Yuan Zun shook his head: "It is gold that always shines, and there is no need to explain this deliberately." "

Although he is about to become the number one in Guangling Mansion.

But he also didn't know which camp the lord of the mansion who came from the airborne landing.

If it's your own faction, it's just that.

But if it was another faction, it was very likely that the other party would target Chen Nan.

Although he also thinks that Chen Nankeng's skills are very strong.

But more is better than less.

Moreover, he believed that even if Chen Nan relied on his personal ability, it would not take long for him to soar into the sky.


left the prefecture.

Chen Nan came to No. 13 Dongyuan Street.

Met Xia Youwei's family.

Before he could speak.

Xia Hou's voice sounded: "I heard that you were suspended by the Leng family, and you were swept out by the Chen family?"

Xia Youwei muttered, and said to her father with an unhappy face: "Father, why don't you mention which pot?" You're going a little too far. "


Chen Nan was stunned, and then a wry smile appeared on his face: "This is really a good thing not to go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles." He

didn't expect such a moment.

He has become the biggest talking point in Tongcheng, a laughing stock.

Xia Youwei hugged Chen Nan's arm with a distressed expression: "Brother Nan, no matter what others think of you, you are the best man in my heart." The

corners of Xia Hou's mouth twitched wildly.

Chen Nan's goods are a little handsome, what else???

Is it necessary to be so obsessed with him?

Perhaps feeling the displeasure in her father's heart, Xia Youwei immediately added: "It's still so far from the best man in my heart."

Chen Nan asked very cooperatively, "Who is the best man in your heart?" Is there a better man in the world than me?

"Of course there is." Xia Youwei looked arrogant: "My father is better than you."

Xia Hou had a shocking feeling.

The two of you are really seamless, and people can't fault it!

That being it.

But he was still moody, and he couldn't see any expression on his face: "Although my Xia family is not as good as the Leng family and the Chen family, they also have some assets.

"Since we came to Tongcheng this time, we don't want to return to Pingyang Town."

"We plan to move the Xia family's business to Tongcheng."

"I'll live here from now on."

Chen Nandao: "People go to high places, this choice is not bad."

Xia Hou: "Although I don't like you, since Youwei chose you, then we as parents must support you."

"You'll get married in a while."

"Our Xia family doesn't want any bride price from you."

"There is even a house to accompany you."

"What we want is very simple, we only hope that you will not let Youwei suffer the slightest grievance after marriage."

"Otherwise, even if you are a fast catcher, Lao Tzu will have to break your dog's leg."

Hear this.

Chen Nan's eyes showed incredulity.

He had never seen such a father who was dedicated to his daughter's sake.

Don't say that this is still in the feudal underworld.

Even in the sun there are very few.

Not just because you're a waste.

What's more.

He was also suspended by a letter of suspension.

was also swept out by the Chen family and became the laughing stock of Tongcheng.

Incredible at the same time.

An inexplicable emotion also rose in his heart.

It is said that the peak ushered in hypocritical support.

The trough bears witness to true affection.

The ancients did not deceive me!

Xia Hou continued: "As for the children born..."

"The first son is naturally surnamed Chen, but the second boy must have the surname Xia."

He's just this one daughter.

Although he had thought about making Chen Nan a son-in-law.

But it was strongly opposed by her daughter.

Because of this, he proposed to give Chen Nan's second son the surname Xia.

It can also be regarded as helping the Xia family to open branches and leaves.

Chen Nan bowed to Xia Hou and said seriously: "Thank you Uncle Xia for trusting the junior, this flatters the junior, you can rest assured, I will definitely not let Youwei suffer the slightest grievance." "

As for your escort to a property..."

"Your kindness junior has received it."

"The property is naturally purchased by the man, and I will buy the largest property in Tongcheng as my wedding house with Youwei."

Hear this.

Xiahou Gujing Wubo's face flashed with disgust: "Just by virtue of your monthly sluggishness, Mo said that buying the largest property in Tongcheng, even if it is an ordinary house, can you afford it?"

"Young people can be poor."

"But you must not have a heart higher than the sky."

"If you are still open-mouthed, your heart is higher than the sky."

"I'm going to seriously consider the matter between you and Youwei."

Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

Perhaps the largest house in Tongcheng is worth thousands of dollars.


Penicillin has been successfully bred.

Is it difficult to make money on penicillin and buy a house in the city???

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