Xia Hou: "I have already let people see a set of houses in the city, and I will move over tomorrow."

"If you don't have a place to live, you can move here."


Chen Nan answered.

Although this courtyard is not very large, it is enough for him and his mother and Xia Youwei to live.

Although he now has tens of thousands of taels of silver tickets in his hand, it is enough to buy a house.

But for now, that's not necessary.

I promised to buy the best house in the city.

Even buying a transitional home is a waste at the moment.

After all, the underworld is different from the Yang world, and it is easy to buy a house, but it is difficult to sell it.


He needed silver taels to purchase medicinal materials for refining elixirs.


the next day.

Xia Youwei's family moved away from No. 13 Dongyuan Street.

What Chen Nan didn't expect was.

The Xia family actually bought Gong Xiancheng's set of other houses.

Just... It's very convenient.

Gong County Cheng Na Villa is a five-minute walk from the county office.

It's really convenient to make an appointment on a day.

Helping the Xia family clean up, Chen Nan returned to No. 13 Dongyuan Street.

Packed all the rotten and moldy vegetables in the room, put them into the storage magic weapon, and searched for a place to discard them.

If it is carried by pure human labor, the workload will take at least one day.

But with storage magic weapons, it is much more convenient.

But when he didn't notice it.

Only to find that a line of text appeared in the round token made of agarwood: I heard that you died?

There is also a 'three' in the lower right corner.

"What is the situation?"

"How can there be handwriting on this wooden tablet?"

"Could it be that this is a summons token?"

"Does the three in the lower right corner indicate the identity of the messenger?"

Chen Nan is well-informed.

It soon occurred to me that this round token might be a communication token within the Anti-Heavenly Sect.

Think of this.

His spiritual power was injected into the wooden tablet and he wrote a line of text: How could the old man be killed so easily?

He wanted to follow the vine.

Find out the remnants of the anti-heavenly religion.

That's a great accomplishment.


After the message was sent, there was no response.

Chen Nan did not wait for the other party to reply.

Put the token into the storage wrench and come to the post station.

After receiving their mother and Song Ziwei, they added some pots and pans and other kitchen utensils in the city.

After a brand new futon.

Only then did he return to 13 East Park Street.

This will be their home from now on.

So have to clean up.

Night falls.

After eating, Chen Nan changed into a fast hunting suit, carried a long knife on his waist, and said to Wang Mengqing: "Mother, the child is going on duty, you have a good rest." Looking

at his son's dignified appearance and righteousness, Wang Mengqing had tears in her eyes: "My son has a chance."

"The child will surely behave well and live up to your nurturing grace." Chen Nan said with a smile, he enjoys today's maternal love, pure maternal love.

This was the first time he had felt a bond in so long since he had come to the underworld.

"Go, remember to stay safe." Wang Mengqing was reluctant, but she still felt relieved and proud in her heart.

Chen Nan left the house.

Seeing two little mice playing on the wall in the distance, I felt a lot relieved.

Come to the prefecture.

Song Yunfei and the others were already waiting here.

At this time, they were all talking about Yuan Zun being transferred away and about the new city lord being parachuted.

After seeing Chen Nan.

They all acted unexpectedly.

Thought that Chen Nan would leave with Yuan Zun.

Chen Nan knew what they were thinking, but he didn't explain anything, and smiled: "Let's go, go to the street, and give the second injection to the Wu team by the way." Except

for Song Yunfei, the other four were full of expectation.

They knew that Wu Jiu was seriously injured and almost died.

It was also known that after Chen Nan gave Wu Jiu an injection, Wu Jiu passed the dangerous period.

Now that they are about to see it with their own eyes, they are thrilled in their hearts.

An hour later.

The group came to Wu Jiu's home.

Before entering the house, I heard children singing songs in the dim room.

There were bursts of laughter from time to time.


Wu Wangshi in the house saw Chen Nan and the others in the courtyard, quickly walked out, and warmly invited: "Come and come, sit in the room quickly."

"Sister-in-law, how is Team Wu?" The catcher named Zhang Lu asked casually.

Wu Jiu's weak laughter came from the room: "I almost died." Then

everyone entered the house.

I saw Wu Jiu leaning on the head of the bed.

His face turned a lot rosier.

Although there was still blood on the bandage wrapped around his chest.

But it was bruising.

Not a big problem.

Seeing Chen Nan and the others enter the house, Wu Jiu's three children jumped up and down, showing their might to several people, and even grabbed wooden swords to compare with them.

It can be seen that Song Yunfei has a good relationship with this little guy.

"Go and go, play outside." Wu Wangshi picked up a broom and carried the three children into the yard.

Then water was poured on five people.

Wu Jiu looked at Chen Nan and grinned, "I heard that this guy of yours got me a dose of miracle medicine?"

"Come, let you see the so-called miracle medicine."

Chen Nan took out penicillin.

The small glass bottle contains some white powder.

"Is it that snatched me back at the hands of the Grim Reaper?" Wu Jiu felt incredible.

In addition to Song Yunfei, the other four also felt the same way.

Chen Nan thought for a moment and said, "Don't underestimate these white powders, they can snatch ten of you back in the hands of the God of Death." Saying that, he looked at Wu Wang Clan and asked her for a syringe, as well as Liang Baikai.

After doing this, he poured a little penicillin, dissolved it and pumped it into the syringe, then pushed out the air inside, and looked at Wu Jiu with a smile: "Here, pout your butt and get an injection." "

Watch the needle about five centimeters long flicker with cold light.

Wu Jiu panicked.

Even if he catches fast and has seen a lot of strong winds and waves, he is not as panicked as he is at the moment.

"No wonder I woke up feeling a pain in my butt, my feelings are because of this!"

"In other words, can you change places?"

Chen Nan shook his head: "Can't!"

Seeing this, Wu Jiu's face was full of nervousness, and his eyes were full of pleading: "Then can you be gentle?" "

Lying groove, old man, is it necessary to be so pretentious?" Chen Nan looked unhappy, he didn't hesitate when he helped himself block the sword, but now he panicked when he saw the needle.

Wu Jiu showed an embarrassed but polite smile: "I don't know what's going on, I just feel that this needle is terrible."

Chen Nan: "Come on, hold him down." "


Song Yunfei and the others scattered and directly pressed Wu Jiu on the bed.

Chen Nan picked up cotton and dipped it in high-grade liquor to disinfect Wu Jiu's butt, and then poked the syringe into his butt.

Next moment!

A heart-rending scream suddenly resounded in the night!

After the screams.

Wu Jiu lay on the bed with a humiliated face, looking at everyone with a trace of resentment in his eyes.

Like a widow who has been insulted.

Chen Nan wiped his hands and said seriously: "It just so happens that the brothers in our team are here, and I have one thing I want to ask everyone for help." "

Look at him so seriously.

Everyone felt inexplicably and the atmosphere was much heavier.

"Say, what's going on?" Wu Jiu forcibly sat up: "As long as we can help you, we will definitely go all out." "

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