"Who is so bold as to dare to call Chen Chakuai's name in Yamen?"

When Xia Hou entered the county office.

Suddenly, some servants came out angrily.

Chen Nan hurriedly ran over: "Don't be impulsive, this is my elder." Although

he didn't know why Xia Hou was angry and rushed to the county to look for him.

But he still said, "Uncle Xia, is there something wrong?"

"Are you sure I'm talking here?" Xia Hou's eyes flashed with strong anger.

Chen Nan was a little weak-hearted, and he cleared his throat: "Otherwise, you can say it in another place."

Xia Hou snorted coldly.

Turn away.

Without saying a word, Chen Nan immediately followed Xia Hou's pace.

All the way to Xia's house.

At this time, Xia Youwei's aggrieved cry came from the room.

Chen Nan was a little confused.

What's wrong with this?

Xia Hou's face was expressionless: "Say, what's going on between you and the lady of the Wu Printing Factory?" "


A series of question marks flashed in Chen Nan's mind.

He actually knew about himself and Ning Yinqiu?

No wonder he was so angry.

No wonder Xia Youwei would cry so aggrieved.

In other words, I am afraid that I can't accept that my other half is messing with the relationship between men and women outside.

The more Xia Hou said, the more angry he became: "Chen Nan, I said, we don't mind that you are an ordinary person.

"I don't mind that you are dismissed by the Leng family, as long as you don't let Youwei be wronged."

"Now you are good, you actually mess with a married woman to have a relationship between men and women."

"Aren't you afraid of being hacked to death with a knife while walking down the street?"

"You don't have to be faceless."

"Our Xia family wants a face."

"How can I feel at ease to hand over Youwei to you like this?"

Chen Nan was speechless.

He couldn't think of a word to refute.

Although Xia Hou never gave him a good face.


He could feel that Xia Hou treated him wholeheartedly and completely regarded himself as his future son-in-law.

And the matter between him and Ning Yinqiu was learned by Xia Hou.

What else can he say?

No matter what he says, no matter how cunning, it is in vain.

Wrong is wrong.

At this time, saying more is adding fuel to the fire.

Of course.

Chen Nan also knew.

The reason why Xia Hou knew the relationship between himself and Ning Yinqiu.

It must be because of the cold and flattering of that slut.

Because apart from her, no one knew about him and Ning Yinqiu.

She did this to get revenge on herself.

"Slut, you wait, see how Lao Tzu cleans you up at night."

A strong anger rose in Chen Nan's heart.

In fact, the ravages of the past two days have made the anger in his heart disappear a lot.

But I never expected that she would come out as a demon at this time.

He was not afraid of being scolded by Xia Hou.

He was only afraid that Xia Youwei would cry.

Afraid she will be sad.

Seeing that Chen Nan lowered his head and remained silent, Xia Hou snorted coldly: "Tell me, what is going on between you and Ning Yinqiu?"

Chen Nan hesitated and said, "I wrote this book some time ago, thinking that I would let people help publish it and make some money. Although the Leng family also gives thirteen months every month, I don't want to rely on the Leng family.

Xia Hou's face was full of disdain: "Just you? Can also write books? Chen

Nan was embarrassed.

Why do you look down on people?

Xia Hou said impatiently: "You continue!"

Chen Nan: "You should have heard about my situation in the Leng family, I was depressed at that time, and I happened to meet Ning Yinqiu, the proprietress of the printing house. "

Maybe we have something going on in common, and then ... A big mistake was made. "

He wanted to say that he had just made a mistake that all men would make.

But in the end, he swallowed the words back.

Speaking this can lead to scolding.

Xia Hou said coldly: "As a man, sometimes you really need to vent, but how can you hook up with a married woman?" Can't you spend some money to go to the Qinglou to solve it? "

As soon as I heard this.

Chen Nan almost didn't shout the word lying groove.

This is what the old man can say to his son-in-law?

He shook his head seriously: "The green building is not clean, and it is easy to get sick.

"That is not responsible for oneself, but also irresponsible for one's loved ones, lover's behavior."

"Wow!" Xia Hou burst into a foul mouth: "Your consciousness is quite high."

Chen Nan smiled and did not dare to speak.

Xia Hou exhaled a turbid breath and said seriously: "Men are like cats, but there is no cat that does not steal."

"It's just, no matter what's out there."

"It can't affect the harmony of the family."

"You have to figure out who is playing with you and who is staying with you for life."

He is a businessman who can't help himself a lot of the time.


Nor does the underworld prescribe monogamy.

Three wives and four concubines are very common.

It's just that.

There are some truths that must be told to Chen Nan.

He had to understand.

"The junior remembers Uncle Xia's teachings." Chen Nan bowed to Xia Hou from the bottom of his heart.

Xia Hou suddenly said, "Also, you should be able to tell that someone deliberately targeted you to retaliate against you, right?" Otherwise, we would not have known about it.

Chen Nan nodded.

Xia Hou: "Just know, we only hope that this time it will only happen once."

"Also, clean up your mess as soon as possible, and don't leave a handle for people to target you."

Chen Nan: "Yes!"

Xia Hou took out a piece of pigskin in his arms: "Put it on your back, I have to give you an explanation for this matter today." Said grabbing a wooden stick.

Chen Nan knew that Xia Hou had good intentions.

Placing the skin on your back counteracts the impact.

But he still shook his head: "Thank you Uncle Xia for your kindness, wrong is wrong, juniors don't want to cheat and are willing to be punished!" Saying that, he knelt on the ground with his knees bent.

Xia Hou gritted his teeth, his eyes full of hatred: "You are high!"

"You're amazing!"

He was obviously thinking about Chen Nan.

But the other party said that it was fraudulent.

At the same time, he felt relieved, but also felt that this guy had invisibly hit him in the face.

"Since you are willing to be punished, then naturally I will not show mercy to my subordinates!" Xia Hou said and raised the wooden stick, slammed it on Chen Nan's back, and said angrily while smoking: "I'll let you mess around outside, see if I don't kill you a turtle grandson."

"My daughter is a lady showman, proficient in Qinqi, calligraphy and painting, poetry and song, how can you with other women outside behind her back?"


He had no mercy from his men.

Stick to meat.

Chen Nan grinned.


A sound of the door opening suddenly sounded.

Xia Youwei, whose eyes were red with crying, ran out with a distressed face, and she hugged her behind Chen Nan and blocked her father's whipping with her delicate body.

Teary eyes looked at his father: "Father, Brother Nan just made a mistake that all men under the world will make, so spare him!" Hot

tears wet Chen Nan's clothes.

Especially what Xia Youwei said, it made his heart like a needle.

It also made a strong anger rise in his heart.

It's all because of you.

Wait for it.

Tonight does not let you live better than die.

I'm not called Chen Nan!

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