Xia Hou himself is making a show to his daughter.

Although he wanted to kick Chen Nan away with this incident, he knew his daughter's character.

The daughter will definitely depend on him for life and death.

Because of this, he proposed to beat Chen Nan.

Take the opportunity to let her daughter vent her grievances.

Since it is a showmanship, it will naturally be merciful.


When I heard my daughter say, 'He just made a mistake that all men make all over the world.'

Xia Hou couldn't help it.

Your mother didn't even have that realization.

Why are you so enlightened?

He was furious!

I want to beat Chen Nan hard.

But his daughter stood behind him.

I can't get my hands on it!

Taking a deep breath, he said helplessly: "Okay, get up, can't I fight if I don't fight?"

"Thank you Father!" Xia Youwei quickly thanked her, and then stood up.

Right in this instant.

Xia Hou broke out.

"I'll kill you a turtle grandson!"

He roared angrily and smashed the wooden stick in his hand on Chen Nan's back.


The stick shattered in response.

Let Xia Youwei issue a dissatisfied protest, she pursed her lips hard, her eyes flashed with crystal mist: "Father, you are a liar, you said that you let Brother Nan go, why did you beat him?"

Chen Nan also grinned in pain.

The sticks are broken.

Just say how much it hurts!

Xia Hou snorted coldly: "Lao Tzu is angry in his heart and wants to vent it, what's wrong?"

Xia Youwei huffed and said, "You are simply unreasonable.

Xia Hou threw away half of the wooden stick in his hand and walked into the house indignantly.

"Brother Nan, take off your clothes quickly, I'll see if you are injured." Xia Youwei looked at Chen Nan with a distressed face, and did not mention Ning Yinqiu's affairs.

Nan Ge has already been severely beaten by his father.

How could I blame him?

As said before.

He just made a mistake that all men in the world do.

There is no need to go online.

"Youwei, I have thick skin, it's okay." Chen Nan forced a smile, feeling that he was really unworthy of Xia Youwei.

"No, you have to take your clothes off." Xia Youwei couldn't help but peel off the clothes on Chen Nan's upper body, and after seeing the red and swollen stick marks on it.

The tears in his eyes burst again.

Her face was full of distress and she sobbed softly: "What a big deal, isn't it just to go outside to find a woman." I didn't say anything, why did he beat you like this. The

words came out.

Chen Nan suddenly felt almost suffocated.

He couldn't wait for Xia Youwei to scold him, and even beat him, he could feel a little more comfortable in his heart.

But her words made Chen Nan, the big scumbag, feel ashamed.

For the first time, he felt like he wasn't a thing.

His slag has made him despise.

"I have a bottle of safflower oil here, take it and wipe it!" Xia Hou was expressionless and walked out with a bottle of safflower oil.

Xia Youwei snatched the safflower oil from her father's hand, took Chen Nan's arm and said, "Brother Nan, follow me back to the room, I'll help you wipe the safflower oil."

Xia Hou made a face: "You two are not married, is this appropriate?"

"You want to take care of it?"

Xia Youwei huffed, and then walked towards the bedroom with Chen Nan.

It went for more than an hour.

Because it hurts a little to apply safflower oil by hand.

Therefore, Xia Youwei did not use her hands to help Chen Nan apply safflower oil.

Instead, I used something softer.

Of course.

is an integral part of her.

After applying the safflower oil, the sun is about to set.

Xia Youwei stayed in the room and was resting.

After all.

It's still tiring to apply safflower oil.

"Uncle Xia, the junior still has official business, so I will leave first!" Although Xia Youwei had invited him to dinner at home before, he saw Xia Hou's almost fire-breathing eyes.

He abandoned this irrational idea.

Xia Hou suddenly said, "You said you wrote a book before?" "

What's the name of the book you wrote?"

Elder Chen Nan's face was red, and it was a little difficult to speak.

Xia Hou saw his embarrassment and said, "Make money, don't shudder." "

Hear this.

Chen Nan no longer hid it: "The book of the junior is called [White Feather]. "

What?" Xia Hou stood up suddenly, his eyes exuding an incredible gaze: "So, you are the fourth uncle and five essences?" Idols, idols!

"I've seen you in real person!"

Chen Nan was suddenly put in order.


The future husband is actually his own book friend?

Xia Hou's face was full of excitement: "Then what, I heard that there are six volumes of Bai Yu's book, right?"

"Can you look at our face and let me see the story first?"

"Can you get a signature?"

Speaking of which.

Xia Hou was stunned suddenly.

He is my future son-in-law.

Even if I like it, no, appreciate his work.

Need to be so humble?

In this way, how will I, the old man, stand up in the future?

Thinking of this, he cleared his throat and resumed his previous appearance of not smiling: "I took a cursory look at the novel you wrote, and overall it was passable."

"But there are also a lot of flaws, so be it."

"You bring the unpublished manuscript, and I'll review it for you."

"Well... Don't face. Chen Nan's eyes were full of stunned.

There is a saying.

In the matter of not being faceless, the average person is really not his opponent.

But now I find out.

Xia Hou is the existence that he looks forward to.

Without much thought, he hurriedly said, "Okay, tomorrow I will bring the next three versions of the story for you to review."

Xia Hou showed a reassuring look: "This is almost the same."

"That junior left first!"

Chen Nan left Xia's house quickly.

No way.

With Xia Hou, such a shameless person, he had a feeling of being out of place.

"Why are you all here?"

As soon as he left Xia's house, Chen Nan saw Song Yunfei and the others staying here, and he couldn't help but be startled.

Song Yunfei shrugged: "We wondered if you had any trouble, and then stayed here." Boss, the case of Juningan, how should we investigate now? "

I saw that the sky was getting dark.

Chen Nan took out a few taels of broken silver and gave them to Song Yunfei: "Later, you will change your clothes, go to the studio of the inn opposite Ruyi Lou, and closely monitor Ruyi Lou's every move."

"Remember, you must always keep an eye on the movements of Ruyi Lou."

"Even if a mouse runs out, it must be in your sight."

"If there is a suspicious person, you must follow him."

When he went to Ruyi Lou before, he noticed that there was an inn opposite Ruyi Lou.

Six stories high.

There you can clearly see people entering and leaving the casino.

Song Yunfei took the taels of silver and led the other four towards the direction of Ruyi Building.

Chen Nan, on the other hand, wandered the streets.


He spotted someone selling leather whips.

Bought one immediately.

Leng Qingmei told the Xia family about him and Ning Yinqiu.

It made Xia Youwei so sad and sad.

You have to teach you a hard lesson.

The leather whip is his prop!

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