"It's dry, watch out for the candle!"

as Chen Nan followed.

Wang Dalei has long since disappeared.

At the crossroads in all directions, he didn't know which direction Wang Dalei went.

Only the voice of Genfu Lao Ji came from afar.

And then.

Lao Ji fought more, coming from a distance.



It looks a little scary at night.

Chen Nan originally wanted to ask Lao Jike if he had seen Wang Dalei.


No one else could be informed of the progress of the case.

Then he saw Lao Ji enter the Ruyi Building, where there was hot water prepared by the Ruyi Lou for the changers for them to rest.

This is also an act of kindness.

Right at this moment.

A gray mouse weighing five or six pounds appeared in the corner.

It stood up and saluted Chen Nan, and then pointed in the direction of Nancheng.

"Is it a moat again?"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

Immediately, under the leadership of that mouse, he rushed towards the outside of the southern city at the fastest speed.


He met Wang Dalei, who was about to throw himself into the river.


!" "Stop him!" With

Chen Nan's current speed, he couldn't stop Wang Dalei at all.

Only orders could be given to the group of rats by the river.

The group of rats understood Chen Nan's words, and they quickly formed a wall of flesh, resisting Wang Dalei's advance.

He was successfully held back by the river in the moat.

His eyes were dull.

Keep walking.

Unaware that something was blocking his path.

When Chen Nan rushed over.

only to find.

Wang Dalei had already lost his breath.


Song Yunfei and the others also rushed over at the first time.

I saw that the limb was still moving.

But Wang Dalei, who had long lost his breath.

All five had shocked expressions on their faces.

Is this the rumored living dead?

"Boss, what the hell is going on?" Song Yunfei's face turned sallow, frightened by the scene in front of him.

Chen Nan's expression was solemn: "We underestimated Ruyi Lou, Wang Dalei's sale of life is true, and his life was sold to Ruyi Lou by him." "

He's not a medical examiner though.

But also studied medicine.

Now Wang Dalei's body still has temperature, indicating that he has just died.

But why can you still move after death

? Is it really the secret method of the Anti-Heaven Sect to control the corpse?


Even if his life was sold to Ruyi Lou to settle the debt.

Who took his life?

Buying and selling.

If you sell, you buy.

Someone has to take away his life.

Think of this.

A glint flashed in his eyes.

Whether it is the case of Hu Ning'an or Wang Dalei, there is a person who cannot be bypassed.

That's Gengfu Laoji.

"I know who the

murderer is!" Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "The murderer is Genfu Lao Ji, Ruyi Lou is responsible for signing contracts with the victims, and Lao Ji is complicated to take their lives."

"One more point.

"Hu Ning'an didn't have a quarrel with Lao Ji before he died, it was just that Ruyi Lou deliberately found evidence that Ju Ningan left Ruyi Lou.

Zhang Lu gasped: "Can't it, Lao Ji has lived in the county for most of his life, and he has always been diligent, how can he use secret methods to control corpses?"

It's nothing more than that Lao Ji looks a little ugly.

On weekdays, they will give each other any benefits.

In any case, they did not believe that Lao Ji was the murderer of Hu Ning'an and Wang Dalei.

Chen Nan chuckled: "People's hearts are separated by belly!" "

Since it is Lao Ji, then what should we do?

He did not believe that Lao Ji was the murderer.


He believed in Chen Nan even more.

Chen Nan looked straight over: "Can you beat a master who can control corpses with secret methods?"

Song Yunfei showed an embarrassed but polite smile.

Chen Nan exhaled a turbid breath: "Go back to the county, wait for tomorrow, the case will be solved!" Although

he also wanted to directly arrest Lao Ji.

But he didn't think he could defeat a master who used secret methods to control corpses.

In Tongcheng, the only one who can defeat the other party is Han Zongyuan, the county commander.


returned to the county.

Chen Nan went straight to Han Zongyuan's residence.

Because Han Zongyuan said that if there is an update on the case, he should be informed as soon as possible.

Even if it's late at night.

He also had to tell the other party the clues he had.

What he didn't expect was.

There was a faint candle lamp in Han Zongyuan's room.

Just as Chen Nan was about to knock on the door, Han Zongyuan's voice came from

the room: "Come in!" Chen Nan pushed the door and entered, saluting Han Zongyuan, who was sitting in the room looking at the county record: "I have seen Lord Han."

Han Zongyuan asked, "Has the case progressed?"

"Yes!" Chen Nan said all the things that happened before, as well as his doubts about Lao Ji, and then said: "The lowly position originally wanted to investigate this matter in depth, but the lowly position cultivation is too weak, in order to avoid striking the grass and snakes, this will ask your lord to take action."

Han Zongyuan nodded slightly and said, "Whether it is the secret method to control the corpse or the yin and yang contract, this is all a means against the Heavenly Sect.

"But you can't provide evidence of any of these actions."

"Even if someone is sent to search Ruyi Building, the yin and yang contract has long disappeared into heaven and earth when Wang Dalei died.

"It's a bit tricky."

"Unless the stolen goods are obtained, it proves that Lao Ji is a remnant of the Anti-Heavenly Sect."

"In this way, the official can strike and kill him."

Chen Nan did not make a sound.

Lao Ji is a generin though.

It has a very low status in the county office.

But you can't just punish him casually.

Chen Nan said, "In this way, I will try to test Lao Ji tomorrow morning."

Han Zongyuan nodded gratifyingly: "Don't worry about doing it boldly, if you can prove that Lao Ji is a remnant of the Anti-Heaven Sect, this official will give you a great credit."

"That lowly office retreats first.

Chen Nan bowed and exited Han Zongyuan's room.

He found an unoccupied room to sit cross-kneeled, taking this opportunity to consolidate his strength.

Although he also knew that Han Zongyuan would secretly protect him tomorrow.


It's better to rely on no one than on yourself.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was already dawning.

Chen Nan called Song Yunfei and the others to the cafeteria and had a full meal.

Just at this time.

Lao Ji, who was tall and dressed in patched clothes and blind in one eye, walked in with a bowl and chopsticks.

Because many people criticize Lao Ji's appearance.

So he walked with his head down, afraid that others would see him.

It gives a feeling of low self-esteem.

It also makes sympathetic people very distressed.

Seeing that Lao Ji served the meal and went to eat alone in the corner of the yard, Chen Nan walked over with a bowl.

Then sat down next to Lao Ji.

Lao Ji slowly raised his head and asked cheerfully, "Is Chen Chao going to be in trouble?" He

didn't believe that Chen Nan would sit with him to eat with him for no reason.

Chen Nan sighed: "Lao Ji, I've lived enough, I feel that living is not interesting, I want to be dashing before I die, but I don't have money, can you help me get some?"

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