Lao Ji looked at Chen Nan blankly.

The left eye is white and does not have the slightest emotional color.

But his right eye was full of consternation.

It seems that he didn't expect Chen Nan to ask this question.

After coming back to his senses, he shook his head with a smile: "Chen Chao is young and promising, and he has been reused by Han County Ling, how can you live enough?"

Chen Nan sighed, his eyes full of sadness: "I am the Chen family, and I became the son-in-law of the Leng family before, although I can't say brocade." However, there is no need to worry about life.

"But now, I'm not only suspended by the Leng family.

"He was even kicked out of the house by the Chen family.

"The huge city doesn't even have a place to stay.

He looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, as if possessed by a playful spirit, and there was a trace of crystal tears in the corners of his eyes: "You say, what is the difference between this and driving me into the abyss above the nine heavens?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, I got the heavy responsibility of Han County Ling, but is this really the case?" He

shook his head disapprovingly: "Everyone knows that I have just arrived in the county, I am an unemployed catcher, and I have very little experience in handling cases."

"In this case, why did Han County Ling hand over the investigation of the murder of Hu Ning'an to me?"

"You know, this is the first case since he came to Tongcheng to serve as the county commander."

"It is about whether Han County Ling has a foothold in Tongcheng and whether it can be recognized by the people."

"Do you think he will put his future in my hands?"

A layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared behind Chen Nan.

It's okay not to analyze.

As soon as I analyzed it, I was suddenly taken aback.

Han Zongyuan handed over the case to him, which in itself was very unreasonable.

Think about it.

If he were Yuan Zun's person, then everything would make sense.

He continued, "The reason why Han Xianling did this is nothing more than to find an opportunity to suppress me.

"After all, I was a red man in the eyes of Yuan Xianling before.

"It is said that once the Son of Heaven and a courtier, how can he allow me to continue to gain a foothold in the county?" "

However, as a Tongcheng County Commander, even if he wants to suppress me, he must be famous."

"Or you'll be scolded."

"So, he seems to be reusing me, but in fact he is advancing by retreating and advancing my army."

Chen Nan gnawed his mouth with tears in his eyes: "Now the case of Hu Ning'an is making a lot of noise, and it is known all over the city."

"If I don't find the murderer, won't he be able to suppress me as a matter of course?" "

This is the key to him using me!"

Lao Ji smiled: "I believe that Chen Chakuai will definitely be able to find the real murderer of Hu Ning'an."

Chen Nan shook his head: "I have a few pounds and a few taels in front of my heart, so don't put gold on my face."

"I've already figured it out, while I'm still alive, to do something I haven't done before."

"I'm going to get some money."

"A prostitute

in a green building!"

His eyes lit up with expectation, and his face was full of longing.

Lao Ji almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

People prostitutes on a unit.

You're good.

It turned out to be a green building.

"Lao Ji, my words have come to this, don't hide it. Chen Nan said, "Everyone knows that you know the streets of Tongcheng very well, and you must know how to make money."

"As long as I can get money, even if I reduce my life, don't reduce my life, as long as I can get money, let me die tomorrow I am willing."

"Don't worry, if I can get money, I promise to arrange two girls from the green building for you, so that you can also eat some tender grass." "Speaking of which, it gives him a look you know.

Lao Ji Lao's face blushed: "Don't don't, I'm old, this is not appropriate."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up, and he endured the excitement and whispered: "Is there really a way to get money

?" "You have found me, then I can't help you think of a way?" Old Ji grinned, he knew that there were several places for usury in Tongcheng.


To put it bluntly, he knows everything about Tongcheng.

After all, he fought in Tongcheng for decades.

There are still some doorways.

Chen Nan said excitedly: "Lao Ji, I am twenty-three years old, I am strong and strong, I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't have bad habits, you say it's not difficult for me to live to be eighty years old, right?"

Chen Nan said, "Let's not say that we are a hundred years old, just count it according to eighty years old."

"Eighty minus twenty-three equals fifty-seven, how much do you say my fifty-seven years of life are worth?"

Lao Ji's pupils trembled violently, as if he didn't expect Chen Nan to say such words.

Just before he could react.

There was a sound of breaking wind behind him.

Song Yunfei pulled out his saber and threw it at him.

It's too late, it's too soon.

The originally dull old Ji seemed to have changed a person.

A powerful aura erupted.

Like a long sword out of its sheath, it exudes a sharp and icy aura.

He soared into the air like a goshawk.

Instantly appeared on the jujube tree on the side, dodging Song Yunfei's fatal blow.

"Lao Ji, you are so deeply hidden!" Song Yunfei's face was full of madness: "If I hadn't seen you jump on the jujube tree a few meters above, I would have thought you were someone else." "

Everyone else is like a great enemy.

They all pulled out the sabers at their waist.

They never expected that Lao Ji, who had never had a sense of existence, would be a super master.

Alone the means he had just shown.

It's not something that ordinary people can do.

At the very least, he had to be a powerhouse in the Soul Gathering Realm.

Lao Ji looked at Chen Nan angrily, his eyes full of coldness: "So, you have been tempting me all the time?

Chen Nan nodded obediently: "Yes!" Lao

Ji gritted his teeth and said: "When did you doubt me?"

Chen Nan gnawed his mouth: " I've always doubted you because I don't believe that a low-key, modest person by nature would insult you for your ugly looks and even get into an argument with you on the street at midnight. "

When you say this, you keep trying to lead us by the nose and disrupt our investigation into the case."

"Especially last night, when Wang Dalei left Ruyi Building, you happened to be playing nearby.

"At that time, I was sure that you were the murderer of Hu Ning'an and Wang Dalei.

"It's just that we suffer from no evidence."

"And now it's different, you've sent the evidence into our hands."

Lao Ji snorted coldly: "You really impressed the old immortal, but even if you know that the old immortal killed Hu Ning'an and Wang Dalei

, can you keep the old man with you ants alone?" With an indifferent voice, Han Zongyuan walked out with one hand behind his back: "They really can't, but can this official keep you?"

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