Chen Fan looked behind Chen Nan excitedly.

I saw my mother and uncle Guan Sixteen coming head-on.

"Uncle, you just came, there is no one in this mongrel, you must kill him!" Chen Fan's eyes lit up, as if he saw a savior.

Guan Yanyue looked at Chen Nan angrily: "I really didn't expect that you would dare to return to the Chen family, since you are here, then don't leave." "

She went back to her mother's house the other day.

This does not.

Just came back and found Chen Nan, which was unbearable for her.

"Don't worry, when you die, I will let your mother reunite with you."

Chen Bohan nodded to Guan Sixteen, which was regarded as a greeting, and then said, "Chen Nan, you returned to the Chen family because of business, and I can not see this matter with you."

"But you shouldn't bully people and let my Chen family take out five million taels of silver."

"Okay, you can roll!"

"Otherwise, you will regret returning to the Chen family." "

Brother-in-law, there is no one in this son's sight, who despises the dignity of the Chen family, can Yan let him go?" Guan Sixteen's indifferent voice sounded.

Chen Bohan clenched his fists: "I naturally want to kill this villain, but he has Han County Ling as a backer behind him, and he returned to the Chen family at this time because of official business."

"If you kill him, Han Xianling will definitely blame him."

Guan Sixteen sneered: "Don't hide my brother-in-law, our Guan family has quite a relationship with Han County Order, and I came to Tongcheng this time to be an intermediary to help you introduce Han County Order."

"Therefore, even if he kills this person, Han Xianling will not blame him."

Chen Bohan's eyes lit up, and then he laughed loudly: "If that's the case, then bother you to help me kill this villain!"

Chen Fan also laughed out loud after hearing this: "Chen Nan, Chen Nan, even if your strength is good, my uncle is a cultivator of the second layer of the Yin Realm."

"He kills you as easily as he crushes an ant."

Guan Yanyue: "Son, your uncle broke through some time ago and became a cultivator of the third layer of the Yin Realm. "

Hear that.

Chen Bohan, Chen Fan's father and son were both shocked.

Cultivators in the Underworld are very rare, and cultivators who can become the third layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm can already glorify their ancestors.

"Since my brother-in-law has spoken, then I will help you clear the portal. Guan Sixteen smiled indifferently, and then instantly appeared in front of Chen Nan.

He raised his fist.

A punch forward.

Boom! The

terrifying power roared out, causing the void to erupt with a sharp breaking wind.

Under the indifferent eyes of Chen Bohan, Chen Fan, and Guan Yanyue's family, it hit Chen Nan's chest.

See this scene.

Everyone had big smiles on their faces.

In their opinion.

After Chen Nan was hit by Guan Sixteen, he would definitely die on the spot.

Can go over time.

They gradually sensed that something was wrong.

Chen Nan still stood there quietly.

As if that punch did not hit him in the chest.

Shouldn't this scoundrel be beaten out and spit blood to death?" asked Chen Bohan.

Guan Sixteen withdrew his fist and said lightly: "My brother-in-law is a mortal, how can he know the means of a strong person in the Yin Realm, although he is standing here unscathed, his internal organs have long been rotten."

"I count three times and he will die in anger and fall to the ground." Chen

Bohan's family of three was bright.

I didn't expect the means of the Yin Realm powerhouse to be so powerful.

The corners of Guan Sixteen's mouth rose, and he turned his back to Chen Nan and began to pretend: "Three

!" and "Two!"

Just when he was about to count one.

Just when Chen Bohan's family was expecting Chen Nan to fall to the ground.

Chen Nan stretched out his left hand.

Under the terrified eyes of Chen Bohan's family.

Directly grabbed Guan Xu's shoulder.

The sudden scene frightened Guan Sixteen.

He subconsciously turned his head.

But seeing Chen Nan's disdainful expression: "Just because of you, you also want to kill me?" ???


Guan Sixteen's scalp was numb.


This guy is also a cultivator?

Don't wait for him to come to his senses.

Chen Nan raised his right fist and smashed it fiercely into his back.


A sharp sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

This punch is simple and pure.

It exudes the momentum of destruction and decay.

Under the shocked eyes of the three members of Chen Bohan's family, a punch pierced Guan Sixteen's chest.

Guan Sixteen only felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Subconsciously lower your head.

Chen Nan's fist came out a lot.

The bloody look is extremely bloody.

Then he clearly saw Chen Nan's fist retracted into his chest.

But then.

Even more intense pain swept through like a landslide tsunami.

He clearly felt a palm stirring in his body.

"Found it!"

let out a cheerful voice from Chen Nan.


He jerked back his palm.

A bloody, beating heart appeared in Chen Nan's hand.

There are also several heart veins above the heart, which are connected to Guan Sixteen's body.

This scene deeply shocked everyone.

No one expected Chen Nan to be so cruel.

He was like a demon.

It's creepy.

Especially the picture of his heart.

It was like a red-hot imprint, deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone.

What Chen Bohan didn't expect was that the son who was regarded as a waste in his eyes was still a hidden master!

Guan Sixteen's face was sallow.

He didn't dare to imagine what was in front of him.

I didn't dare to imagine that Chen Nan, this waste, was also a cultivator.

And the strength is far above him.


The intense sense of weakness proves that all this is real.

Chen Nan chuckled: "Kill me?

Guan Sixteen's heart was pinched by him with his bare hands.

The shattered heart burst out in all directions.

Guan Sixteen also fell to the ground and lost his breath.

"You... You actually killed my brother?" Guan Yanyue seemed to be crazy, and rushed towards Chen Nan with her teeth and claws: "I want to kill you to avenge my brother!" Chen Nan

looked up at the sky, his eyes full of helplessness: "Obviously, you want to kill me, my strength is not good and I kill me, why have I become a sinner?"

"Just because I am an honest person

?", "Honest people should be bullied

?", "Should honest people die?"

He suddenly looked at Guan Yanyue, his eyes full of anger: "The reason why our mother and son have fallen to today's end."

"The reason why we are at odds with the Chen family is because of you, a slut.

"Die with your brother!"

the words fell.

He kicked Guan Yanyue's chest, kicked it out for more than ten meters, and smashed down a thick wall.

"Chen Nan, you... You are simply a demon, if you openly kill, you will not die well!" Chen Fan let out an angry roar in fear.

Chen Nan shook the blood on his hand and gave him a playful smile: "I was ordered to come to the Chen family to borrow money, and you can just borrow it if you don't borrow it." You even want to murder my life, who do you say will die a bad death?"

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