Chen Bohan's face was full of horror.

If Chen Nan really used this to cure the Chen family's sins.

The Chen family is not destined to have a good end.

Without much thought, he hurriedly said, "Borrow, son, our Chen family is willing to lend Yamen five million taels of silver, just ask you not to inform Han County Ling about today's events." "

If Chen Nan is killed, it's okay.

But the problem is, he's still alive.

If he told Han Zongyuan about this.

Han Zongyuan was completely able to cure the Chen family's sins.

"Shut up!"

Chen Nan shouted angrily: "What qualifications do you have to call my

son?" "Could it be that you forgot about driving our mother and son out of the Chen family a few days ago?"

Chen Bohan's face turned red.

He did not forget the incident of driving Chen Nan's mother and son out of the Chen family that day.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

This guy turned out to be a powerful cultivator.

Although I don't know the specific cultivation.

But he could see that his strength was far above Guan Sixteen if he could kill Guan Sixteen in seconds.

He had such cultivation at a young age, which shows that he is extremely talented.

In time, you will be able to become a strong party.

It's a pity.

Looking at Chen Bohan's face full of anxiety like a grandson, his eyes dodged, Chen Nan sighed: "Forget it, don't have five million taels of silver..."

Chen Bohan burst into tears.

Chen Nan said lightly: "Just six hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six taels!" "

Now Tongcheng is in danger of flooding, and this amount is auspicious." "

Well, let's be auspicious!" Chen

Bohan was dumbfounded, and instantly froze in place.

Immediately tears flowed out of the corners of his eyes, and he knelt in front of Chen Nan with a snort, his face full of regret: "Son, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"For the sake of our bloodline, do you want less money?"

the Chen family was at the bottom of the five major families.

Although it is also possible to take out these money.


Three-quarters of the assets had to be sold.

"Before dark, the silver must be sent to Yamen, otherwise I will inform Han County Ling of today's events." Chen Nan turned over and got on the horse, and he didn't care about the so-called bloodline at all.


he whipped his horse and disappeared into the Chen family under Chen Bohan's remorseful, self-reproachful eyes.

"Heavens, why are you doing this to me?" Chen Bohan burst into tears.

After going to Chen's house.

Chen Nan raised his horse and came to the Meng family.

The Meng family ranks third among the five major families in Tongcheng.

Not only strong assets.

And there was also a great Confucian in the ancestors.

It is also the family with the best reputation and the most low-key among the five existing families.

Came to the door of the Meng family.

Chen Nan rolled over and dismounted, and said to the family at the door: "I am the county official to catch Chen Nan, and I have something important to see the Meng Patriarch on the order of Han County!"

Perhaps many people have not seen Chen Nan.


Almost no one in Tongcheng did not know his name.

Jiading heard that the other party was called Chen Nan, and also took out the token of Han County Ling, and immediately did not hesitate, invited him to enter the Meng family's living room, and immediately invited the patriarch of the Meng family, Meng Guangzhi.

He was dressed in a gray robe and held a book in his hand.

It gives people a Confucian demeanor.

Meng Guangzhi was straight to the point: "Chen Chao came here to borrow money?"

Chen Nan was not surprised that the other party learned of this.

As far as he knew, there were officials surnamed Meng in the county.

Meng Guangzhi sighed lightly: "The world rises and falls, and it is the responsibility of the husband, now Tongcheng is facing such a big crisis, as a member of Tongcheng, our Meng family should take it from the people and the people."

"Our Meng family is willing to donate two million taels of silver.

"In addition, the three grain banks of the Meng family will also donate all the reserve grain to the county government.

Chen Nan bowed and saluted: "I thank Patriarch Meng for the thirteen million people of Tongcheng." "


! This is the pattern!

It's not like anyone else.

Bid farewell to the Meng family.

Chen Nan went to the first family.

As with the Ram family.

The first is also a compound surname.

And the origin of the surname is much earlier than that of the Ram family.

No doubt.

This is also the existence of the first ranking in the strength of Tongcheng.

Come to the door of the first family.

Chen Nanyu made his intentions.

Then he was led to the drawing room.


Waited for a long time without waiting for people.

It was almost half an hour.

A middle-aged man in his forties walked out.

His name is First Len.

He is the eldest son of the patriarch of the first family.

After Chen Nanyu made his intentions, the first sneered: "It's okay to borrow money, the last thing my first family lacks is money, Mo said that one million taels, five million taels can also be taken out."

"But after lending it to you, what do you use to pay it back?"

Chen Nan was not angry, but laughed: "Mr. First, I am an errand-runner, as for what to repay after borrowing money, this question has to be asked to Lord Han, I really can't answer you." "

He is really not afraid of someone refusing to cooperate.

Anyway, he has Han Zongyuan behind him.

The sky fell and he carried it.

A trace of disdain flashed in Qi's eyes: "Chen Chao, please come back, when you think of something to repay, it is not too late to talk about borrowing money."

Chen Nan asked politely: "What does Mr. First want the government to take to repay?" First

Ten did not hide his greed: "The black gold mine, and the entire shipping business after the river channel is rebuilt!"

Extremely low yields.

And now it is controlled by the government.

Despite this, the profits are high.

Especially in winter, the price of a pound of black gold can often reach a dozen taels of silver.

Only the really rich can buy it for heating.

Of course.

Chen Nan did not deny the first vision, he actually saw the value of the river after the reconstruction.

Not bad.

Today, the Guangling River is straight, the water is fierce, and in some places it is of different depths, making it impossible to sail at all.

However, if it is expanded, it can operate large ships.

Whoever can control the shipping business will definitely make a lot of money.


The ambitions of the first decade were too great.

So big that they probably can't digest it.

"I will tell Han Xianling these two conditions and leave." Chen Nan turned and left.

He didn't knock on the other side.

It's not that you don't want to

But don't dare...

Because when he talked to the first lens.

He clearly felt that there were two powerful auras hidden around him.

The strength of both of them is above him.

If you use power to suppress the first family, I am afraid that the gains will outweigh the losses.

As for how Han Zongyuan dealt with the First Family, it was not something he could consider.

Anyway, with Han Zongyuan's means, the first family will definitely not have a good end.

After leaving the first family.

Chen Nan went to the Leng family.

This is the last stop in the five major families.

Just arrived at the door of the Leng family.

The Ding of the Leng family came over and said expressionlessly: "Young Master Chen, the young lady has an order not to allow you to return to the

Leng family!" "Are you sure Leng Qingmei won't let me go back to the Leng family?" Chen Nan showed a strange expression.

Did she hate that she was too kind to her?

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