Think of this.

A sneer rose in Chen Nan's heart.


You have to be stronger!

Otherwise this woman would be so ignorant.

"Leng Qingmei, hurry up and get out to greet Xiao Ye!"

he let out a low roar.

Jiading's face turned pale with fright.

This guy turned out to be so bold after being suspended.

It's just a matter of calling her by her first name, and even letting the eldest lady get out.

You don't have to think about it.

The eldest lady will definitely be angry when she comes out.


Dressed in a light pink long dress, a fairy fluttering cold and charming walked out.

Just when those family members thought that Leng Qingmei would be furious, they saw a nervous expression on her face: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming." The


family members were dumbfounded.

Chen Nan snorted coldly: "Tell these people, can I come in the future?" Leng

Qingmei looked at the family members, her face expressionless: "In the future, Young Master Chen came without my consent, and directly invited him to enter the house, did you understand?"

He did not tell Jiading that Chen Nan would directly invite him into the house if he came over.

"Yes, yes, yes!" the

family members nodded quickly.

But my heart could not calm down for a long time.

You must know that Chen Nan was not suspended before, but he did not have this treatment.

Leng Qingmei looked at Chen Nan cautiously: "How about we talk at home?" Chen Nan

snorted quietly and walked into the Leng family.

Leng Qingmei followed behind him, looking a little nervous: "You... Can you save me some face in front of the next person in the future?" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "It depends on your performance." A

ripple rose in Leng Qingmei's heart.

She knows.

Chen Nan figured it out.

Of course.

Putting aside the fact that she wanted to kill Chen Nan.

She figured it out too.

The reason is none of it.

Chen Nan was fierce.

Let her experience happiness.

She lowered her head and endured the panic in her heart: "I will definitely satisfy you."

Chen Nan suddenly said, "I don't know what's going on, I want to go through the back door."

Leng Qingmei was stunned.

When he says back door, do you mean the door in the backyard?



Mei Lan Zhuju, the four maids, delivered the prepared lunch into the room.

Chen Nan ate a delicious lunch and said, "Anyway, this is roughly the situation, Tongcheng is in crisis, and all families have to come up with a part of the money to deal with this crisis."

"Although Lord Han said that he asked me to borrow money, but..."

"You know?"

snorted coldly.

Take someone else's stuff and return it to the other party.

This is a borrowing.

If you take it and don't return it.

"Patriarch Meng is a man of great pattern and vision, and you can learn from this. Chen Nan didn't say much, and some words could be said to the end.

"Yes, I know what to do.

Chen Nan ate happily.

After eating, he fastened his belt.

Then took out some broken silver and threw it to Leng Qingmei: "Your previous performance was not bad, I am quite satisfied!"

Leng Qingmei gritted her silver teeth, and her eyes almost didn't spew fire.

Chen Nan didn't give her money.

To give her money is clearly to humiliate her.

Think of her as a dusty woman in the green building!"

"Chen Nan, you should be a villain for a while.

"It won't be long before you will kneel before me and beg for mercy."


Chen Nan rode back to the county.

He told Han Zongwon what happened in the first family.

Han Zongyuan was furious, and slapped the table in front of him with a palm: "A good first family, now that the city is in trouble, the official went to borrow money, and they took the opportunity to put forward excessive conditions."

Chen Nan asked, "Sir, what should I do about this?" Han

Zongyuan looked a little embarrassed: "As far as I know, a nobleman has appeared in the dynasty, and that nobleman is from the fifth family.

"Counting as the clan of the first family, if you suppress the first family too much, I am afraid that it will cause the dissatisfaction of that nobleman."

"If that noble man is to blame, we will also have a lot of unnecessary trouble." Chen

Nan also knew the history of the underworld.

It is known that the underworld has the first to ninth surnames.

They are cognate.

After hesitating, Han Zongyuan looked at Chen Nan: "What do you think?" Chen Nan

expressed his opinion: "Water can carry a boat and can overturn it, and the reason why the first family dares to be fearless is mainly because of their family's solid fortune and the noble man behind them."

"But this time, they shouldn't take the opportunity to make a fortune."

"I mean very simply, make the donation of silver taels by the other four major families public, so that the people in the city can know their contributions to the city."

Han Zongyuan frowned: "Donate

silver taels?" "Isn't it borrowing?" Chen

Nan smiled: "Patriarch Meng cares about the people of Tongcheng, and the reason is to donate two million silver taels, as well as the reserve grain of the three grain banks."

The Leng family also decided to donate silver taels and do what they could.

Although the Chen family and the ram did not say donate money.

"But. "

The Meng family and the Leng family have both announced that they have donated money, do they still have the face to say that they are borrowing money from abroad?" Han

Zongyuan nodded thoughtfully, and the smile on his face became brighter: "If this is the case, the four major families will definitely be deeply supported and loved by the people."

"And the first family, which is also the head of the five major families, will face public opinion."

"Even the anger of the whole people."

"If that's the case, Mo said the first family."

"Even the nobles behind the first family don't dare to say anything.

"However, what if the first family learns about this and

wants to donate?" Chen Nan showed a sinister smile: "He wants to donate, and we won't accept it."

Han Zongyuan was stunned, and also laughed: "You kid is really bad, but I like it!"

"You do things, and in general, I am still very relieved. Speaking of this, this gave Chen Nan an encouraging look.


Do you think that Xiao Ye wants to do things for you?

Chen Nan kept complaining in his heart, but he didn't dare to say more, and then bowed down and retreated.

He set up a fundraising office at the gate of the county office.

Today, the crisis in Tongcheng is well known.

Although the people were panicked and uneasy, some people chose to leave.

However, most of the people in Tongcheng chose to stay and work together to face the flood.

Seeing the fundraiser, many people have given generously.

Not much, though.

But it adds up.

Gather sand into a tower.

As long as the whole people are involved.

Even in the face of sudden disasters, people can conquer the sky.

Not long after.

Meng Guangzhi came to the county office, and he brought two million taels of silver tickets and three keys.

Seeing this, Chen Nan said loudly: "Patriarch Meng generously donated two million taels of silver and three million jin of grain, this move is really admirable and should be remembered by future generations."

Han Zongyuan also walked out of the county and bowed deeply to Meng Guangzhi: "Patriarch Meng's merit is immeasurable, and after the disaster of this flood is lifted, this official will definitely report to the imperial court to discuss merit and reward."

Chen Bohan and Ram Qing in the crowd were dumbfounded.

You donate

? Donate?

Kill by God.

You have donated so much money, what should we do?

Tell the people that we lent Yamen silver?

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