For Du Kite, this little one, does not violate Chen Nan's principles, does not violate his conscience, moral requirements.

Chen Nan thought about it.

As if there was no reason to refuse her.

Immediately reached out and put his arm around the other party's head, and pulled it into his arms.

The woman was shocked.

Joyful gazes greeted his mouth.

Isn't it just a run.

How big is it?

If only this little idea could not be satisfied.

Is Chen Nan still a person?

You can even pull a wire...


a few moments later.

Du Yuan pushed Chen Nan away, took a weak step, and walked out with a red face.

She really wanted to stay with Chen Nan for a while.

But afraid.

Fear that I will sink because of this.

If so.

Chen Nan would definitely be angry.

Because he had promised to go to the Valley of Hundred Flowers to find himself when he reached the realm of seizing the body.

Before this, how could he be strong?

He will look at himself.

Looking at the silhouette of the departing clump.

Chen Nan showed an afterlooking expression.

I couldn't help but lick the corners of my mouth.

He was tempted to say something.

I know the taste of the Valley Lord of Hundred Flowers!

Don't say it yet.

Really different.


He was glad that he left coldly.

If she really sinks because of this, beg herself.

With their own near-zero immunity to women.

It will definitely be a slap in the face when the time comes.

It's just...

It's a little suffocating at the moment.

Is it a little uncomfortable and swollen?


A cold and respectful voice came from his ears: "Congratulations to Lord Du Gu." "

It's obvious.

Du Yuan left the Leng family with Leng Yinyin.

Chen Nan walked out of the room.

A cold woman in a light blue long dress was bowing to the north.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

I know a way not to hold back.

He said, "You come here." "


an hour later.

Chen Nan didn't hold back.

Lying quietly in bed.

The cold and charming eyes were slightly dull.

Chen Nan did not abuse her today.

But inside of her, it was like a knife had been cut.

It feels very depressing.

She couldn't figure it out.

Why did even a big man like Du Yuan fall in front of Chen Nan?

Is he really that good?

Especially Chen Nan had evil thoughts about Du Yue, but he looked for her behavior.

It makes her feel a lot of superfluous.

Chen Nan broke the quiet atmosphere and said, "Let's maintain this relationship between us, as long as you don't secretly make evil, I can't do without your benefits." "

Tell me what's going on in Tongcheng these days."

The floods are over.

He believes that the pattern of Tongcheng must have changed a lot.

Leng Qingmei came back to her senses and said, "Tongcheng has not changed much, that is, a Ma family has risen. The Ma family has a huge background and directly won the qualification for shipping.

"And he also bought all the properties of the first family for a large amount of money."

"Of course, this is only on the surface."

"I suspect that the Ma family is the puppet of the first family."

Chen Nan's eyes were deep.

Cold and flattering, in addition to being bad for him.

The whole person still has business acumen.

As he said, it was because of the donation before.

The reputation of the First Family was ruined.

The properties were destroyed.

Even the First Family fell down and everyone pushed it.

Now that the floods have been lifted, they have absolutely no place to stay.

If you want to continue to stand in Tongcheng, the best way is to find a puppet to secretly support.

Chen Nandao: "Before, I was assassinated by two Yin Realm powerhouses in the county.

"I survived thanks to my life."

"If I'm not mistaken."

"This is most likely a secret ghost of the first family."

Leng Qingmei was taken aback, she never expected that someone would be so bold and go to the official mansion to assassinate Chen Nan.

This is the death penalty of the Nine Tribes!

She calmed down and said, "If you have evidence, you can inform Lord Han about this." "

Mo said that you opened the gate and released water, killed the Taixuan Lake water monster and made a miracle."

"Even if you are just an ordinary catcher, the imperial court will strictly investigate this matter."

"At that time, even if the first family has a heavenly background behind them, no one will be able to keep them."

Chen Nan got up and put on his clothes, and ordered the maids outside to prepare some food, and then said: "I asked the two people who assassinated me, saying that someone issued a reward order about me in the rivers and lakes.

"As long as you kill me, you can get 100,000 taels of silver."

"As for who issued the bounty order."

"Even they don't know."

"It's not a big problem, though."

"Even if someone secretly issues a bounty order, I can find the real culprit behind the scenes."

Leng Qingmei did not make a sound.

She knows.

There is only one place in Tongcheng that can issue a bounty order.

And the place where the bounty order was issued was Qingyunlou.

As long as Chen Nan put on a black cloak and a mask, he could completely find out who issued the bounty order about him.

Leng Qingmei suddenly said: "By the way, Yamen sent someone to send a message a few days ago, if you wake up, let you go to the county office."

"I see."


Chen Nan said, "I'll go to the county, don't rush to break through first, if nothing else, I will be able to let you step into the Soul Gathering Realm within three days." "

I said to the Qingyunlou King before.

The medicinal materials for refining the Soul Gathering Pill can be sent after the flood is over.

The floods have now been lifted.

It is completely possible to refine the Soul Gathering Pill.

Although he promised Wang Treasurer, Cheng Dan's rate was ten to one.

But for him.

The rate of success will definitely be higher.

It can be completely given to the cold and charming.

After all, she is also quite hard, isn't it?

After Chen Nan left, Leng Qingmei smashed the dining table in front of him with a palm, gritting her teeth and saying, "Chen Nan, do you really think you can control me?"

"Do you really think that if you fall in love with the relationship of Hundred Flowers Valley, there will be no way to kill you?"

"Even if you give me the elixir to step into the Soul Gathering Realm."

"You have to die too."

She has joined the Anti-Heavenly Sect.

Just by taking credit, you can make a request.

Even let the masters in the sect kill for themselves.


in the evening.

Chen Nan came to the county office.

One comes in.

Everyone looked at him with adoring eyes.

It's clear.

People know what he did for Tongcheng.

I admire him in my heart.

"Meet my lord!"

Seeing Han Zongyuan, Chen Nan bowed to him and saluted.

Han Zongyuan put down the book in his hand and said with a smile: "Excuse me!"

"I heard that you were seriously injured when you killed the Taixuan Lake Monster, and now your injuries are healed?"

Chen Nan: "Lord Tuo's blessing has been healed. The

corner of Han Zongyuan's mouth twitched.

Fifth brother, fifth brother!

There are only you and me here, you have guessed my identity, why are you so polite?

However, he did not say that since the fifth brother wanted to continue acting, then the younger brother could only accompany the act!

"I have already reported your merit to the imperial court, and if nothing else, the reward will come down soon." Han Zongyuan's voice changed and said, "However, I have good news for you to come here this time."

"The Yin Selection of your heart will open in three days."

Chen Nan was overjoyed: "Isn't there still more than five months to go?" How is it ahead? "

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