Han Zongyuan: "The original plan was to hold a Yin Difference Selection in five months, but this time, in order to expand the new river channel, hundreds of Yin Chao were killed and injured on the side of Guangling Prefecture.

"Therefore, the selection of Yin Poor will be carried out in advance as a last resort."

Chen Nan was relieved and asked curiously, "How many places do we have in Tongcheng?"

Han Zongyuan: "One!" "

Huh? Is there a place in the city? Chen Nan was taken aback.

You must know that there are 13 million people in Tongcheng.

Who thought that there was only one place this time?

Han Zongyuan said, "Although the Yin Difference in Guangling Mansion suffered heavy losses, we have nothing to lose in Tongcheng. So we only have one place here.

"However, as far as I know, there are as many as 100,000 people who want to sign up to become yin."

Chen Nan smacked his tongue: "With a probability of one in 100,000, it is not easy to become a yin difference!"

Then he changed his voice and said, "Lord Han, you said, can I go to Guangling Mansion to participate in the Yin Poor Selection?"

Han Zongyuan asked rhetorically: "Is your household registration in Guangling Mansion?"

Chen Nan looked embarrassed: "It belongs to Guangling Mansion, but it is in Tongcheng."

Han Zongyuan smiled and said, "Isn't that enough?"

Chen Nan did not make a sound.

The probability of one in 100,000 is too small and too small for him.

If you can't become a yin difference, then you can't enter the capital city smoothly.

He can't enter the eighteenth level of hell to return the Dao of the World and the Dao of Beasts to the Houtu Niangniang.

He scratched his scalp and said, "One thing I don't understand, why do so many people want to be yin?"

He asked Wu Jiu and the others.

They were simple when they were yin.

As long as it meets the standards of the prefectural government, it can become a yin.

Moreover, at that time, there were not many people who were willing to be yin errands.

After all, this job is very risky.

Plus the income is not low.

Very few people want to be yin.

But now.

100,000 people compete for a spot.

At one point, he suspected that the heads of those people were flooded.

Han Zongyuan said: "Now Yin difference is a fragrant fruit, as long as it can become Yin Chao, relatives can get the house provided by the government, children can also get free education, and even medical treatment is free."

"Not only that, but Yin Chao also has a lifespan of five hundred years."

"And after death, there is also the qualification for priority reincarnation."

Chen Nan was relieved.

To put it bluntly, it is to improve the welfare of yin.

It's just...

Why did I increase my benefits before I became a yin?

It's hard for me to do this if you guys mess with a chicken like this!

Han Zongyuan saw Chen Nan's concern and said, "You don't need to worry too much about the Yin Difference Selection, you have made a lot of merits before, and it is the county magistrate's catch."

"Some news can be revealed to you in advance."

"For example, the rules of this Yin Poor Selection."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up, and then he said, "If that's the case, it shouldn't be fair to others, right?"

Han Zongyuan asked, "Is there absolute fairness in this world?"

Chen Nan was stunned.

Oh, yes!

Where in this world is there absolute fairness?

Han Zongyuan continued: "This assessment is divided into three levels, the first and second levels are literary examinations.

"It depends on the strategy of the contestants to govern the country and the state, and only those who have the world in mind and have the experience and latitude can advance."

"The third level is the martial arts test, the stronger the strength, the greater the success rate."

"The selection time is seven days later."

"During this time, you can go back and prepare and read more books."

"If you can bet on the exam questions, you will definitely be able to enter the final."

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said, "Does Master Han know the topic of the assessment?"

Although Han Zongyuan said to reveal the topic of his assessment.

But there is one thing to say.

What he just said...

It's the same as not saying.

Han Zongyuan shook his head: "The subject of the assessment is not known to the official, and the imperial court will issue it uniformly before the assessment."

"Take 10,000 steps back."

"Even if this official knows, do you dare to ask for it?"

"Leaking exam questions is a capital offense!"

Chen Nan smiled and said nothing more.

Han Zongyuan said, "You just work hard, and leave the rest to Providence!"

Chen Nan bowed and said, "The subordinates know what to do!" "

That being said.


The host has forced H books to be removed, and has not read any serious books at all!

He had to read a lot of books in just seven days, and for him, the difficulty was not ordinary.

But now.

He didn't have a choice.

Han Zongyuan suddenly said, "Listen to Wu Jiu, you developed penicillin?" "


Han Zongyuan nodded slightly: "The penicillin you developed helped a lot this time, if it weren't for it, those injured people would definitely have died and injured a lot this time."

"Although you are a county governor, this official will not take advantage of you."

"Later, you will go to the account room to receive 100,000 taels of silver!"

Digging a river channel is an individual task.

Moreover, there are many cultivators who have cracked mountains.

Injuries are inevitable during this process.

Fortunately, Chen Nan developed penicillin, and after those injured returned, they were treated in time.

Otherwise, there will really be a lot of death.

Chen Nandao: "Thank you for your kindness, those penicillins before should be a little contribution made by subordinates to the people of Tongcheng."

Han Zongyuan showed a reassuring smile: "Not bad, whether it is your ability or pattern, it is not comparable to ordinary people."

"I am very optimistic about your performance this time, if you can become a yin, the future will definitely be smooth."

"Even the official has to look back."

"The adult is wrong, and the subordinate retreats first." Chen Nan exited Han Zongyuan's room.

Just came to the front yard.

I found a carriage in the courtyard with a large pile of tall books on it.

Seeing Chen Nan appear, Wu Jiu grinned: "Chen Nan, you came just right, this is the books we have prepared for you, as long as you can eat these books thoroughly, I guarantee that you can pass the literary examination!" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched fiercely.

Loss of conscience!

This time it is really a loss of conscience!

Don't say that these are all serious books.

Even if it is an H book, I can't read it in seven days!

Despite this, he forced a smile.

After all, this is all the intention of the brothers, you can't refuse them, right?

It's just...

They all had schadenfreude smiles on their faces.

It's a beating.

"Help me get these books to my house!"

He sighed secretly, and finally waited for the Yin Difference Selection.

This is related to whether he can meet the Houtu Niangniang.

At all costs.

You have to work hard, too.

Wu Jiu and the others followed Chen Nan's words and sent the cart of books to No. 13 Dongyuan Street.

As for Chen Nan, he put on a black cloak.

Putting on a golden mask, he came to Qingyunlou.

The purpose of coming here is simple.

First, complete the agreement with Steward Wang and help him refine the Soul Gathering Pill.

The second is to investigate who issued a bounty order to kill himself some time ago.

If only it found out.

You have to make the other party pay a terrible price!

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