After Chen Nan appeared in the Qingyun Tower, Steward Wang greeted him with excitement on his face: "Chen Daoyou, you can be regarded as coming, if you don't come again, the medicinal materials for refining the Soul Gathering Pill will wither!" "

He has long prepared the medicinal materials for refining the Soul Gathering Pill.

It's a pity.

Chen Nan never appeared.

If he didn't appear again, the medicinal effects of those medicinal herbs would definitely be greatly reduced.

"Some things can't go away during this time!" Chen Nan said, "Give me the medicinal materials, I'll help you refine the Soul Gathering Pill when I go back." Steward

Wang spread out his right hand, and a storage bag appeared in his palm, containing the medicinal materials for refining the Soul Gathering Pill.

Chen Nan hesitated and said, "Steward Wang, there is something I want to ask you about." "

You guys go down first." Steward Wang repelled a few staff members.

Chen Nan nodded secretly.

The third is the third old.

Will get things done.

Chen Nan also did not hide it, and said, "That's right, I have a friend who works as an errand in the county.

"But some time ago, someone issued a bounty for his life."

"If I'm not mistaken, the bounty order should have been issued by Qingyunlou, right?"

Steward Wang frowned and asked cautiously, "The junior in Chen Daoyou's mouth is called Chen Nan?" "

Speaking of which.

His whole person couldn't help but be stunned.

The person in front of him was called Chen Bei.

The friend in his mouth is called Chen Nan?

Isn't this the so-called friend out of nothing?

This moment.

He knew Chen Nan's identity.


The other party does not want to disclose his identity, and he cannot force it.

This is impolite!

Chen Nan: "Yes!" Steward

Wang nodded slightly and said, "That bounty order was indeed issued by Qingyunlou, and it was also the list that Lao Immortal personally received. "

For Chen Nan this person.

He still heard about it.

Say nothing else.

It was just his grandson who angrily beheaded Wen Bohou on the street.

Angrily beheaded the father and son of Wen Bohou above the public court.

It made him a household name.

For Chen Nan, he has been fascinated for a long time.


He is a businessman.

As long as it makes money, even assassinating Chen Nan is not a big deal.

Chen Nan was straight to the point: "I want to know, who issued the bounty and wanted to murder my friend's life?"

Steward Wang looked embarrassed: "Chen Daoyou, Qingyun Tower has the rules of Qingyun Lou, we can't disclose the employer's information, and I hope you have more Haihan." "

Qingyun Tower has existed for many years and is spread throughout the Underworld.

It's about keeping promises.

Chen Nan did not expect that Steward Wang would be tight-lipped and not tell him the identity of his employer.

He sighed lightly and said, "That's the case, then take back these medicinal material kings!"

"You... What do you mean by that? Steward Wang almost didn't scold Niang.

Just because I didn't tell you the identity of my employer, you have to refuse to give me alchemy?


Do you still want to lose face?

Chen Nan said a little helplessly: "Steward Wang don't think that I refused refining pills because you didn't tell me the murderer's information, the main thing is that there is something wrong with me."

"If I have something in mind, I can't calm down and concentrate on one thing."

"Ordinary things are like this."

"Not to mention such a big thing as alchemy, I'm afraid I'll spoil your ten medicinal herbs!"

"So, please take back the medicinal herbs!"

Steward Wang looked at Chen Nan incredulously.

He thought that Chen Nan was very shameful.

It turns out.

Himself wrong.

He doesn't have a face at all!

And also.

He felt as if he had misunderstood the god of the county to catch Chen Nan.

That master is a two-sleeved breeze, dedicated to the people.

How could he be this brazen, smelly guy in front of him?

He subconsciously swallowed his saliva and said nervously: "Chen Daoyou, don't you want to joke with your old husband, okay?" For these ten medicinal herbs, Old Immortal was bankrupt and spent all his savings. "

You suddenly don't help the old immortal refining pill, then won't these medicinal materials be wasted?"

Chen Nan asked, "How much did you spend on these medicinal herbs?"

Steward Wang stretched out three fingers and looked distressed: "Thirty million taels of silver!"

Chen Nan smacked his lips: "It's a lot of money."

"That's not it!" Steward Wang's heart was dripping blood.

He saved 30 million taels of silver after saving money all his life.

If it weren't for Chen Nan's promise to help him refine the Soul Gathering Pill and break through the Transformation Realm.

He categorically will not use this silver.

Which Cheng thought.

This is forced and unbelievable.

So much so that the medicinal materials purchased by 30 million are about to be lost.

What a son of man this dog is not the son of man!

Chen Nan sighed: "Cultivators pay attention to a causal relationship, since this matter started because of me, then I definitely can't watch you suffer such a big loss." "

In this way, I will charge you those medicinal materials at a discount."

"It's also a way to help you recover some losses."

"No thanks, after all, we are also old friends."

"This little help, I still have to help."



Steward Wang's eyes widened.

His eyes were full of horror.

Foggy grass!

How can this guy say such words that the ancestors of the eighteen generations do not want to face?

The medicinal herbs that Lao Tzu bought for 30 million taels of silver, you actually want to buy them at a discount?

You're still blatant about saying it's to help me?

And said no thanks?


Please, be a person, please?

Is it okay to do something to get involved with people?

You are like this, I really want to hit you.

Even your mother doesn't recognize you.

He wanted to turn his face.

Directly pressed Chen Nan to the ground and beat him violently.


Steward Wang is very sensible.

Not carried away by anger.

Because he knows.

Once this is done.

Those 30 million were really smashed in the hands.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "Chen Daoyou, you also said just now, we are not outsiders anymore, so don't scare the old man like this, okay?"

"Actually, I also want to tell you who posted the bounty to kill your friend."

"But Qingyunlou has rules that cannot reveal the identity of the employer."

"If I tell you the identity of my employer now, believe it or not, and before you leave this door, I will die in front of your eyes?"

Chen Nan frowned: "And this kind of rule?

Steward Wang shrugged helplessly: "How else?"

Chen Nan looked helpless: "Hey! I really don't want to threaten you with alchemy, the main thing is that I don't figure out the answer, I always feel a thorn in my heart, and I can't calm down to help you refine the pill! "

Although Qingyunlou has rules.

But Chen Nan believed.

Steward Wang will definitely be able to give himself a satisfactory explanation for this matter.

After all.

He is number three.

Steward Wang was silent, his brain running fast, thinking of a best of both worlds.

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes bloomed with dazzling essence: "I have a way not to violate the rules of Qingyunlou, and I can also let you have no worries."

Under the mask, Chen Nan showed a meaningful smile: "What way?" "

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