Next second.

Han Zongyuan appeared beside Chen Nan out of thin air.

He was dressed in an official uniform with a face full of majesty.

It gives people a feeling of not being angry but threatening: "If you let people go, this official may be able to punish him lightly, otherwise, this official does not mind killing Er and others on the spot." "

As a Tongcheng County Commander, he absolutely does not allow anyone to rob people and women on his territory.

And it was Chen Nan's maid who robbed it.

The old woman's face showed a hint of disdain: "You are Ling Han Zongyuan of Tongcheng County, right?" Do you know who the person behind me is?

Han Zongyuan snorted coldly: "This official doesn't want to know." Old

woman: "Even if you don't want to know, old age has to tell you."

"The man behind me is called Song Qitian."

Hear this.

Han Zongyuan's face changed suddenly.

He naturally knew who Song Qitian was.

It's just that I didn't expect that this old woman turned out to be Song Qitian's person.

The old woman continued: "The purpose of my trip south this time is to find the daughter of Lord Song who left the people, so there is no so-called robbery of the people's daughter.

"So, you understand?"

"You shouldn't be stupid enough to stop Lord Song from recognizing each other, right?"

Han Zongyuan was speechless.

Unexpectedly, the maid beside Chen Nan turned out to be the daughter of Lord Song's lost folk.

Chen Nan also did not expect that it was Song Ziwei's relatives who found it.

He looked at the pitiful and helpless face in the carriage: "Since it is your relatives who are looking for the door, then you should go back with them!"

Although he didn't want Song Ziwei to go back.


He's not stupid.

I can see that the situation at this time is very unfavorable for me.

If you insist hastily, it will definitely be a disaster.

After all, even Han Zongyuan was so jealous of these people.

"Young Master, I don't want to go back."

"I have no relatives."

"Even if there is, it's Madame and you!" Song Ziwei burst into tears, and her eyes were full of helplessness.

She heard that the Song family was powerful.

In Guangling Mansion, it is a presence that covers the sky with one hand.

But even so, so what?

Even if she loves money as much as she lives.

But in her heart, when she was abandoned.

His own relatives died.

Only the young master and lady are her closest relatives.

Chen Nan's heart was like a knife, but he still comforted softly: "Obedient, follow them back, and the young master will visit you after a while."

Song Ziwei pursed her lips and tried to control her tears.

But tears slipped down his face.

She has grown so big, and she has never been separated from the young master.

It's inevitable that the heart will be reluctant.

"Young man, you don't seem to have taken the words of the old age to heart!" The old woman snorted coldly: "If you dare to come and disturb the life of my young lady, I don't mind killing you!"

Chen Nan stared at the other party deadly, keeping her appearance in mind.

This old man must die.


This person is very strong.

With his current strength, it is categorically difficult to resist.

"Go home!"

The old woman left a word and left Tongcheng with a swagger.

Until the other person disappears in front of you.

Only then did Chen Nan retract his gaze.

This farewell, I don't know when I will see Song Ziwei again.

Han Zongyuan said in a low voice: "Song Qitian is the Daoist of Guangling Mansion, and like Lord Yuan, he is from the fourth grade.

"The official positions of the two are evenly matched."

"Although the power of the Daotai is not as good as that of the prefect."

"But the dotai can impeach the prefect."

"And the most important point."

"Song Qitian's mentor is the imperial master."

Chen Nan felt that his head was about to explode.

I didn't expect Song Qitian's background to be so amazing.


He likes to do challenging things.

It's just that.

Isn't Han Zongyuan from the Tai Shi's camp?

Why did he tell himself about it?

Chen Nan couldn't figure it out.

I don't want to think about it anymore.

A man returned to his new home listlessly.

At this time, the mother was chatting with two newly recruited maids.

Chen Nan told her about Song Ziwei.

Wang Mengqing's face showed sadness after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, Song Ziwei's relatives came to the door and took her away.

Normally, Song Ziwei will definitely be happy if she can find her relatives.

But now.

Only endless worries.

If the other party really thinks about Song Ziwei.

Then he will definitely take her to say goodbye to himself.

Or a few words of thanks.

In any case, he pulled Song Ziwei into adulthood.

But now.

The other party forcibly took Song Ziwei without even saying goodbye.

It is not difficult to know that Song Ziwei even found her biological parents.

The situation will not be too good.

Chen Nan saw the worry in his mother's heart, and said softly: "Mother, don't worry too much, the Yin difference assessment will begin soon, the son will work hard to strive to be admitted to the Yin Difference, and then apply to Lord Han to serve in Guangling Mansion." "

Going all the way north after becoming a yin chao is something in Chen Nan's plan in itself.

After all, the capital city is in the north.

It's just that.

On his original plan, there was an additional goal to find Song Ziwei.


the next few days, Chen Nan worked hard to read books and improve his knowledge.

And the mother is also accepting the newly recruited maids and housekeepers as much as possible.

Keep yourself busy as much as possible and not think about Song Ziwei.

On the third day.

He went to extract penicillin.

After all, no one else will handle this matter, and he can only handle it personally.

Otherwise, those penicillins will lose their original value.

Fortunately, they know how to extract the final penicillin.

Or wait seven days later.

These penicillins have to lose their value.

After all, the cultivation cycle of penicillin is seven days.

And he was going to participate in the Yin Poor Selection on the day the penicillin was extracted.

There is no time to take care of these penicillins.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the Yin Difference Selection.

100,000 people compete for a place at the same time, and the competition can be described as extremely fierce.

Chen Nan was puzzled.

It is clear that the competition is negative.

But it was like a test champion.

There is a saying, even in the Yang feudal period, Kao Zhuangyuan did not have the momentum he has today!

The Yin Difference Selection is divided into three levels.

The first two levels are literary exams.

It is scheduled for morning and afternoon.

The third martial arts test was scheduled for three days later.

Before the exam, everyone learned the questions.

Some rejoice, others worry.

Because I knew the exam questions in advance.

So Chen Nan acted very relaxed, but he did not hand in the papers in advance.

Fear of attracting attention.

After all, you know the exam questions in advance, if you complete the questions in three or five minutes.

It will definitely attract the attention of others.

If this matter is investigated, then the matter will be troublesome.

After completing the afternoon exam.

Chen Nan left the examination room, and as soon as he walked out, Xia Youwei came to him and asked him how he was doing in the exam and whether he had the confidence to stand out.

After all, she knew Chen Nan very well and knew that this guy didn't have any college questions.

Chen Nan didn't talk too much, and the two talked and laughed and went to the place where penicillin was cultivated.

He wanted to see how much penicillin had been refined this time.

After all, these penicillins are all money!

After coming.

He keenly found that the Wu Wang Clan and the others, who had originally reaped a good harvest, were all frowning.

It's like something big has happened.

A sense of foreboding rose in Chen Nan's heart: "Sister-in-law, why are you frowning?" Did something happen? "

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