Wu Wangshi sighed lightly, and said helplessly: "Big brother, I'm afraid we can't buy vegetables such as potatoes and cabbage!"

Chen Nan frowned.

Cabbage and potatoes are the key to cultivating penicillin.

If he couldn't buy these vegetables, he simply couldn't continue to grow penicillin.

"Is it because of the floods?"

"It's not right!"

"Now that shipping has been opened, I heard that the prices are much cheaper than before."

"But why can't you buy potatoes and cabbage?"

Chen Nan had a lot of doubts in his heart.

Wu Wangshi said: "Now that the two vegetables of cabbage and potatoes are monopolized by a businessman named Ma Jun, we thought about buying some vegetables before."

"But the other party didn't agree to sell it to us."

Ma Jun?

Chen Nan remembered the newly rising Ma family in Tongcheng.

If nothing else.

The Ma family should have set their sights on penicillin technology.

After all, this technology is too anti-heavenly.

Ordinary people if after obtaining.

You can make a lot of money.

Chen Nan heard Han Zongyuan say about the Ma family.

The Ma family does not have any relationship with the first family.

It wasn't what he and Leng Qingmei had guessed.


The Ma family has a big backer in the capital city, which is obvious.


The Ma family will not monopolize shipping either.


A handsome young man wearing a white robe and holding a folding fan and carrying two subordinates walked in with a proud face.

The young man looked at Chen Nan: "You are Chen Nan who invented penicillin?"

"It's me." Chen Nan felt that this person was a little familiar.

Then I thought of a relationship I had had in the examination room before.

This guy also signed up for this Yin Chao recruitment.

"My name is Ma Jun, you should know my origin." The young man reported to his home and said, "Our Ma family is very optimistic about your penicillin refining technology and is willing to cooperate with you." Although

he said that he was willing to work together.

But it looks like it's high.

It was as if he didn't put Chen Nan in his eyes at all.

Chen Nan asked with interest: "How to cooperate?"

Ma Jun gently fanned the folding fan in his hand: "Ninety-one is divided."

Chen Nan smiled and said, "This is not bad."

Ma Jun chuckled: "Don't you think that you have to get ninety percent, and our Ma family will get one percent profit, right?"

Chen Nan frowned: "Isn't it? "


Ma Jun showed a disdainful expression: "I'm sorry, you can only get one percent profit."

Chen Nan was directly amused: "In other words, I gave you the refining technology of penicillin, but I could only get one percent of the profit, right?"

"Give you a ten percent profit, and you should feel content." After all, not everyone can become a partner of our Ma family. Ma Jun looked indifferent, as if in his mouth, giving Chen Nan Yicheng profits was already his greatest gift.

Chen Nan's face was full of fanaticism: "It's me who has ignored being able to become a partner of the Ma family." Or else..."

"Don't give me a profit either."

"All profits will be given to the Ma family, just as I honor you."

"In addition, the cost of cultivating penicillin, as well as labor wages, is also borne by me."

This time Ma Jun will not be able to rectify.

He looked at Chen Nan with a stunned expression: "You're not joking, are you?"

Chen Nan gave him a disdainful look: "Stupid, obviously you joked first, right?"

Ma Jun was furious: "What do you call me?"

Chen Nan rightfully said, "Stupid!

"Yes, you heard it right."

"I'm just calling you stupid."

"You're the purebred fool."

"I wondered."

"When your mother was pregnant with you, did all the amniotic fluid enter your head?"

"How could you say such brainless things?"

"Why do you think that I will give you ninety percent of the profits in order to coerce your Ma family?"

"Are all of you in the Ma family as self-righteous as you?"


"Dead side play, you are nothing."

"Get out!"

"Now, immediately, immediately disappear before my eyes!"

If the Ma family came to the door to discuss cooperation with courtesy, Chen Nan would definitely not mind giving them the technology to cultivate penicillin, even if it was divided into nineteen, it was not a big deal.

After all, he had been thinking about entrusting this technology to a capable family all this time.

But the Ma family did not have the slightest respect.

First refused to offer himself potatoes, cabbage.

Then Ma Jun came here again with a pretentious look.

Can this be tolerated?

"You actually said that my young master is a fool? Are you tired of living? Believe it or not, Lao Tzu will kill you now? A middle-aged man behind Ma Jun released a powerful anger, as long as Ma Jun gave an order.

He would decisively strike and knock Chen Nan to the ground.


Chen Nan slapped his backhand in the air.

With a crisp slap sound, the middle-aged man directly spewed out a mouthful of blood and flew out more than ten meters, falling to the ground like a dead dog.

"How the dare you hurt me?" The middle-aged man was furious.

Ma Jun also frowned.

It seems that he didn't expect Chen Nan to hurt people when he didn't agree.

This caused a strong anger to rise in his heart.

This person didn't just insult him to his face.

He even hit his subordinates.

It is said that hitting a dog depends on the owner.

How could he endure this?

He closed the folding fan in his hand heavily, and said coldly: "Chen Nan, you kneel in front of me now and beg for mercy, and hand over the technique of refining penicillin, I may still let you live."

"Otherwise, you'll regret it..."


The words are not finished.

Chen Nan slapped his handsome face: "Is it because I didn't hit you, you feel unfair?" Is it just so badly beaten?

"Also, you were threatening me just now, weren't you?"

"It's not..."

Chen Nan looked strange: "After you came to Tongcheng, didn't you investigate what I did?"

"Don't you know that just because Wenbohou's grandson was looking for trouble on the street, he was angrily beheaded by me?"

"Now you are trespassing into people's houses and threatening to kill me."

"Believe it or not, I cut you guys too?" Said that a long knife appeared in his hand.

An icy aura bloomed above the blade.

It's chilling.

This moment.

Ma Jun felt intense panic and unease.

He had naturally heard what Chen Nan had done.


In his opinion, the reason why Chen Nan is so arrogant is because of the fact that he wears a fast hunting suit and fights people.

Which Cheng thought.

He took off his catcher suit and was so arrogant.

Especially the slap just now.

It actually gave him no chance to dodge in the fifth layer of the Yin Realm.

Other words.

Chen Nan's strength was far above the fifth layer of the Yin Realm.

It was a very bad situation for him.

Because he couldn't crush Chen Nan through strength.

Right at this moment.

Chen Nan put the knife on his neck: "Are you still asking me to kneel and beg for mercy now?" "

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