Seeing Chen Nan's indifferent knife-like gaze.

Ma Jun suddenly felt suffocated.

He had no doubts.

Chen Nan would cut off his head with a knife.

If so, the gains outweigh the losses.

"Since you offended me, you have to give me an explanation." Chen Nan's voice sounded: "You said I'm sorry, I said it's okay, I'll let you leave today." Feeling

the cold long knife on his neck, Ma Jun secretly swallowed his saliva, and forced himself to endure the anger in his heart: "I'm sorry."


Chen Nan patted his face with the blade: "Although your Ma family has a great origin, in my opinion, no matter where you go, you must have a heart of awe."

"People can't be too crazy."

"Otherwise you will be struck by lightning."

Ma Jun forced a smile out of his face: "I remember this."

Chen Nan put the long knife into the storage magic weapon: "Then you can roll!"

Ma Jun took a step back, gritted his teeth and said, "Today I confess."

"But today we have made this beam."

"One day I will let you know the end of your enemy."

Speaking of this, he spat out the blood in his mouth: "I can tell you very responsibly, even if you have the cultivation method of penicillin, you still want to buy potatoes and cabbage in Tongcheng!" He

ran out as fast as he could.

He was afraid that Chen Nan would kill him.

"I really didn't expect that there would be a breed in the Ma family!" A trace of disappointment flashed in Chen Nan's eyes, these young disciples seemed to know nothing but bully.

"Big brother, what should we do now?" Wu Wangshi asked nervously.

If they can't buy potatoes and cabbage, aren't they unemployed?

"Sister-in-law, you guys rest for two days first, even if the Ma family monopolizes potatoes and cabbage, I can get it." Chen Nan said lightly.

Although the Ma family has a monopoly on potatoes and cabbage, it is not difficult to get them.


He and Xia Youwei came to Xia's house with a smile.

I haven't seen it for many days.

Xia Hou's complexion looked a lot weaker.

On the contrary, Xia Youwei's mother was full of rosy, obviously nourished by love.

And the root of all this comes from the book written by Chen Nan.

Xia Hou watched with relish.

Do you have to lose the fire after reading it?

Isn't husband and wife life smooth and harmonious?

"How was this exam?"

Xia Hou knew about Chen Nan's participation in the Yin Difference Selection, and asked lightly.

Chen Nandao: "I feel okay, I should be able to reach the third level." "

The first exam will eliminate 99,000 people.

The top 1,000 candidates will have their second paper read.

Of this thousand.

A hundred people will also be selected to enter the third level.

Chen Nan did not dare to say that he could enter the third level with the first place.

But getting to the third level is not difficult at all.

After all, No. 3 had already leaked the exam questions to him in advance.

Xia Hou couldn't see any joy or anger on his face: "Young people can be confident, but they can't be too conceited.

"This time, more than 100,000 people signed up for the Yin Difference Selection."

"Among them, there are some talents who are proficient in poetry and song."

"To beat them, you have to write something new enough to stand out."

"As for the pen and ink in your stomach..."

"At best, write some spiritual food that men will like." Speaking of this, a disdainful expression appeared on his face.

Chen Nan looked stunned.

You've been raving about my work before.

Why do you look high after reading it now?

That's too double-standard, right?


You are Xia Youwei's father, and I don't think about it like you.

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Uncle Xia, I came here this time to ask you for a favor."

"What's busy?" Xia Hou looked at Chen Nan, and a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

In fact, he didn't like Chen Nan.

Just because of this guy who is only a hundred million points handsome.

His daughter was fascinated by him.

But whoever let him be this one daughter can only watch a flower stick on cow dung.

However, there was one thing, and his impression of Chen Nan was not bad.

That's whenever it is.

Chen Nan never thought of taking advantage of the Xia family.

Even spent my daughter's money.

Now that he is looking for his own help, he wonders in his heart.

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Uncle Xia should know about penicillin, right?"

"It's a miracle medicine, how did I not know?" The Xia family is very close to the county office, and they also know more about the affairs of the county office.

He knew that penicillin was a miracle medicine in people's mouths.

If it weren't for this miracle medicine, those who were injured in digging the river would have died and injured most of them.

After all, some injuries, once infected and inflamed, can be life-threatening.

But after penicillin injection.

Those people recovered quickly.

He had seen this with his own eyes.

Chen Nan: "I cultivated penicillin. "


Xia Hou, who had just had saliva in his mouth, and before he had time to swallow, directly sprayed the tea in his mouth.

His eyes were full of incredulity.

"You say, you bred penicillin?"

"No, with your brain, you can grow penicillin?"

"Are you teasing me?"

He couldn't believe Chen Nan's words.

Xia Youwei muttered and said with an unhappy look: "Father, I told you before that Brother Nan is really good.

"Why don't you believe it now?"

"Is it so difficult to admit that others are better than yourself?"

Xia Hou smiled bitterly.

He admitted that Chen Nan had some skills.

But it was also limited to writing novels.

Chen Nan continued, "Does Uncle Xia remember those rotten potatoes and cabbage at No. 13 Dongyuan Street?"

Xia Hou nodded thoughtfully: "I remember you said that those rotten vegetables can turn into gold."

Chen Nan: "Penicillin is cultivated and extracted on those rotten vegetables." "


In a simple sentence.

In Xia Hou's eyes, it was like an invisible slap.

Pumped him hard in the face.

At first, he didn't believe Chen Nan's words.

Do not believe that rotten vegetables can turn into gold.

But now.

Can it be done if you don't believe it?

Chen Nan continued: "Penicillin is a good thing, and it is not excessive to say that all sentient beings are popular.

"The most important thing is that it has been recognized by the people."

"However, penicillin has already aroused the covetousness of the Ma family."

"The Ma family approached me before and wanted to cultivate penicillin, but I refused."

"The end of refusing them is that I can't buy vegetables that cultivate penicillin in Tongcheng."

"So I want to ask you, can you get vegetables such as potatoes and cabbage?"

"If anything, we can work together."

"Your Xia family provides vegetables, and I provide the venue and technology."

"After making money, we will pay fifty-fifty cents."

Xia Hou's eyes lit up.

The value of penicillin he knew.

This is definitely a disruptive, landmark breakthrough.

Whoever masters this technology will definitely make a lot of money.

As for the vegetables that Chen Nan couldn't get.

For him, it was nothing at all.

After all, the Xia family is the richest man in Pingyang Town, and potatoes and cabbage are the existence of rotten streets.

With the influence of the Xia family, it can be purchased in Pingyang Town and transported to Tongcheng.

Immediately he thought of the Ma family, and couldn't help but sigh softly: "I want to cooperate with you, but this will offend the Ma family!" "

And the Ma family... Are we offended?

Chen Nan grinned, a sinister smile flashing in his eyes: "You don't have to worry about this, although the Ma family has a great origin, but why is it difficult for me to take them down?" "

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