Seeing Ma Jun appear, he was full of gunpowder.

The expressions of Wu Jiu and the others were ugly.

If Chen Nan could become a yin, even if he had beaten Ma Jun before.

The Ma family did not dare to secretly use means to deal with him.

After all, so many people want to become yin, and in the final analysis, the treatment of yin difference has improved.


If Ma Jun won the first place, then Chen Nan would definitely pass by Yin Chao.

If so.

The Ma family will definitely not let Chen Nan go.

This is also where they are worried.

"Can you fight well, won't you know when the martial arts test begins?"

A shallow smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "You'd better not fall into my hands, otherwise, I will beat you kneeling on the ground and calling dad!"

Ma Jun smiled: "I'm sorry, I also stepped into the sixth layer of the Yin Realm yesterday." Even if you and I meet on the battlefield, you will not be able to defeat me. He

knew that Chen Nan's strength was above him.

But he had already stepped into the sixth layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

He thought he could defeat Chen Nan and win the final victory.

"Oh, that's how it is!" Chen Nan sighed: "I'm quite embarrassed, I also broke through and stepped into the seventh layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm!" "


The expression on Ma Jun's face instantly froze.

He didn't expect that.

Chen Nan even broke through.

That's embarrassing.

"Even if you break through, you can't get the final victory!" Ma Jun snorted coldly and left the county office angrily.

He came over to show in front of Chen Nan that he had stepped into the sixth layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

Which Cheng thought.

Will lift a rock and shoot himself in the foot.

I waited for almost an hour.

One hundred contestants who reached the third level gathered in the martial arts arena.

In addition, there are many people who come to watch.

Han Zongyuan appeared in the referee's seat in the martial arts arena wearing an official uniform, and there were four invigilators from the capital city on his left and right.

Han Zongyuan looked at the hundred contestants, and a loud voice came out of his mouth: "Congratulations to Er and the others for defeating the other contestants and advancing to the third level of the martial arts test."

"Since it's a competition, you have to win or lose."

"The assessment of the third level is very simple."

"This level is divided into three sub-levels."

"The first level is perseverance."

"After all, Yin Chao's job is not easy, and you have to deal with ghosts often."

"Only those with great perseverance can do it."

The words fell.

A county servant came to the 100 contestants with an incense burner.

"Just light this incense and you will see what you fear most in your heart." Han Zongyuan said, "This level does not seem to be dangerous, but it is very risky, and it may cause you to die in the illusion realm."

"So, if someone is scared by this, they can opt out."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone's expressions changed.

I didn't expect this level to face the most fearful thing in my heart.

Even life-threatening.


Someone left the arena.

Yin poor treatment is certainly good.

But there is no need to take such a big risk.

If there is one, there are two.

Over time, a total of thirteen people gave up the martial arts test.

Han Zongyuan continued, "The four judges around me are all from the capital city, and they will give you a comprehensive score based on your performance when you compete.

"The overall score of the third level will be added to the score of the previous exam."

"The top fifty people with the highest scores can enter the assessment of the second level."

"If you don't have questions, you're ready to go."

Eighty-seven people stood there silently without making a sound.

However, the expressions on his face were a little solemn.

Han Zongyuan: "Light incense!" "


He took out a black incense stick and lit it with a fire fold.

Insert it in an incense burner.

Seeing this, the others all sat cross-kneeled, showing a stern expression.

Chen Nan held his breath and concentrated.

You want to delay seeing something you fear happen by slowing down your breathing.


He underestimated the black incense.

Even if you control your breathing.

It can also be pervasive, invade the body, and erode willpower.

"I underestimated this thing."

Chen Nan did not dare to be careless, and his expression gradually became solemn.

Next second.

He felt as if he had traveled through time and space.

appeared in the depths of a vast and boundless universe.

In front of his eyes there are three heavens representing the Yang Realm, the Underworld, and the Divine Realm.


A dazzling light appeared in the underworld.

Followed by.

The underworld began to collapse and annihilate.

Friends he knew.

The woman of this world.

Close relatives.

It also turned to ashes at this moment.

No one escapes this catastrophe.

He watched as familiar faces died in front of him, but there was nothing he could do.

He felt as if his heart had been slashed with a knife.

There was a feeling of almost suffocation.

Then there's the Divine Realm.

He saw countless heavenly gods trying to resist the catastrophe.

But none of them survived.

Even if they are high gods.

Has supreme powers.

Great creation.

But in the face of this catastrophe, it is as humble as an ant.

The divine realm and the underworld fell one after another.

After that, there is the Yang Realm, the Immortal Realm.

The loved ones he knew.

All died tragically in front of his eyes.

He watched them leave him, and no amount of effort could stop the catastrophe.

He saw the green dragon.

Before he died, the green dragon roared angrily at him: "You have entered the underworld, why haven't you been able to stop this catastrophe?" Chen Nan, I am very disappointed in you.

"You don't deserve to rebuild the Heavenly Court!"

"You are ashamed of what those saints expect from you!"

Qinglong's words made him extremely ashamed.

He wanted to explain what happened to him in the underworld.

But the green dragon died in front of his eyes.

Followed by.

The sun began to annihilate.

Hundreds of millions of lives died tragically one after another.

If that's all, that's it.

But what Chen Nan didn't expect was.

Billions of sentient beings in the three realms are dead.

But only he is alive.

He was the only one left in the Three Realms.

He is alive though.

But life is better than death.

He wanted to die.

All means of suicide were exhausted.

But for some reason, he couldn't die.

He lived with pain and guilt all day.


"It can't be like this!"

"I will definitely not allow the destruction of the Three Realms!"

Chen Nan let out a low roar in his heart.

Some pains are unforgettable after experiencing them once.

If what happened before you really played out.

He will definitely live better than die.


He wanted to avoid the possibility of the destruction of the Three Realms.

It has to be a yin.

Only in this way can we rise step by step, enter the eighteenth layer of hell, and return the human and animal roads to the Houtu Niangniang.

He was experiencing an inner torment that he had never felt before.

His face also showed a hideous and painful expression.

Seeing this, Wu Jiu sighed secretly: "This time, Chen Nan is afraid that he will not be able to become a yin difference!"

Song Yunfei couldn't help but ask, "Boss, why don't you have confidence in Chen Nan?"

Wu Jiu shook his head: "If you look at Ma Jun, you will know why I said this!"

Song Yunfei and the others all looked at Ma Jun in unison.

Compared to other people's painful, angry, solemn expressions.

Ma Jun looked calm, with a quiet smile on his face.

Is this reasonable?

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