"If I'm not mistaken, Ma Jun must have taken some kind of medicine before, which can prevent him from being affected by this incense." Song Yunfei whispered and gave his opinion.

Zhang Lu said indignantly: "It's really unreasonable, others are risking their lives here to fight against the heart demon, but this horse cheats by such shady means." "

Everyone else was angry too.

Although this is the first level of the martial arts test.

But in this matter, it can be seen that the Ma family must have spent a lot of thought.

You don't have to think about it.

In this competition, all the judges will be biased towards Ma Jun.

After all.

The Ma family is from the capital city.

And these four referees are also from the capital city.

If they don't favor Ma Jun, that's the real hell.

On the bench.

An old man with a goatee stroked his beard, looked at Ma Jun with satisfaction, and said, "I have long heard that a young handsome man has appeared in the Ma family, and today I saw that the rumors were true.

"Mo said that in the small projectile land of Tongcheng, even if he goes to Guangling Mansion, he can stand out."

A burst of anger rose in Han Zongyuan's heart.

Land of tiny projectiles?

Old stuff.

When you said this, did you consider the feelings of your own official?

Another old man said: "Yes, this kid from the Ma family looks indifferent, the clouds are light and the wind is light, and it is obvious that he has nothing to fear." This little guy's future is limitless!

The other two referees nodded in unison.

Full recognition of Ma Jun's performance.

Han Zongyuan's face was gloomy.

He could see that the Ma family must have cheated.


There is no evidence of this kind of thing, even if he is a Tongcheng County Order.

Nor can it be said that this kind of thing is false.

"Is that guy with a face full of pain Chen Nan who is the second in the literary examination?" The goatee old man locked his gaze on Chen Nan, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes: "I read this son's article, and it is very well written, second only to the little guy of the Ma family."

"But, you see, he has a face full of pain and a hideous expression."

"I don't know what he saw."

"But one thing is obvious, his heart is far inferior to the little guy of the Ma family."

"If this kind of person becomes a yin, he does not know whether it is a curse or a blessing."

Although it is the first level of the martial arts test.

But he had to give Chen Nan the final word.


Han Zongyuan's voice sounded: "I beg your pardon for not daring to agree with Lord Duan's attitude." "

It's still too early for Chen Nan to perform at this level."

"We can't judge by his performance at the moment that he is not fit to be a yin, it's not fair to him."

He said expressionlessly, "And."

"Chen Nan is the divine capture in the hearts of the people of my Tongcheng."

"He didn't just crack the floating corpse case."

"Even when Tongcheng was flooded."

"Risking your life to dive underwater and open floodgates."

"Even bravely fought the Taixuan Lake Monster."

"Risking death to borrow heavenly thunder to kill it."

"For this, he was in a coma for more than ten days."

"Everything he does, the sky sees in his eyes."

"The people of Tongcheng remember it in their hearts."

"You can't deny him because he's not doing well at this time, can you?"

The more Han Zongyuan said, the angrier he became: "In case he is experiencing submersible to open the floodgates and discharge floods at this time, but he can't do anything about it, and he sees the water flooding the city."

"Or maybe what he saw was the Taixuan Lake monster hunting and killing innocent people in the city."

"Then may I ask, is his performance at this time good or bad?"

Duan Kun frowned.

Unexpectedly, Han Zongyuan dared to speak to himself in such a tone.

After all, his status is far below him.

The other three old men showed surprised eyes.

It seems that he did not expect Chen Nan to make so many contributions.

Han Zongyuan said again: "Another point, the proposal of digging the river channel and cutting straight and taking the bend was proposed by Chen Nan, if it weren't for him, does Lord Duan think that there would be today's Yin Difference Selection?"

Duan Kun snorted coldly: "I don't deny this guy's ability, but you have to remember that Chen Nan killed the Wen Bohou family." His behavior made our camp very passive in the DPRK.

Han Zongyuan: "Yes, I don't deny this.

"However, the main reason why Wen Bohou was killed was that they lost the gold medal given by the emperor and ignored the laws of the imperial court in court."

"Even if Chen Nan killed the Wen Bohou family."

"But in my opinion."

"Wen Bohou did not die at the hands of Chen Nan."

"but died in the arrogance and arrogance of their Liu family."

"We can't hold a grudge against Chen Nan because he killed a Hou Ye in our camp because he enforced the law."

"To deprive and deny all that He has done."

A trace of displeasure flashed in Duan Kun's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't forget, he is Yuan Zun's person."

Han Zongyuan: "He can also become our people."

"Let's see how he performs!" Duan Kun snorted impatiently.

There was a sentence he didn't say.

There is yourself.

Chen Nanxiu wants to get a high score.

A killing intent rose in Han Zongyuan's heart.

Old stuff.

If Chen Nan can't be a yin.

Then don't blame the Third Master for destroying your Nine Clan.

Even if your influence in the DPRK is stronger than mine.

Even if your official position is above mine.

But why is it so difficult to destroy you?

Han Zongyuan could easily destroy Duan Kun.

It only needed to detonate a disciple of the Anti-Heaven Sect buried in the Duan family, which was enough to cause the Duan family to suffer a catastrophe.

It's just that there is one thing he is curious about.

What did the fifth brother see?

With his heart, even if he saw something fearful.

You won't be so alarmed and uneasy, right?

Time passes slowly.

After half a column of incense.

Some people have been eliminated one after another.

It is not so much elimination as actively choosing to give up.

After there are fifty people left.

The four judges scored the fifty people in the order in which they were eliminated.

Wait for the incense to burn completely.

Only three people held out in the field.

In addition to Chen Nan and Ma Jun, there is also a young man named Guo Yu.


His face was pale and his whole body was wet with sweat.

It looks like it has just been fished out of the water.

Therefore, the four judges gave three eights and one high score of nine.

Of course.

That nine points came from Duan Kun.

Although Chen Nan performed poorly at first, he stabilized his mentality in the back.

Normally speaking.

Chen Nan's score is definitely higher than Guo Yu's.


After seeing the scores given by the four judges.

A strong anger rose in Chen Nan's heart.

Three nines he can accept.


The goatee old man actually gave himself a point.

One point!

The fiftieth promoter all got a point, and he advanced to the top three, which is only one point?

This is clearly deliberately aimed at him.

Suppress him.

Don't want him to be a yin.

And the suppression is very obvious.

Wu Jiu protested loudly: "This is not fair, why did Chen Nan persist to the end, but only got one point?" Are there any bullies like you? "

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