As soon as the words came out.

Immediately received a lot of support.

An old man with white hair made a loud voice: "Not bad, Chen Chao Kuai performed well in the assessment of this level, and persevered to the end, why do you give a point?"

Another person said loudly: "Although you are the referee, giving a point at this time is clearly a bully." It's not fair and we don't agree with the rating you give. "

Maybe Duan Kun is from the capital city.

Maybe a big man.

But at this time.

He has already committed public wrath.

Duan Kun released a powerful aura, and his eyes swept indifferently over the people below: "The Great Emperor sent me to serve as a referee, this is someone who trusts me Duan."

"Even so, my rating represents the Emperor."

"Wait and say that this is unfair, is it because you are dissatisfied with the Great Emperor?"

His voice was cold.

Practical actions explain what is called dog fighting people.

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone closed their mouths in unison.

Although they were dissatisfied with Duan Kun's rating.

But now he has moved out of the Emperor.

Who dares to refute it?

If he really used this to cure them with a great charge of disrespect.

That's going to kill the head.

Han Zongyuan said in a low voice, "Master Duan, do you really want to kill them all?"

He didn't expect Duan Kun to be so unscrupulous and suppress Chen Nan in public.

Duan Kun asked lightly, "Could it be that Lord Han also questioned the Great Emperor?"

Han Zongyuan endured the anger in his heart and forced a smile: "As a subject of the Great Emperor, how dare the subordinate question the Great Emperor?

"However, today's matter will be reported to the emperor truthfully."

Although Han Zongyuan also knows.

Even if this matter is reported to the Great Emperor.

By then, it was already in place.

It was simply impossible to make Chen Nan a yin.


This does not mean that if you are wronged, you must blindly tolerate it.

Even if the Great Emperor would not severely punish Duan Kun after he found out, he would not be afraid.

At that time, it is only necessary to let the anti-heaven sect disciples hiding in the Duan family blow themselves up, which can completely make the Duan family happy to destroy the disaster.

This is the end he deserves for the fifth brother.

Hearing that Han Zongyuan wanted to impeach himself, the disdain on Duan Kun's face became stronger: "Lord Han naturally has the right to impeach his own official, but do you think that your tricks will appear in front of the eyes of the Great Emperor?" "

In his eyes.

Han Zongyuan, like Chen Nan, is an ant.

Even if Han Zongyuan is the order of Tongcheng County.


The twists and turns written by people like him will not appear in front of the emperor's eyes at all.

Duan Kun said in a low voice: "Ten thousand steps back, even if your twist appears in front of the Great Emperor's eyes, do you think the Great Emperor will blame me?"

Han Zongyuan took a deep breath.

And then.

The four judges scored a perfect score of 40 based on Ma Jun's previous performance.

This made many people almost not scold their mother directly.

In fact, they also noticed Ma Jun's previous performance.

It did a great job.

He always had a smile on his face like a spring breeze.


All four judges scored perfect scores.

Isn't that outrageous?

Is favoritism too obvious?

Ma Jun appeared beside Chen Nan, with a playful smile on his face, and said in a low voice: "The surname Chen, did you see it?"

"This is the heritage of my Ma family."

"That gloomy place can only belong to me."

"You don't deserve it."

Chen Nan's face was expressionless: "Although your Ma family has a deep heritage, it is still unknown who the place will fall into until the last moment." "

Death to the end, still talking? Is it interesting? Ma Jun sneered, and then said, "When I become a yin, I will be the first to kill you and let you know the end of offending me." "

He was afraid of Chen Nan before mainly because of his identity.

Although he is an unincorporated catcher.

But there is also an identity.

But if he becomes a yin, his identity is already higher than Chen Nan.

What's so hard about killing an unincorporated catcher?

"Be quiet!"

Han Zongyuan's voice suddenly sounded.

After the atmosphere quieted down, he announced the list of fifty inductees.

Although in the assessment of the first level, Chen Nan scored three nine points, one point, accumulating twenty-eight points.

But in the literary exam, he scored nine points.

These scores are to be cumulative.

That adds up to thirty-seven points.

This score is definitely not low.


Only in second place.

Thirteen points away from the first place Ma Jun is fifty points.

"Next, let me talk about the assessment content of the second level." Han Zongyuan said: "The second level of competition is strength, only with strong strength can we protect Cangsheng and protect ourselves." "

Speaking of which.

One of the four referees, a childlike old man, stepped forward.

With one hand behind his back, he volleyed in the air and slowly landed in the martial arts arena.

Han Zongyuan said, "Lord Ge has a Soul Craving Realm cultivation, and he will accompany you in the trial at this level. You can use your strongest ability to attack Lord Ge, and time will run out.

"Within this incense, the four judges will score you based on your performance."

"Ten winners are selected to advance to the next level."

The rules are easy to understand.


All had a premonition.

Even if Chen Nan performed well.

He also doesn't necessarily get a high score.

Because anyone can see it.

Before this contest started.

The result is already preordained.

That one bad spot will definitely fall on Ma Jun's head.


A variable has occurred.

Since the quota of the negative gap has long been decided.

So why should they continue to participate in this meaningless assessment?

What is the significance of participating in it?

Acting as a green leaf to set off others?

"I give up the assessment!"

"I give up too!"

"It's an unfair assessment, and there's no point in participating."

Of the fifty finalists, many have stepped backwards.

Over time.

There were only three people left in the field.

They are Ma Jun, Chen Nan, and Guo Yu.

Guo Yu is not old.

I'm only eighteen years old this year.

His dream since childhood was to become a yin.

This dream can easily become a reality.

Because before the reform, as long as you are eighteen years old, strong and bold, and not afraid of death, you can become a yin.

It's a pity.

When he became an adult.

It is difficult to become a yin.


He also doesn't want to give up his dreams easily.

Even if the only place in Tongcheng had already been decided, he wanted to fight.

For nothing else.

Just for the dream of the heart.

Just to leave no regrets.

Han Zongyuan looked at Duan Kun, who was beside him with a gloomy face, and a playful smile appeared on his face: "Master Duan, do you see it, your behavior has caused public indignation.

"I believe, even if I don't impeach you to the Emperor."

"What you did today will also reach the ears of the Great Emperor."

Duan Kun's face was gloomy.

I didn't expect the people of Tongcheng to be so temperate.

This was unexpected.

It also gave him a sense of foreboding.

If this matter really reached the ears of the Great Emperor, what would be the consequences?

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