Duan Kun was a little worried.

But the bow can be opened, and there is no turning back.

This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to talk too much.

You can only continue the competition.

"The second level assessment begins now!"

Han Zongyuan gave an order.

Someone next to him lit an ordinary stick of sandalwood.

This heralds the official start of the game.

That guy named Guo Yu is young.

But the strength is very good.

Unexpectedly, it reached the first level of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

The first layer of the Yin Realm seems to be very weak.

But this guy named Guo Yu came from a humble background.

Being able to possess the cultivation of the first layer of the Yin Realm at the age of eighteen, you can imagine how much it has been paid.

Lord Ge suppressed Xiu Wei to the first layer of the Yin Realm, and then fought with Guo Yu with one hand.

Chen Nan and Ma Jun did not step forward.

Anyway, now there are only three of them left, and there is no need to deliberately behave.

When Guo Yu is no match for the opponent, it is not too late to play.

Guo Yu's strength is not strong.

But this guy's eyes are full of fighting intent.


He had not systematically learned any martial arts.

But it was also his disorderly playing style that caught the other party off guard.


Precisely because he had not learned any martial arts.

So you'll never be able to figure out his moves.


In the end, he failed to overcome the other side.

With only one breath in his chest, he persisted for less than two minutes before being beaten to the ground by the other party and losing his combat effectiveness.

Although defeated, it is still glorious.

"This guy's talent is not bad, it can be cultivated." Chen Nan has a good impression of Guo Yu, if this guy cultivates it, he will definitely become a strong person in the future.

Guo Yu stood up weakly: "Brother Chen, it's up to you next." "

The reason he didn't choose to give up.

One is because I want to fight for it.

No regrets.

The second is to face this unfair fate with Chen Nan.

Because he is not used to those big people casually controlling the fate of others.

Even if he can't change anything.

I also want to use my weak ability to protest to them.

Chen Nan nodded slightly, and then walked towards Lord Ge.

He clasped his fists and saluted.

Without waiting for him to look up.

The right foot suddenly came out.

Borrowing this terrifying explosive power, his figure is a cannonball flying horizontally.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Ge Chunan.

The speed even caused a sonic boom.

"What happened? Why is there a thunderclap?

"What a speed!"

"Is Chen Yukuai's strength so terrifying?"

A huge wave rose in the hearts of the onlookers.

I didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be so strong.

And not only them.

Even Duan Kun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chen Nan's strength was far stronger than he thought.

Thanks to this, there is no need for players to fight.

If so.

It was impossible for Ma Jun to defeat Chen Nan.

"Seven layers of the Yin Realm?"

Ge Chunan's eyes also showed a trace of solemnity.

He immediately adjusted his cultivation to be with Chen Nanzhan .

But my heart could not be calm for a long time.

Chen Nan is young.


Without any cultivation resources, he was able to cultivate to the seventh layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

This is definitely a gift.

"No, why is this guy's blood so thick?"

With fierce engagement.

Ge Chun'an also had a monstrous wave in his heart.

He could feel that Chen Nan only had the seventh-layer cultivation of the Yin Realm.


His blood was unusually thick.

The physical body is also extremely powerful.

So much so, simply comparing the words of the flesh.

Chen Nan was indistinguishable from him.

It actually made him feel a sense of oppression.

As a master of the Soul Thirsty Realm.

He never thought about it.

A junior in the Yin Realm would make him so uneasy.

There was another point that made him feel very tricky.

Chen Nan didn't seem to have systematically studied martial arts.

But his moves are deadly and unusually vicious.

This is not comparable to Guo Yu's fledgling newcomer.

This alone shows that he often kills with people.

Otherwise, the move would not be so vicious.

"This is the time!"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up and successfully captured Ge Chunan's flaws.

He clenched his right fist.

Urging the Yin Qi in his body, he slammed fiercely into Ge Chunan's chest.

This punch is as fast as lightning.

This punch destroys the decay.

Exuding a terrifying aura, the space was briefly distorted.

Although Ge Chun'an suppressed Xiu Wei.

But after all, it is a soul-loving realm powerhouse.

The ability to react is unusually fast.

He quickly punched out to resist.

At the moment when the fists collided.

Ge Chunan's pupils trembled violently.

He felt a turbulent, majestic power explode in his palm.

This force is fierce and ruthless, like a flood that bursts the dike.

Out of control, it was forcibly injected into his arm.

A tearing pain came from his arm.

He exclaimed, his eyes full of joy: "Good fellow, but the old man underestimated you."

"I didn't expect you to have a cultivation comparable to the eighth layer of the Yin Realm!"


As soon as the words came out.

Everyone was taken aback.

Shocked that Chen Nan's strength was so strong.

But more than that, it was joy.

He has a strength comparable to the eighth layer of the Yin Realm, and the competition of this level should be stable, right?

"Come again!"

Chen Nan continued to attack, furious as a wolf.

In terms of momentum, he directly crushed Ge Chunan.

Although Ge Chunan's strength is very strong.

But he had already suppressed to the seventh layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

Now that Chen Nan has shown the strength of the eighth layer of the Yin Realm, he can't brazenly improve his strength, right?

If so.

Do you still want to face?

He keeps shooting.

Although at first fell into the downwind.

But he is a strong man in the soul-loving realm after all.

Even if cultivation is suppressed, insight will not be suppressed.

"You can quit!"

He raised his hand and shot out a terrifying yin qi.

Hit Chen Nan's chest.

It flew out ten meters away, and he couldn't help but spill a wisp of blood from his mouth.

Chen Nan lost.

Like Guo Yu, they are all defeated.

Because no one can defeat Ge Chunan today.

They just show their abilities by fighting.

Chen Nan can hold out for so long, it is already admirable.

His strength can afford the reputation of the first divine capture in Tongcheng.


An old man looked at the sandalwood in the incense burner and said loudly: "That sandalwood is only one-fifth of its height, even if Ma Gongzi shows great strength, he has already lost."

"Yes, there is no need to continue this battle."

There were shouts from the crowd.

The three of them spread out the time of a blaze of incense.

Chen Nan alone accounted for almost four-fifths, even if Ma Jun's strength was transcendent?

Justice is in people's hearts.

Even if his strength was far above Chen Nan.

His performance was also not as good as Chen Nan.

"Since that incense has not yet burned out, then Xiaoye is still qualified to challenge Lord Ge!" Ma Jun's face was gloomy, and he thought that today was his pretense day.

But he never expected that Chen Nan would steal all his limelight.

This caused a strong anger to rise in his heart.

In a flash.

Ma Jun moved.

With a wave of his right hand, more than a dozen golden fine needles entered Ge Chunan's body under everyone's unexpected eyes.

Ge Chun'an's mouth spit out blood and flew out dozens of meters away.

The scene was silent.

Ma Jun also showed an intriguing smile on his face: "I'm sorry, I defeated Lord Ge in just a second, what else do you have to say now?" "

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