The scene was silent.

Only Ma Jun's crazy laughter spread throughout the world.

Everyone looked at Ma Jun with incredulous eyes.

Who would have thought.

He would actually use a dark weapon to severely damage Ge Chunan?

Han Zongyuan's voice slowly sounded: "In this battle, Ma Jun won."

"My lord, I don't approve of this result!"

Wu Jiu said loudly: "Yin difference is related to the life and death of the people of Tongcheng. "

It's our image of Tongcheng, the façade."

"Our brothers can be weak."

"Can be killed by monsters, ghosts."

"But our brother must be a man of concern for the people and an honest man!"

"Ma Jun's means are insidious and cunning, and he is not worthy of being our brother!"

The other catchers also spoke.

Even the common people agreed with Wu Jiu's words.

Because of the fast catch of the county magistrate, the people can live and work in peace.

But if Ma Jun, a vile and sinister villain with his means, became a yin difference.

This is an absolute disaster for the people of Tongcheng.

This is something that no one wants to see.


Ge Chun'an stood up, and a yin qi was released from his body, forcing out those flying needles in his body: "This competition did not say that weapons and dark weapons are not allowed. "


One word stirred up a thousand waves.

His words were equivalent to acknowledging Ma Jun's strength.

Admitted that his vile means did not break the rules.

It is admitted that as long as it can win, it does not matter what means.

It's chilling.

An old man looked up to the sky and sighed: "It is said that officials protect each other, and today I can be considered to understand this." "

Where is justice?"

"Where is the heavenly reason?"

Another old man burst into tears: "I really hope that Houtu Niangniang can know what happened here, and Chen Chao will quickly do justice."

"Give justice to the people of Tongcheng!"

A middle-aged man with a disappointed face: "Not bad, if a sinister villain with despicable means like Ma Jun becomes a yin villain, I would rather return to the countryside to live."

"I don't feel any security here."


a burly middle-aged man clenched his fists, his eyes full of unwillingness and anger: "I really didn't expect that the city we fought so hard to protect would become so dirty."

"If we knew this, why did we risk our lives and deaths to dig the river in the first place?"

Han Zongyuan listened to the voice coming from the crowd, gritted his teeth and said to Duan Kun: "Master Duan, did you see it?" Did you see that?

"You alone have disappointed the people of the city."

Duan Kun said lightly: "You are the Tongcheng County Commandery, and they are disappointed in this city, which is also caused by your lack of ability." What does it have to do with this official?

"You..." Han Zongyuan was speechless.

He took a deep breath and forcibly hid his anger in his heart, "Since the competition of this level has ended, we will ask four judges to score the three players. "

No suspense.

In this level.

Ma Jun received another 40 points.

Chen Nan scored 31 points.

Except that Duan Kun gave Chen Nan a point.

The other three all gave perfect marks.

Guo Yu's rating is higher than Chen Nan's.

Thirty-eight points were scored for this level.

Cumulative score came in second.

There is a very big gap with Ma Jun.

Of course.

Rankings now seem to have lost their meaning.

Even if he is a zero.

As long as he doesn't give up, he can still advance to the assessment of the third level.

After all.

There are only three of them on the field now.

"The assessment of the third level is about to begin!" Han Zongyuan said, "The assessment of the third level is very simple, after the three of you each shoot the scarecrows around with bows and arrows, as long as you hit, you will get a point."

"Fifty arrows per person."

"The one with the highest score can become a yin!"

Hear this.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

If so.

Then Chen Nan still has a great chance.

After all.

The assessment of this level looks at personal strength.

Even if Duan Kun wanted to make it bad, it was impossible.


With Chen Nan's strength, he is still expected to survive and win the first place.


He and Ma Jun's scores are very different.

That's more than forty points.

He wants to win.

Fifty arrows must all hit the scarecrow moving around.

Ma Jun, on the other hand, can't shoot.

That's the only way to do it.

Chen Nan's cumulative score can surpass Ma Jun to win the first place.


Can't Ma Jun really shoot the moving scarecrows around him?

Even if his strength is not as good as Chen Nan.

But there are also Yin Realm five-layer cultivation ah!

With this cultivation, it is not an exaggeration to say that there are no false hairs, right?

Of course.

Even if Chen Nan can't get the first place.

Guo Yu can also become the first!

As long as it is not for Ma Jun to win the first place.

It shows that there is still justice in this world.

If only Ma Jun won the first place.

Then they will really be disappointed.

Will despair.

"Three, each of you choose a bow!"

There was a county servant carrying a bow frame.

Ten curved bows are placed on it.

There are also three quiver barrels.

There are fifty arrows in each of them.

Ma Jun chose a curved bow and carried an arrow barrel on his back.

This is the privilege of first place.

Preference can be given to curved bows.

When it was Guo Yu's turn, he looked at Chen Nan: "Brother Chen, you choose!" "

Actually, he knows.

If on real strength.

He couldn't be second at all.

So this move is out of respect for Chen Nan.

Chen Nan smiled, but he didn't expect that this guy was still a lover, and he was a little relieved in his heart, and then said: "No need, the quality of these curved bows is similar, you choose first!"

Guo Yu snorted, stepped forward to select a curved bow, and made a faint voice in his mouth: "Brother Chen, I learned archery at the age of three, and became the strongest hunter in our village at the age of ten." "

At the age of twelve, archery became the strongest in our town, and there is no one."

"Mo said hit a scarecrow moving hundreds of meters away."

"Even a flying insect will not survive under my arrows."

Chen Nan's face was full of surprise.

I didn't expect this guy's achievements in archery to be so amazing.

Guo Yu chose the bow bent, feeling the simplicity of the bow body and the strength of the bowstring: "Saying so much is not to show off anything.

"Because I know that my archery can only pose a threat to ordinary people."

"In the face of cultivators, it is nothing at all."

"What I want to say is..."

"I don't like these dirty officials of theirs."

"They use their rights to trample on the dignity of others and change the fate of others."

"This kind of person really deserves hell!"

"I would love to be a yin."

"But I know that if not even you can be a yin."

"How can I be a yin?"

"This last level, let me help you protect the Dharma!"

He held a curved bow and grinned at Chen Nan, revealing a bright and crazy smile: "As long as your fifty arrows do not fall, I can shoot down Ma Jun's arrows in mid-air and let you win the final victory!" "

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