Perhaps this will expose his hole cards.

Draw attention to him.


No choice!

He has to be a yin.

Only in this way can he go to the eighteenth level of hell and return the human path and the animal road to the Houtu Niangniang.

After all, only Yin Chao can enter the eighteenth level of hell.


Chen Nan unleashed the field of space.

However, the coverage area is only 10 meters.

Only Ma Jun was shrouded in it.

He was afraid that covering a large area of the field would most likely trigger Duan Kun's awareness.

Therefore, you have to be cautious.

After doing these.

Chen Nan pulled a bow and shot.

This was his last arrow.

The arrow burst out of the air and instantly hit the scarecrow moving two hundred meters away.

The people in the distance are already feeling desperate.

Even if Chen Nan hit all the scarecrows, it would be impossible to surpass Ma Jun to win the first place.


Ma Jun made a mistake.


Is this possible?

Ma Jun has the cultivation of the fifth layer of the Yin Realm.

This strength is very strong.

Hitting a moving target 200 meters away is not difficult at all.

There can be no mistakes on his part.

Right at this moment.

Ma Jun also pulled the curved bow in his hand, and an arrow burst out of the air.

Flying to the south under the desperate eyes of everyone, those moving scarecrows.

But I found something that was stunning.

The arrow didn't know why.

Unexpectedly, after flying out tens of meters.

The speed slowed down.

Make an arc in the air and bang.

Strangely fell to the ground.


Everyone was stunned.

I never expected this to happen.

Ma Jun was also dumbfounded.

I clearly instilled all my strength and pulled the bow.

Why do bows and arrows fall in the air?

This is unreasonable!

Chen Nan continued to shoot without taking care of Ma Jun.

The onlookers burst into laughter.

It is useless to laugh at Ma Junzhong.

Tears of excitement appeared in Han Zongyuan's eyes.

Fifth brother, fifth brother!

So many years!

You can be said to have comprehended the laws of space.

You said, if you could comprehend the laws of space ten thousand years ago.

Why can't we, the Anti-Heavenly Sect, overthrow the reign of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital?


It's not too late to comprehend the laws of space.

Our brothers are still there.

It will definitely assist you and make you the new emperor of the capital city.

"You don't get distracted, go all out." Duan Kun's soul transmitted Ma Jun, he also knew that this matter revealed strangeness, but it was nothing to him.

Hearing Duan Kun's soul transmission, Ma Jun suddenly became excited.

Take an arrow, open a bow.


An arrow burst out of the air.

There was a slight shaking when it flew out more than fifty meters.

It gives a sense of déjà vu that it is about to fall.

"Fall, fall, fall!"

Countless people are crying in their hearts.

Because everyone knows.

As long as this arrow falls.

Chen Nan achieved a real sense of overtaking.

Even if the Ma family cheats, it cannot negate Chen Nan's achievements today.

The place of the shadow will fall on him.

Ma Jun also felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.

Chen Nan had already finished shooting.

Got a perfect score in the archery of the third level.

Coupled with the points he had accumulated before, he had temporarily surpassed himself.


If this arrow of your own falls like before.

Even if the remaining more than ten arrows all hit the moving scarecrow.

It also just draws the score.


This arrow is crucial.

Just when he was uneasy in his heart.

As if it had lost its power, the arrow fell towards the ground in the air.

The onlookers clenched their fists and shouted excitedly.

This contest.

Winners and losers have been divided.

There is no more suspense.

"The sky has eyes, the sky has eyes!"

"Chen Chao quickly dedicated himself to the people, and saved Tongcheng several times with his own dangers, and he was convinced by me."

"It's the same!"

People shouted excitedly.

I feel happy in my heart.

But right now.

It makes the scalp numb, and a creepy scene happens.

The arrow that fell towards the ground actually slowly floated in midair.

As if it came to life, it hit an arrow under the incredible eyes of everyone.

"There are no beads in the sky!"

"What the is going on here?"

"Is it so fake?"

The onlookers were all furious.

Although they are ordinary people, they are not fools.

There is only one explanation for this.

That is, there were powerful cultivators who intervened in this matter.

Otherwise, an arrow that is landing cannot fly again.

This is unreasonable.

Chen Nan was also angry.

You guys are even more outrageous than the bullets in the sun.

It's simply humiliating someone else's IQ.

Too unscrupulous.

Since that's the case!

Then I will accompany you to the end.


Ma Jun, who was smiling maniacally, pulled out his bow again, and three arrows burst out of the air at the same time.

Chen Nan decisively released the space realm and wanted to interfere with the other party.


The speed of the three arrows suddenly increased to a terrifying point.

Even if Chen Nan wanted to interfere, it was too late.

In the end, three arrows hit the scarecrow.

And at this time.

Ma Jun also had seven arrows on his body.

He looked at Chen Nan with a defiant expression: "Brother Chen, I'm sorry, the first place in this competition is none other than me." Said and pulled away the bow and arrow.

But don't wait for him to.

He felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

As if something was pricking him.

So much so that he loosened the bowstring in his hand.


The arrow originally flew to the southwest.

There is no force at all.

But just when the speed slowed down and was about to fall.

But it suddenly accelerated, turned in the air and flew to the south, hitting a scarecrow.

And endless?

Do you have to use this method to humiliate everyone's intelligence?

An old man was full of admiration: "Good arrow, good arrow, Young Master Ma is really a good arrow!"

"You shoot to the southwest, you can hit the scarecrow in the south, it's really a good arrow."

"Heaven does not give birth to Ma Jun, and the arrow path is as ancient as a long night!"

"Young Master Ma Jun's archery skills are absolutely eternal."

Countless people sent, and their eyes were full of admiration.

Under normal circumstances.

Ma Jun, this vain guy will definitely be happy.

Because he likes to be praised.

But at this time.

He felt a hot pain in his face.

He is not a fool.

How do you not know that these people are humiliating themselves in disguise?


He did not make a sound, turned his grief and anger into strength, and shot the remaining arrows.

And all hit the scarecrow in the distance.

"Sorry, I won!" Ma Jun smoothly put the curved bow on the ground, and a loud laugh came out of his mouth.

Chen Nan's face was sallow.

Can't fight.

I really can't fight these despicable guys!

They are unscrupulous and blatant cheating.

Even if they use the space realm, they are not their opponents!

Duan Kun looked at Han Zongyuan with a playful look and said, "Master Han, can you announce the final competition results?"

Han Zongyuan looked at the countless disappointed people below: "I announce that it is Ma Jun who won the first place in this assessment."

Speaking of this, he paused and grinned: "Let's congratulate Chen Nan, who is in second place, for becoming a Yin Chao in Tongcheng." "

Wu Bai was all stunned.

What is this situation?

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