You said it too.

The first place was Ma Jun.

But why is it Chen Nan who has become a yin?

It's all awkward, right?

Duan Kun looked at Han Zongyuan angrily: "Master Han, what are you talking about?" Everyone knows that the first place can become a yin difference, but why did you announce that Chen Nan became a yin difference?

"Are you rebelling against the Emperor's holy will?"

Han Zongyuan smiled: "Master Duan should not be angry, it is precisely because the subordinate official follows the holy will that this will announce that Chen Nan has become a yin." "

Don't believe it?"

Speaking of which.

He spread out his right hand.

The Yin Messenger that belonged to him appeared in the palm.

There is a line of text on it.

After Duan Kun saw it, his face changed sharply.

There was a deep jealousy in his eyes.

Han Zongyuan smiled and asked, "Now, what else do you have to say?"

"The Holy Will is hard to violate, what can I say?" A strong anger rose in Duan Kun's heart, but he did not dare to get angry.

Han Zongyuan then asked, "Then do you have an opinion on Chen Nan becoming a yin?"

Duan Kun almost scolded Niang.


It is said that hitting people does not hit their faces.

You're fucking endless, aren't you?

Lao Tzu said that the divine will is difficult to violate, and you also asked me if I have any opinion about Chen Nan becoming a yin?

Even if there are opinions?

"By what, by what?"

Ma Jun shouted angrily: "I finally became the first place, why did I let the second place become a yin difference?" It's not fair, it's not fair to me! The

words came out.

There was a roar from the crowd.

"You still have the face to say it's not fair?"

"Have you ever thought about being unfair to others when you cheat?"

Ma Jun was furious: "When did Xiao Ye cheat?" "


An egg hit his face, and the egg liquid flowed down his face.

Then there were rotten leaves in the crowd.


At the same time, smash into Ma Jun.

If a person is alone, he will definitely not dare to throw eggs and vegetable leaves to Ma Jun.


They learned a word with Chen Nan.

The law does not blame the public.

So many people, they don't believe Ma Jun can recognize who lost the egg.

And not afraid of his retaliation.


Ma Jun hugged his head and ran around, frantically dodging the people's attack on him.

Seeing this, Chen Nan secretly sighed.

This can't work!

With so many of you, how can you abuse a wealthy young master at the same time?

Why do you make him feel embarrassed in the future?

How does he get a foothold in Tongcheng?

One more point.

Moving the target does not hit the target well.

You can't hurt him at all!

Think of this.

Chen Nan silently shrouded Ma Jun in the field.

The power that controlled the space caused it to let out a scream and then fell to the ground.

See this scene.

Chen Nan nodded secretly.

In this way, you can accurately hit the target!

in order not to waste food.

Looking at Ma Jun, who fell to the ground and held his head and screamed, Chen Nan grinned: "Young Master Ma, you swear that you want to win the first place, but what can you do?"

"The second place can become a yin difference!"

"Hey, why is the expression on your face so ugly?"

Ma Jun did not hide his killing intent in his heart.

Like a femme fatale, he stared at Chen Nan with cold eyes.

If the eyes can kill.

Chen Nan had long been cut by a thousand cuts by him.

Chen Nan squatted down and said softly, "I don't deny that your Ma family's power is very strong, but you shouldn't cheat so brazenly."

"People are watching!"

"That's not just talk!"

"Remember, don't be so arrogant in the future."

"If it causes outrage, now is the end."

Speaking of this, he stood up and looked at the people who had smiles on their faces and vented their anger, and said, "Just use eggs and rotten vegetable leaves to vent your emotions."

"You can't use stones, knives and other deadly items to smash Young Master Ma!"

People were stunned.

And then...

A group of people ran to the blacksmith shop in the distance with tacit understanding.

There were even people who pried pebbles off the ground.

Smashed at Ma Jun.

The screams were endless.

Duan Kun looked at Han Zongyuan with a gloomy face: "Master Han, don't you care about teaching this group of people?" If you don't care, then the official doesn't mind helping you discipline it.

Han Zongyuan also realized that something big was going to happen, and stomped his foot in a hurry: "You guys don't fight!" "


Duan Kun was stunned.

A monstrous anger rose in his heart.

That's how you restrain these mobs?

You're playing with me, right?

Duan Kun felt that he was quite shameful.

But compared with Han Zongyuan, there is a feeling of incompatibility.


Accompanied by a roar like thunder.

A middle-aged man with a majestic face appeared outside the venue with his head held high.

He also carried ten family members behind him.

Without exception.

Those people were all extraordinary, and they had the cultivation of the peak of the Yin Realm.

"Father save me..." Ma Jun trembled and raised his right hand.

He was covered with sticky egg liquid.

His head was bleeding and he was smashed with a pebble.

Ma Sanyuan winked at the family behind him and motioned for them to protect their son.

Then looked at Chen Nan.

A strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Then he looked up at Han Zongyuan on the referee's bench and asked politely: "Lord Han, according to the rules of the competition, the first place in the Wen Trial and the Martial Arts Test, the first place in the score can become a yin difference."

"But why did you give that place to Chen Nan?"

"No rules, no square circle."

"You've broken the rules."

"Shouldn't you give an explanation to the people of Tongcheng about this?"

A scream came from the crowd: "We don't want any explanation."

"Yes, we don't need any explanation."

The common people did not pay attention to why Chen Nan became a yin.

Because this is exactly what the people want.

Listening to the shouts in his ears, Ma Sanyuan snorted coldly, and a powerful momentum erupted in his body.

It was like a beast that had been sleeping for many years and opened its eyes.

Let the scene instantly become audible.

Ma Sanyuan looked at Han Zongyuan, his eyes were like a knife, and he was aggressive: "The country cannot be ruled without rule, and the people cannot be left alone." Even if the people of Tongcheng don't want this explanation, you must give an explanation. "

This moment.

Even Chen Nan couldn't help but look at Han Zongyuan.

It's hard to know why he announced that he has become a yin.

After all.

This violates the previous rule.

Han Zongyuan looked a little embarrassed, and he sighed: "I believe, even if I tell the truth of the matter, you may not believe it."

"In that case, then Lord Lao Duan will tell the truth about this."

"Well, his official position is above his own official."

"And I have a very good personal relationship with your Ma family, you should believe what he says, right?"

Duan Kun looked at him with a stunned expression.


Still coming?

Are you trying to kill people?

In fact, you can announce that!

But why let this official do it for you?

Taking a deep breath, Duan Kun endured the anger in his heart and said, "There was a holy will from the capital city before.

"This year's Yin Poor Selection, the essay test questions were leaked."

"Out of rigor in the selection of yin differences, fairness to others."

"The first place result was deliberately canceled, and the second ranked player became a yin!"

Chen Nan's heart trembled.

That is, I have to thank Ma Jun?

If it weren't for him, what good would I be if I got the first?

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