Chen Nan was furious.

I want a hundred, and completely kill Leng Qingmei.

After all, this woman wanted to kill herself again and again.

Keeping her is definitely a curse.

He is no longer a soft-hearted person.

Knowing that conniving at a cold life is a very bad thing for you.

But just after he gave birth to the idea of killing Leng Qingmei.

He felt a sharp pain coming from his soul.

He almost didn't pass out in pain.

This was an extremely rare thing for Chen Nan.

After all, his soul power was extremely powerful.

The ability to endure pain is also different from ordinary people.

But the pain in my soul just now was particularly strong.

It's not too much to say.

"Chen Nan, Chen Nan, you really lick the dog!"

"This woman tried to kill you three times and twice."

"If you don't kill her, the consequences will be endless."

"Once this kind of person goes crazy, it is very likely to hurt your mother!"

"Why do you have such a deep obsession with her?"

Chen Nan's face was gloomy.

He knows.

That pain stemmed from the body's obsession.

If he really wants to kill Leng Qingmei.

He will definitely not end well.


His current situation is very passive.

Leng Qingmei's desire to kill him was obvious.

If you keep her.

There will definitely be big trouble.


Kill can't kill.

"Until now, I only hope to charm her with my personality charm and make her give up the idea of killing me." Chen Nan sighed secretly.

Subsequently, he teleported to the gate of the Leng family.

Towards the family at the door, he said, "Is your young lady at home?" "

It's in!"

"Aunt, please inside!"

Jiading hurriedly invited Chen Nan to enter the Leng family.

Although they used to look down on Chen Nan.

But nowadays.

Chen Nan has grown into an existence they look up to.

Five-level yin difference, that is a big person on an equal footing with the grand master of Tongcheng County.

Not long after Chen Nan entered the Leng family's living room.

Leng Qingmei came slowly wearing a long white dress, she forced a smile, and her eyes showed a complicated color: "I really didn't expect you to become a fifth-level yin." If

it hadn't been for Chen Nan hearing her before.

He once thought that Leng Qingmei really regretted his behavior.

"You all go down!"

Chen Nanping retreated the subordinates of the Leng family.

See this scene.

Leng Qingmei suddenly felt a little nervous.

She is physically inconvenient these days.

Afraid that Chen Nan would mess around.

Who expected Chen Nan to take out a pill: "This is the Soul Gathering Pill I refined, you can take it."

"With such a pill, it can help you break through the shackles and become a cultivator of the Soul Gathering Realm."

It's incredible.

Although Chen Nan said before to help her break the shackles.

Unexpectedly, he actually refined the Soul Gathering Pill.

You must know that the Soul Gathering Pill is a valuable treasure.

The price of a Soul Gathering Pill is at least three or four million taels of gold.

Look at the whole city.

Except for the newly rising Ma family.

All the assets of the other families combined may not be able to afford the Soul Gathering Pill.

This moment.

A pang of emotion rose in her heart.

After all, this is real money.

Just before she could come to her senses, Chen Nan's voice sounded again: "Yamen wants to build a shipping terminal in Dongcheng, is the Leng family interested in this matter?"

Leng Qingmei: "Of course I am interested, but is this convenient?" "

Building a shipping terminal will definitely require a lot of investment.

If the Leng family can win this project.

Even if you don't earn much.

The world will also know about her relationship with Chen Nan.

Even if she and Chen Nan have already reconciled.

But as long as they can win this project, the world will know that their relationship has been restored.


She was worried that Chen Nan would help the Leng family win this project, and the world would gossip.

Chen Nan smiled: "Just as the so-called meritocracy does not avoid relatives, what is inconvenient about this?"

"Since the Leng family wants to intervene in this matter."

"Then I'll say hello to Lord Han tomorrow."

"Leave the construction of the shipping terminal to the Leng family."

For Chen Nan.

Leave the work of building the dock to the Leng family.

It's just a one-sentence thing.

Although he is only a small catcher.

But his current grade is on an equal footing with Han Zongyuan.

How could Han Zongyuan not give this bit of face?

"Okay, it's nothing, you're busy, I'll go back first!" Chen Nan said and stood up, strolling away from the Leng family under Leng Qingmei's stunned eyes.



Leng Qingmei couldn't understand what was happening at all.

After all.

After taking Chen Nan off, he would rub himself every time he saw himself.

Don't think of yourself as an adult at all.

But why is Sven so today?


Something is very wrong.

But what was going on, she didn't know.



Wu Jiu and others dragged their families and brought their wives and children to Chen Nan's home.

Then there's drinking.

Celebrate Chen Nan becoming a fifth-level yin.

It wasn't until late at night that it left.

Although Chen Nan drank a lot of alcohol.

But under the urging of the yin qi, all the alcohol was evaporated.

After explaining the precautions for Guo Yu to soak in the medicinal bath.

Chen Nan returned to his room.

Didn't stay there too much.

As the so-called master leads the door, the practice depends on the individual.

How Guo Yu will go in the future depends on himself.

And he sits cross-kneeled.

The law fragment was removed.

In fact, after he fused a few law fragments before, he fell into a bottleneck.

Because of their own weak abilities.

He simply couldn't continue to fuse the law fragments.

And now it's different.

He had already become a cultivator of the seventh layer of the Yin Realm.

The strength has been significantly improved compared to before.

Instead, it can continue to absorb the law fragments.

So as to improve your strength.

Pieces of the law were absorbed by Chen Nan.

The coverage area of his spatial law is also increasing rapidly.

Previously, he could cover an area of five hundred meters around.

You can consider these five hundred meters as your own territory.

Can go over time.

The area covered by the space domain directly reaches 1,500 meters.

With him as the center, it can cover 1,500 meters in all directions.

It's definitely a huge leap forward.

After all, in this area.

He is not the absolute master.

But no one can hurt him.

With the means at his disposal.

Use of the space domain.

Even a Soul Gathering Realm powerhouse can kill it.

It is even expected to fight with the powerhouse of the Transformation Realm.

He retracted the spatial realm, then looked at the bright moonlight outside the window and muttered, "The Ma family should not make a move on me, not only that, but they will also show me goodwill."

"And what I do is to plan and then find an opportunity to take down the Ma family in one fell swoop."

"At that time, go directly to Guangling Mansion to find Song Ziwei."

"Before this..."

"I need to improve my cultivation."

"By the way, take care of the wool of the Ma family."

"You can't catch Steward Wang alone."

"That's rude."

"The Ma family can also be a little bit of a visit, they should be richer than Steward Wang, right?"

Chen Nan grinned.

The next second.

He saw that there was an unfamiliar incense burner on the desk in front of the window!

It made him creepy and had a shuddering feeling!

This is not his incense burner!

He had never seen it!

He thought of a possibility.

This incense burner is most likely transformed by a strong person in the Transformation Realm.

Chen Nanru was facing a great enemy, instantly released his spatial field, and looked at the incense burner vigilantly: "Who are you?" Why did you come to my house as an incense burner? "

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