Chen Nan can be sure.

This incense burner must be some kind of incarnation realm powerhouse.

Because he had never used this incense burner at all.

Moreover, his room, the maid and the housekeeper will not enter rashly.

It is even more unlikely to buy him a new incense burner.

"Don't say it, do you?"


"Don't be sorry!"

Chen Nan was furious.

Although he did not think that he could defeat a Transformation Realm powerhouse.

But with his current capabilities.

Guaranteed to disgust him for the rest of his life.


He reached out and snapped his fingers.

Next second.

The incense burner disappeared out of thin air.

Followed by.

Guo Yu's heart-rending scream came from the pit: "Lying in the groove, how can the thatched house explode?" "

Don't think about it.

He didn't even mention his pants and ran out of the hut in a panic.

The body is full of feces and urine.

Seeing Chen Nan appear, Guo Yu's face turned pale: "Big brother, I was attacked by someone."

"Someone took advantage of me to go up to the hut to attack me, and the pit just exploded!"

"It's so disgusting!"

"Despicable, shameless, no lower limit!"

He finished soaking in the medicinal bath, and his stomach was a little uncomfortable.

Think about squatting in a pit and emptying yourself.

But just crouched.

He felt as if someone had thrown a heavy object.


That's called a scary.

Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, Guo Yu was squatting in the pit.

Chen Nan cleared his throat: "You go and rinse first."

Guo Yu nodded.

Can I wash it properly?

Chen Nan stared in the direction of Maokeng, and his eyes gradually deepened.

He couldn't understand one thing.

Why hasn't that Avatar Realm powerhouse shown up yet?

Are you choking?



An eagle sounded in the night.

A goshawk fluttered its feathers stained with feces and urine and soared into the air.

It glanced back at Chen Nan angrily, and then disappeared from Chen Nan's sight.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Why did this Avatar Realm powerhouse escape like this?"

"Why didn't he kill me directly?"

"Is he afraid of something?"

Chen Nanbai was puzzled.

Although the other party fled.

But one thing to say, it's better to fight with him.

Because he couldn't figure out the thoughts of that Avatar Realm powerhouse now.

After all, he was targeted by a mysterious Avatar Realm powerhouse.

Still very passive.

No one knows what the other person's intentions are.

It made him feel like a cattle in his throat.

"Fortunately, my mother went to the Chen family."

"As long as I am cautious, I should not be hurt by that Mystical Transformation Realm powerhouse."

Nothing happened overnight.

Early the next morning.

After eating breakfast on the street, Chen Nan and Guo Yu came to the side where penicillin was cultivated.

At this time, the Ma family had already sent a lot of vegetables.

Methodical unloading is taking place.

After removing all the potatoes and cabbage.

Chen Nan and the others carried these vegetables into the room and placed them in turn.

It's busy until noon, and that's the end of it.


Guo Yu came with a glass bottle: "Big brother, I just found a pill in a cabbage, is this what you lost?" "

Guo Yu doesn't know Soul Gathering Pill.

But he knew the glass bottle that contained the elixir.

It was exactly the same as what Chen Nan gave him yesterday.

"Okay guys, what's going on?"

Watching the Soul Gathering Pill that he sold to Qingyunlou yesterday return to his hands.

Rao is a little confused by such a shrewd person as Chen Nan.

Why is this elixir hidden in a cabbage plant?

Why is it back in my hands?

Then he realized.

If nothing else.

The Ma family wanted to please themselves.

I deliberately went to Qingyunlou to buy this pill.

After all, he already had the seven-layer cultivation of the Yin Realm.

Sooner or later, the Soul Gathering Pill will be used.

After all, it's normal.

It is difficult to break through the shackles of the Yin Realm.

It's not too much to say that there is no one in a million.

But with the elixir, it will be much easier.

They want to bribe themselves with this elixir!

The idea is good.


This elixir was refined by himself.

"I can't use this elixir, I have time to go to Qingyunlou and sell it!"

One pill and two wool.

It's very cool and crooked.

He put the pill away and said, "You will go to Ma's house later."

"Find a way to tell Ma Sanyuan that I will go to Huamafu for dinner in the evening."

Guo Yu couldn't help but say, "Do you want to eat together with the three yuans?" "

He doesn't like the Ma family.

I don't like that Chen Nan and the Ma family are so close.

But he remembered what Chen Nan had said before.

Trust Him unconditionally at all times.

Chen Nan shook his head: "The dinner is too blatant, it's better to meet by chance." "

He's now a fifth-level yin.

Every word and deed will be noticed.

If Yoma three dollars eat.

It will definitely cause people to talk about it.

Even if he has a good reputation.

But with the Ma family, he will definitely be scolded.

But the nature of the encounter is different.

Even if it is discovered, it will not have any impact.

After Guo Yu left.

Chen Nan called Wu Wangshi and the others together and said, "Sister-in-law, now the Ma family does not dare to mess with us, my meaning is very simple, teach you all the methods of cultivating penicillin."

"This way you can extract it yourself, and save me from delaying the extraction."

"Also, I plan to build several large factories dedicated to extracting penicillin."

"At that time, you will be the backbone level leaders."

His house is not small though.

However, penicillin is limited to be cultivated at a time.

To become bigger and stronger.

It has to be scaled up.

Of course.

The Xia family must have a share.

After all, you can't forget Xia Hou.

I want to take the Xia family to pretend to fly together.

Listen to Chen Nan say so.

Wu Wang Shi and others did not refuse.

Gladly accepted Chen Nan's proposal.

After explaining some things, Chen Nan headed towards the county.

He needed to find Han Zongyuan and ask him to give the Leng family the project of building the pier.

Along the way, he met many people in the city.

Those people greeted him with respect and politeness.

He was even given some snacks.

After all, if it weren't for Chen Nan's risk, he opened the floodgates.

Before they could finish expanding the river, Tongcheng could be flooded.

For Chen Nan, they all respected it in their hearts.

Of course.

Chen Nan did not prostitute those things in vain, and gave money.

Although they all refused.

But he uses the space field.

Quietly delivered the money to their pockets.

Although the beautiful sister Du Yuan warned him not to use the space field casually.

But ordinary people don't feel anything at all.

Just as Chen Nan was heading towards the county and passing an inn.

His keen discovery.

Someone is watching themselves from above.

He turned to look.

A familiar face came into view, looking at himself with a smile from above.

See him.

Chen Nan was suddenly stunned.

I didn't expect him to appear in Tongcheng.

He took off into the air, flew into Yuan Zun's room in the window, and asked in surprise: "Lord Yuan, why did you come to Tongcheng?" Microserver private visit, or official business?

"Wait, you actually stepped into the Transfiguration Realm?"

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