Steward Wang felt uncomfortable.

Chen Nan didn't pit him, which was obviously a good thing.

But he kind of ate ate without salt.

There is no paper feeling in the upper pit.

Immediately, he looked at the extremely familiar Soul Gathering Pill in his hand, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "If I hadn't asked him to help refine the Soul Gathering Pill, how could he have such a Soul Gathering Pill?" "

One pill Xue Qingyunlou wool twice."

"A total of seven and a half million taels of gold."

"This means is really high!"

"I just don't know, how many Soul Gathering Pills did he use those ten medicinal herbs?"

Steward Wang fell into thought.

Chen Nan gave himself a pill.

One was also sold.

That's two.

One thing is obvious.

He will definitely keep one to use when he breaks through.

Other words.

His success rate is 30%.


This forced to tell himself that the rate of success was only one in ten.

What a pit!

Think of this.

Steward Wang suddenly felt a little more comfortable.

Right at this moment.

He saw a familiar figure approaching.

It's cold.


Feeling cold, Qingmei has become a master of the Soul Gathering Realm.

Steward Wang's heart trembled.


What's the situation?

How did she step into the Gathering Soul Realm?

Wait a minute.

How could she still have a trace of the aura of Soul Gathering Pill on her?

Could it be that he took the Soul Gathering Pill?

Shouldn't it be the Soul Gathering Pill that Chen Nan gave her?

Think of this.

Steward Wang almost didn't cry.

I thought that Chen Nanke had withheld two Soul Gathering Pills.

But it turns out.

He definitely withheld more than two pills of his own.


after returning home.

Chen Nan immediately began refining pills.

He wanted to raise his cultivation to the Soul Gathering Realm as soon as possible.

Anyway, with these flowers in his hand, it is not difficult to step into the Soul Gathering Realm.

Time flies.

Seven days later.

Chen Nan officially stepped into the first floor of the Soul Gathering Realm.

The space domain can also cover a range of 3,000 meters.

The strength has improved a lot.


A large group of builders also appeared along the moat east of the city.

All are building water terminals overnight.

Everything seemed to calm down.

Chen Nan would go to Xia's house when he had nothing to do.

Play a mini-game in the boudoir with Xia Youwei.

Occasionally, I will go to Ning Yinqiu's side.

All six of Mr. Bai's books have been launched.

Sales are encouraging.

Even Ning Yinqiu proposed to let him continue to publish books.

After all, the pseudonym [Four Uncles and Five Essences] has completely become popular.

And not only in Tongcheng.

Even the Bai teacher he wrote was even sold to Guangling Mansion.

It has gained an excellent reputation.


Chen Nan planned to seal the pen.

He has now become a fifth-level yin.

Ask for face.

If people know that he is a best-selling author, what will be the face?

This day.

Chen Nan's unexpected discovery.

A line of text appeared on the anti-Heavenly Sect's messenger sign.

The message was sent by the old six: "Who is close to Montenegro?" The

second old: "Montenegro seems to be in Guangling Prefecture." The

third man: "Be confident, Montenegro is not in Guangling Province, but in Guangling Province, five hundred miles west of Tongcheng."

Chen Nan did not make a sound, but quietly watched their information.

During this time, he flipped through a lot of books.

Know the existence of Montenegro.

I also know that there was a fire god sect in Montenegro ten thousand years ago.

The original strength of the Vulcan Sect can also be ranked in the top ten in the entire underworld.

There are thousands of disciples.

However, because of the confrontation against the Anti-Heavenly Sect, the Vulcan Sect was destroyed.

It is now in ruins.

Old Eight: "Old Six, what do you ask Montenegro to do?"

Old Six: "I just received news that the Vulcan Sect site is about to see the light of day. If any of you are close to Montenegro, you can try your luck there, maybe there is a big chance. The

third man: "Is it that big chance?"

Old Six: "It should be that big chance, when we launched an attack on Montenegro, although we destroyed Montenegro, but that opportunity disappeared."

"If we can get that big opportunity, our strength will definitely be greatly improved."

The third elder: "Fifth brother, you can go to Montenegro to try your luck."

Chen Nan: "Why don't you go?" The

third man: "I have already left Tongcheng, even if I go, I won't be able to get there in a short time." The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched.

You mother really speaks nonsense without a weak heart.


He didn't say anything about it.

Since the third does not want to go.

Then there's nothing wrong with trying your luck yourself.

Old Six continued, "I heard that many forces know about this, if Fifth Brother is in Tongcheng, go over as soon as possible to try your luck!"

"If you can get that creation, your strength will definitely grow by leaps and bounds."

"After all, you are the only one of our brothers who has ever received that kind of creation."

Chen Nan was moved.

Although it is not convenient to ask what that creation is.

But one thing is obvious.

Most likely a law fragment.

After all, Old Six also said.

Only Yue Shan had ever received that kind of creation.

And isn't what Yue Shan got is a fragment of the laws of space?

"I'll try my luck!"

Chen Nan interrupted the summons, seeing that it was still early.

He came to the county for the first time.

He asked Han Zongyuan for a leave.

After all, Montenegro is five hundred miles away from Tongcheng.

It also takes time to get there.

It takes time to find opportunities and come back.

Even if he is a fifth-level yin difference, he is on an equal footing with Han Zongyuan.

But I still have to say hello anyway.

Took a leave of absence.

Chen Nan gave Wu Jiu and the others some more instructions.

Then he picked a good horse in the county.

Alone towards Montenegro.

He also didn't know if that supreme treasure of the Vulcan Sect was a law fragment.

If yes.

For him, it was really a big addition.

Under nightfall.

Chen Nan walked along the official road, rushed to the moon with stars, and walked in the direction of the Fire God Sect.

"Thanks to me stepping into the Soul Gathering Realm, my strength has improved."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to wade through this muddy water."

Chen Nan was well aware of his strength.

Now even if you meet a strong person in the Transformation Realm, you can fight.

Even when you meet a Soul Thirsty Realm powerhouse, you can retreat with your whole body.

This was the strength for him to dare to go to the Vulcan Sect site alone.

If only it was changed before the breakthrough.

Even if the chance of the Vulcan Sect is really a law fragment.

He won't be moved either.

Not to mention risking your life.

The horses galloped all the way.

Stay until ten midnight.

The horse under Chen Nan couldn't run at all.

Tired and unwilling to move forward.

And at this time.

One man and one horse took half of the distance.

Seeing this, Chen Nan could only stop in the wilderness and let the horse rest in place.

And he took out some dry food and ate it.

The night breeze is blowing.

The stars above your head are shining.

The cool night breeze blows, which is refreshing.

"I have now become a fifth-level yin difference, and according to what Han Zongyuan said, as long as I can bring down the Ma family, I am expected to become a sixth-level yin difference."

"It's getting closer and closer to the ninth-level yin difference!"

Thinking of becoming a ninth-level yin difference, you can go to the eighteenth level of hell.

Chen Nan suddenly felt his blood boiling.

And right now.

The horse grazing in the distance let out a terrified and desperate scream.

Chen Nan suddenly looked ahead.

I saw a monster about three meters tall, with a scarlet light in his eyes, eating the piece of horse he was riding on.

The furious aura it released made even Chen Nan's scalp tingle, and he shuddered: "What kind of monster is this?" "

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