After stepping into the Gathering Soul Realm.

Even if Chen Nan does not use the space field.

With his personal perception ability, he can also detect the wind and grass within fifty meters of the surrounding area.


When did the monster in front of me come?

He didn't feel it at all.

This alone is a testament to the strength of this monster.

Its strength must be at least above the Soul Gathering Realm.

Otherwise, he would not have quietly approached this place without Chen Nan noticing.

It was also thanks to the horse it hunted.

If this monster is going to hunt him.

The consequences are unimaginable.



A crisp chewing sound came out of the monster's mouth.


The horse that Chen Nan was riding on before also completely lost its breath and stopped struggling.

Chen Nan quietly looked at the monster that was about three meters tall.

White dog body.

But it has a huge tiger head.

If that's all, that's it.

Above the tiger's head is a pair of dog ears.

And it's not over yet.

It actually has a lion's tail.

and the feet of the unicorn.

Like a tiger is not a tiger.

Like a lion is not a lion.

Like a unicorn is not a unicorn.

Resembles a canine and is not a dog.

This moment.

Even if he has seen Chen Nan, who has seen countless winds and waves.

I feel that my head is a little inadequate.

How can there be such a strange species in the world?

It is said that it is the mythical four dissimilarities.

But the four are not like this.

Right at this moment.

The monster finished eating the horse that weighed a thousand pounds.

Raised his head to look at Chen Nan.

The corners of its mouth were dripping blood.

It looks extremely ferocious and full of anger.

The scarlet eyes exuded a light that made Chen Nan shudder.

It emitted a low tiger roar from its mouth.

The next moment is like an aurora.

Fly in.

The blood basin released a fishy smell from its large mouth.

Let Chen Nan almost spit out what he had eaten before.

Immediately, his figure disappeared in place.

The monster pounced and looked around.

Finally, Chen Nan was found behind him.

And then pounced again.

The speed of this monster is fast.

But Chen Nan is faster.

He has freed up the space field.

In this field.

The monster in front of him wasn't enough to hurt him.


Moving in the space realm consumes mental power.

"We have to find a way to defeat this evil beast."

"If only I ran out of mental power."

"It will definitely be its supper."

Chen Nan rode on the back of the monster, raised his fist, and smashed it fiercely into its head.


"It hurts!"

One punch down.

Chen Nan suddenly grinned.

It felt like it had been smashed on a hard steel plate.

"Weak, too weak!"

"Even if I soaked in the medicinal bath."

"But the physical body cannot reach the point where it is comparable to the ultimate immortal weapon in the Yang world."


The monster also launched a counterattack, and it tumbled violently, trying to crush Chen Nan to death.

But Chen Nan left its back when it fell.

Seeing that the fist is not enough to hurt the other party.

Chen Nan felt a strong sense of crisis.

Watch as the monsters attack again.

He appeared three kilometers away in an instant.

This is the outermost periphery of his field.

Three kilometers is not close, right?


The speed of that monster is not slow.

It can actually walk in the air.

Flying straight towards Chen Nan.

"It's so outrageous, isn't it?"

Chen Nan felt incredible.

I am also more deeply aware.

If you don't want to solve this monster.

You have to die!

There is a majestic mountain in the west.

He teleported directly to the bottom of the mountain.

Then the convergent breath hides in the gap of a boulder.


The monster arrived at the bottom of the mountain.

It sniffed its nose.

Finally, Chen Nan's location was found.

It opened its blood basin and let out a deafening roar.

Chen Nan only felt his soul tremble and his headache split.

Thanks to him, he came from the Yang Realm.

The power of the soul is different from ordinary people.

Otherwise, with this roar.

It will make his soul fly.

He endured the pain and teleported away.

Then wave your arms.

The soul power centered on him and spread out for three thousand meters.


The basketball-sized stones around them also floated strangely in the air.

It's like losing gravity.

The monster's eyes shone with jealousy.

It has never seen such a means.

"Give me death!"

Chen Nan roared angrily.

Under his control, the heavenly stones fell like meteorites from the sky, carrying a terrifying impact force towards the monster on the ground and smashing fiercely.

Monsters dodge quickly.

But the space is all covered with stone.

No matter where it hides.

Can't escape the stones that fall from the sky.

Bang bang!

When those stones fall on the monster.

Suddenly there was a dull crashing sound.

And the monster also let out an angry roar.

Although these stones are not enough to kill it, they can also seriously injure it.


"Even if I do it with all my might."

"It is also impossible to defeat this monster."

Chen Nan was anxious.

Mobilizing the field is his strongest means.

But even so, he couldn't kill this monster.

In fact, he didn't expect to kill the other party with these stones.

All he wanted was to hurt it.

Just break through the defenses of this monster.

You can use the space field yourself to severely damage its internal organs.

But now.

It is simply impossible to break through its impregnable defenses.

Seeing the monster rushing towards him.

Chen Nan was also angry.

You forced me!

Don't think about it.

He took out a dagger from the storage magic weapon.

Under the surprised eyes of the monster.

He stabbed himself hard in the abdomen.

The monster looked stunned.

Knowing that I don't like eating dead people, you killed yourself, didn't you?

How shameless!


Chen Nan felt a scalding heat coming from his abdomen.

Then a sharp pain swept over.


He was completely stunned.

The corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

Why is it me who gets hurt?

Why can't I transfer the damage I take to that monster?

Sort of... Hurt!

Chen Nan's mentality exploded.

He knew why he couldn't transfer the damage he had taken to the monster.

In the final analysis, the opponent's defense is too terrifying.

That's why.

The injuries he will endure will only be borne by himself.


The monster roared and jumped towards Chen Nan.

How could Chen Nan let it catch.

Instantly appeared halfway up the mountain.

He used the power of space to repair his wounds and prevent excessive blood loss.

A pang of fear rose in my heart.

Thanks to the fact that I didn't poke my heart just now.

Otherwise, you will die in your own hands.

Watch the monster quickly chase after it.

A bold idea arose in Chen Nan's heart.

"Although this monster has a strong defense."

"But the eye should be its weak point, right?"

"If I attack my own eye, will I transfer the damage I have suffered to it?"

Chen Nan felt that this idea was very feasible.

But in the end, he gave up this death-seeking behavior.

In case you can't transfer the damage you take to the monster.

Isn't he going to be blind?

Seeing the monster close at hand.

Chen Nan's spiritual power surged out.

I saw his solemn expression, and a thunderous roar came out of his mouth: "Landslide! "


The mountain emitted a deafening roar.

It's like an earthquake.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu that the end is coming.

A huge mountain landslide appeared, crushing the monster under his control...

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