Seeing Chen Nan's shocked appearance.

Ji Tian, the sixth elder of the Baishan Sect, trembled violently.

Is the treasure alive?

Don't think about it.

He subconsciously turned his head.

Only to find out...

Montenegro is still so dark.

There is nothing unusual either.



A sound of horses' hooves sounded.

Immediately after that, a scream came from Ji Tian's ears: "Elder Ji Tian, that guy ran away!"

"Shameless little boy, dare to deceive the old man!"

Watching Chen Nan riding towards the northwest.

Ji Tiantian's face turned green.

It wasn't because Chen Nan deceived him.

Mainly because I believed the other party's words.

"Aren't you trying to kill me?"

"Come after me!"

"As long as you catch up with me, I'll let you guys hehe!"

Under nightfall.

Chen Nan let out a smug smile.


A hint of killing intent flashed in the depths of the smile.

He's not a fighter.

Don't like to kill.

Because his dream is peace in the world.

Because of this, he hadn't killed the six disciples of the Worship Mountain Sect before.

But now.

The disciples of the Baishan Sect were here to stop him.

Then he naturally will not sit still.

Although that elder named Ji Tian was very strong.

But he can also fight him.

It's just that you have to use the space field.

Because of this, Chen Nan led them to a no-man's land on the road.

"Get on the horse, catch up with him no matter what!" Ji Tian turned on his horse, took the disciples of the Baishan Sect to raise his horse, and followed in the direction where Chen Nan fled.

He is a Metamorphosis Realm powerhouse.

Although it can be transformed into a bird.

But it didn't do that.

Don't use an elephant to crack a nut?


The sound of horses' hooves rang out.

It was like the drums of war being beaten.


"Finally, I can test my strength!" Looking at the chasing soldiers hundreds of meters behind him, Chen Nan grinned.

After stepping into the Soul Gathering Realm, he had not yet encountered an opponent.

Today I want to know what level of strength I have.

All right.

In fact, Chen Nan also knew that with his own strength.

At best, it can defeat the cultivators in the middle and late stages of the Soul Gathering Realm.

But if the rules of space are used, it is unknown.

Now I have finally met some masters.

That you can't test your own strength?

Although last night I met a monster that I didn't fight.

But that's a monster.

Not people.

It is not possible to generalize.

The horses galloped.

Eventually came to a low-lying canyon.

There is also a small river winding in the gorge.

Chen Nan smiled and said, "This location has good feng shui, and people from the Mountain Worship Sect can be buried here..."

The words are not finished.

The smile on his face instantly froze.

The horse under him was also restless.

The reason is none of it.

He saw the monster he had met last night.

At this time, the monster was drinking water by the river.

Even more outrageous.

At this time, the monster also found him.

Chen Nan's scalp was numb.

What a stroke of luck.

It's all hundreds of miles away.

How did I meet this monster again?

He regretted not looking at Huang Li before going out.

I thought I had completely got rid of this monster.

Which Cheng thought.

After going around in circles, they actually met again.

Not surprisingly.

Anyway, it's quite scary.

The monster grinned and looked at Chen Nan, with a playful look in his eyes.

As if to say.

You didn't expect us to meet in a thousand miles, did you?

The sound of horses' hooves was heard behind him.

Chen Nan hurriedly said: "Brother, don't be angry, don't be angry, I came specifically to apologize to you."

"You see, these people behind you are the gifts I brought you."

The monster looked behind Chen Nan.

There was a fine light in his eyes.

You can see it.

It understood Chen Nan's words.

I am also very satisfied with this gift brought by Chen Nan.

Chen Nan's 'Xue Wei' breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as this monster targets this group of people.

Then there is still a possibility of survival.


He really didn't know how to escape this monster.

After all.

Even if he exerts the space domain to the extreme, he can't escape.


"Why didn't you run?"

Ji Weather followed menacingly with people.

With a wicked smile in his eyes.

I didn't realize that the monster existed.

"Elder Ji Tian, a strange beast, it's that strange beast in Montenegro..." A disciple of the Mountain Worship Sect let out a terrifying scream.


Ji Tian also noticed the extremely strange-looking beast.

He was pale and creepy.

A wave of despair rose in my heart that I had never felt before.

He let out a heart-rending scream: "Run, run!" "

It's obvious.

Ji Tian knows all these monsters.

Know its horror.

Otherwise, it would not have been so fearful.

The monster stared at Chen Nan viciously.

A low tiger roar was emitted.

"Are you trying for me to help you kill them?" Chen Nanhao is also the lord of the immortal world, and he lived in the demon world for a while when he crossed the immortal world.

Although I don't know animal language.

But I could barely understand what this monster meant.

The monster nodded.

Chen Nan grinned: "Do you still need to say this kind of thing?" Since I brought them here, naturally I won't let them leave alive! The

words fell.

The space domain is centered on him, covering the surrounding space of five hundred meters.

Five hundred meters is actually enough.

If the space domain covers too broadly.

It is highly likely to attract the attention of others.

That's not what he wants to see.

Bang bang!

One by one, the galloping horses seemed to hit the invisible barrier, and their heads broke and fell to the ground.

The disciples of the Mountain Worship Sect on their bodies also slammed into the barrier at the end of the spatial realm.

Although there is no crushed bone.

But he was also seriously injured.

In an instant, more than a dozen people fell to the ground.

The other people all felt numb in their scalps, as if they had seen a ghost.

The monster in the distance sat on the ground and flapped its front paws happily.

It's like watching a wonderful drama.

Looks like you're in a good mood.

"Elder Ji Tian, right?"

"Since you're here, don't run!"

Chen Nan soared into the air, as if a heavenly god had come to the world.

Exudes a powerful aura.

Ji Tian's face turned pale, and his pupils trembled fiercely: "You are a Soul Gathering Realm cultivator, how can you fly in the air?"

Chen Nan grinned: "Because this is my field, in my field I am absolutely invincible..." Eh, relatively invincible state! "

He meant to say absolutely invincible.

But that's a bit of a pretense.

After all, this monster is also in its own domain.

Moreover, I can't help it.

So keep a low profile.

Ji Tian held a long sword in his hand and looked at Chen Nan with fierce eyes: "Although I don't know what your so-called realm is, you will die today!" The

words fell.

The long sword in his hand floated into the air.

I saw him squeeze his hands.

The long sword was split into three.

It's like three long rainbows.

Exudes an aura of devastation.

Tear the long sky.

It penetrated Chen Nan's chest.

He originally thought that he could kill Chen Nan.

But I didn't expect it.

Three sharp pains came from the abdomen in succession.

Three bloody wounds stained his shirt.

"Why did I attack you, but it was me who was injured?" Ji Tian was dumbfounded, and the shock in his heart was far stronger than when he saw that strange beast.

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