He couldn't figure it out.

His own long sword clearly pierced through Chen Nan's body.

But there was not the slightest splash of blood.

Instead, it was he who was hurt.

This strange and bizarre method is unheard of, let alone experienced.

Fortunately, these three injuries are not fatal.

As soon as his mind moved, the three long swords turned in the air and killed Chen Nan again.

And this time.

The Yin Qi in his body enveloped his whole body.

Be prepared to resist.




Three long swords pierced through Chen Nan's chest one after another.

Maybe it's that you are ready for defense.

This time.

Ji Tian was not attacked in any way.

But behind him, there were three harsh screams.

He turned back abruptly.

A fatal sword wound appeared on the chest of the three disciples of the Mountain Worship Sect.

They fell to the ground, their bodies convulsing constantly.

Eventually lost breathing.

"Who are you?" Ji Tian's eyes were cracked, and his pupils were bloodshot.

Those disciples of the Baishan Sect also had their scalps exploded.

They were all stunned by Chen Nan's means.

An ant on the first floor of the Soul Gathering Realm.

Why do you have such horrific means?

Is he still human?

Chen Nan: "Me?

"I'm just an ordinary person!"

"A weak person who was bullied and hunted down by your Mountain Worship Sect!"

He doesn't like to kill them all.

But the Baishan Sect intercepted him on the road.

He couldn't bear this breath.

When you can't bear it.

No need to endure it any longer.

"I don't believe I can't kill you!"

Ji Tian let out a roar like thunder.

He squeezed it with both hands.

The whole person transformed into a black bear about five meters tall.

A terrifying anger erupted from his whole body.

Form-Transforming Realm powerhouses can transform into other forms.

This is Ji Tian's strongest form.

He rushed towards Chen Nan.

The earth trembled.

"You really can't kill me." The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with disdain.

Then he snapped his fingers crisply.


There was a humming sound in the void.

Next second.

Chen Nan suddenly had an extra blood in his hand.

And a beating heart.

Bang bang!

The sound of the heart beating is not loud.

But it fell in the ears of everyone like thunder.

It's creepy.


Ji Tian also stopped abruptly.

He looked at his chest in horror, feeling that it was empty.

Then he raised his head with difficulty and looked at Chen Nan.

A trembling, weak voice came out of his mouth: "Why... Why does my heart be... Will it appear in your hands? What the hell are you doing to me... What was done?

Chen Nan didn't pay attention to him at all, and turned to look at the strange beast behind him: "Brother, let's eat some pre-dinner snacks first!" With a flick of his right hand, the heart flew to the river.

The monster revealed a blazing light, opened its blood basin and swallowed Ji Tian's heart.


At the moment it chews.

A stream of red blood burst in its mouth.

It experienced the sensation of bursting pulp.



Ji Tian, whose heart was chewed up, let out a heart-rending scream.

Instantly transforms into human form.

Fell headlong to the ground.

Lost breathing.

Only when a cultivator cultivates to the realm of seizing the body can he take away others.

Even if the body is destroyed, it can be replaced by another body and continue to live.

But before the realm of the body.

No matter who has suffered a fatal injury, it will be as dead as ordinary people.

"Elder Ji Tian is dead?"

Those disciples of the Baishan Sect were stunned in place like thunder.

Ji Tian is a Transformation Realm powerhouse.

Even if you see it with your own eyes.

They also didn't believe that Ji Tian would die at the hands of a Soul Gathering Realm cultivator.

"Go and die too!"

Chen Nan snapped his fingers.

In a flash.

Those disciples of the Mountain Worship Sect all died tragically.

Controlled by Chen Nan to appear in front of the monster.

Let them appear in front of that monster after they die, so that they do not feel fear.

It was Chen Nan's last mercy.

Because in Baishan taught these people to chase after themselves.

It was already doomed that it was impossible for them to live.

Chen Nan landed on horseback and arched his hand towards the monster by the river: "Old brother, you eat slowly, the little brother still has something, so he will withdraw first!" The

monster didn't pay attention to Chen Nan at all.

Start with a dinner delivered to your door.

Seeing this, Chen Nan drove the white horse and quickly walked towards the distance.

He was really afraid that this monster would take revenge and wanted to eat it with him.

If so.

That's going to be cool.

The steed galloped in the direction of Montenegro.

Look at Montenegro at hand.

Chen Nan also breathed a sigh of relief.

There are many cultivators above Montenegro.

Even if the monster really chased him, he had a way to deal with it.

Even if you can't beat it.

It can also lead the monster to crowded places.

Although somewhat unkind.

But man does not perish for himself.

"My current strength meets the powerhouse of the Transformation Realm, if I fight to the death, I can still win."

"But if you meet a strong person in the Soul Love Realm."

"There is almost no chance of victory."

Chen Nan's face turned pale.

Although he defeated Ji Tian just now.

However, he consumed a lot of soul power.

Now I feel like a headache.

Enduring the pain, he came to the foot of Montenegro.

Chen Nan found an unoccupied place to sit cross-kneeled and recover his soul power.

"The space field is indeed very strong, but the consumption is huge."

"And the side effects are obvious."

"Although I refined some elixirs that enhance soul power before."

"But the effect is not obvious."

Night breeze.

Chen Nanjing sat at the foot of Black Mountain.

The power of the soul is like a dry spring, slowly recovering.

Follow this momentum.

To fully recover to the peak.

At least two hours.

Just when Chen Nan recovered his mental power.

An exclamation came from a distance: "Look at the horse that hurt us before!"

Qi Feng said weakly, "Why is that man's horse here?"

Murong Lan couldn't help but say, "Could it be that the person who hurt us is also here?"

Then a loud voice sounded: "That person can't be here, I have already summoned Elder Ji Tian to let him go to the bottom of the mountain to intercept that young man."

"It's possible that the young man has been killed and his horse ran here."

The one who spoke was called Murong Qing.

Nearly fifty years old.

It was Murong Lan's father.

Head of the Worship Sect.

Has the peak cultivation of the Soul Thirsty Realm.

Hear the sound of discussion in the distance.

Chen Nan immediately panicked.

At present, he is in a period of weakness.

But the other party came here.

If you find yourself.

In its current state, don't talk about fighting.

Even if you run, you can't run away.

Don't think about it.

He gathered his breath and hid behind a boulder.


The only thing he could do was hide.

Don't let the other person discover their presence.


I will definitely have great trouble today.

Murong Qing: "Rest in place first and wait for Elder Ji Tian to return!" "


The disciples of the Baishan Sect answered.

Chen Nan was anxious.

I never expected this group of people to rest in place.

This gave him a sense of foreboding.

Because the place where they rested was only more than twenty meters away from him.

That's it.

He could only comfort himself: "My luck has always been quite good, I shouldn't be discovered, right?" "

But right now.

He saw Murong Lan appear directly opposite not far away.

Facing him, she lifted her skirt and crouched on the ground.

The moment when the four eyes are facing each other!

A heart-rending scream pierced the night sky...

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