Murong Lan didn't expect to meet Chen Nan here.

The flowers are discolored.

A look of panic and anger.

Immediately lifted the pants.

"What happened?"

Murong Qing and the others came when they heard the news.

Murong Lan's face turned pale, she stared at the position where Chen Nan was before, and said uneasily: "Father, I just saw the person who hurt me before.

"He was sitting behind that rock."

Murong Qing looked over.

There was no one there.

He comforted softly: "Daughter, are you frightened? "

Who's there?"

Murong Lan subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "No, I can't be wrong, he was obviously sitting there before!" "

Murong Lan is pampered.

But not frightened.

A young man stepped forward, touched the stone, and touched the nearby stone, and immediately said: "Master, the little junior sister is not lying, this stone is warm, which proves that someone has done it here before."

Murong Qing's face changed.

The power of the soul spread.

With him as the center, it spreads to the surrounding two kilometers.

Then he discovered Chen Nan's hiding place.

"Get me out!"

Murong Qing shouted angrily.

A sword qi of practice tore through the night, directly hitting a boulder more than three meters high.

In the moment when the boulder shattered.

Chen Nan flew out more than ten meters.

But he was still hit by rubble.

Several pieces of rubble were submerged and injured.

"Is it really you?"

A disciple exclaimed: "Impossible, I obviously saw Elder Ji Tian chasing you, why are you still alive?"

"Say, Elder Ji Tian, where did they go?"

If Ji Tian hadn't chased Chen Nan, it would have been enough for him to appear here.

The question is.

Ji Tianming took people to chase Chen Nan.

And here he is.

Is this reasonable?

Chen Nan endured the pain and forced out the gravel in his body.

A few pieces of Yin red appeared above the white robe.

At this time, it is constantly penetrating outward.

It looks shocking.

It is as eye-catching as a flower on the other side.

Chen Nan grinned: "Where did Ji Tian go?"

"You may not believe it."

"They have all sacrificed to the heavens!"

The young man said angrily, "You mean, did you kill Elder Ji Tian? Just with you, a Soul Gathering Realm cultivator, how can you kill a Transformation Realm powerhouse?

Murong Qing stood expressionlessly on a mouthful of stone, overlooking Chen Nan condescendingly, with an astonishing cold light blooming in his eyes: "Young man, you are not small, not only hurt my disciples of the Mountain Worship Sect."

"Even hit my daughter!"

Although he didn't know where Ji Tian went.

But he didn't take Chen Nan's words to heart.

"Come man, gouge out his eyes for me!" Murong Lan stared at Chen Nan with vicious eyes.

She knows.

He has seen it all over himself.

It was unbearable for her.

It is necessary to count the old hatred together.

Murong Qing waved his big hand: "Come, first break his limbs, let him know the fate of being an enemy of my Mountain Worship Sect!" "


The sound of the sword coming out of its sheath sounded around Chen Nan.

I saw a group of masters in the middle and late stages of the Soul Gathering Realm all drawing their long swords.

They looked at themselves playfully, in a closed motion.

Chen Nan's eyes were solemn.

With his current strength.

Even if you can defeat these Soul Gathering Realm masters.

It is also impossible to escape in front of a Soul Loving Realm powerhouse.

That's it.

The only thing that can be done is to avoid doing it.

If you can't avoid doing it...

Then delay as much as possible.

The reason why he did not repair the wound allowed the blood to spill out.

The main thing is to attract the monster.

After all, that monster knows its breath.

If it's not full.

You will definitely come here smelling your own breath.

When the time comes, borrow that monster to kill the master of the Baishan Sect.

He looked calm: "Murong is in charge, if you stop now."

"And apologize to me."

"I can let you worship the mountain and teach a way of life!"

"If not, the Worship Sect will be removed from this world."

As soon as the words came out.

The disciples of the Baishan Sect were stunned for a moment.

Then erupted with anger and contempt.

A young man was furious: "Just because you are an ant on the first floor of the Soul Gathering Realm, you actually said that you would destroy my Mountain Worship Sect?" Are you a soft persimmon when I worship the mountain?

Another humane: "Yes, my Mountain Worship Sect is the third most powerful sect in Guangling Prefecture.

"The strength is transcendent, with hundreds of disciples."

"How can you destroy an ant just by you?"

Murong Lan gritted his teeth and said, "Don't waste your tongue with him, first waste his limbs, then gouge out his eyes and cut his tongue!" I will make him wait in despair for death to come!

"You woman is really a femme fatale!" A killing intent rose in Chen Nan's heart: "Knowing this, I would not have been merciful before, and I should have killed a few of you directly." "

Chen Nanben is a ruthless and decisive person.

It can be when becoming the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

His personality has changed a bit.

His patience has improved a bit.

Treat all people as their own people.


Even if others want to kill him, he will give them a chance.

But it turns out.

That doesn't seem to work.

Heavenly Dao is ruthless.

You shouldn't have any womanly kindness.


With a roar.

A young man behind Chen Nan jumped into mid-air, holding the hilt of his sword in both hands and slashing directly at Chen Nan.

A long knife appeared in Chen Nan's hand.

Without turning his head, he slashed the cultivator in the middle of the Soul Gathering Realm with a backhand.

Just as others shouted and swarmed forward.

A black token appeared in Chen Nan's left hand.

This thing comes out.

Everyone subconsciously stopped.

There was horror in his eyes.

Including Murong Qing, too.

Murong Lan's face was even more incredulous.

Murong Qing's tone was low: "How can you have Yin Cha Ling?"

"Are you a fool?" Chen Nan laughed angrily: "Why do you say I have a Yin Order?"

Murong Qing subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "Are you Yin Chao?

Chen Nan shrugged his shoulders and said lightly: "It's okay, it's just a fifth-level yin difference." Everyone


The five-level yin difference is comparable to the existence of a county order.

Looking at the entire underworld, that is also the mainstay.

Mo said that Chen Nan was a fifth-level yin difference.

Even if it is a first-level yin difference.

As long as he is killed, the Worship Mountain Sect will also usher in a catastrophe.

Chen Nan withdrew the Yin Messenger Order with a smile, and asked calmly: "Murong Chief, are you still going to kill me now?"

Murong Qing's face was gloomy.

He didn't expect that Chen Nan would be a fifth-level Yin Difference.

After all, he can't afford to offend this kind of person.

Right at this moment.

Murong Lan's voice sounded: "Father, even if he is a fifth-level Yin difference, what about it?"

"Even if we kill him, others won't know that I did it by the Mountain Worship Sect."

"You're right, even if we kill him, the imperial court won't find out about us!" A cold light flashed in Murong Qing's eyes, and he waved his finger.

In a flash.

The sword qi was like a long rainbow tearing through the night sky, carrying a terrifying aura towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan's face was sallow.

I didn't expect Murong Qing to be so bold!

Don't wait for him to dodge away.

That monster that was more than three meters tall appeared in front of him out of thin air, resisting Murong Qing's fatal blow!

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