Look at the monster that suddenly appeared about three meters tall.

Everyone had a tingling scalp.

A despair that had never been felt before filled my heart.

Especially Murong Qing.

He knew the horror of this monster.

But with the strength of the peak of the Soul Thirsty Realm.

Even he is no match for it.

"Brother, I'm afraid you haven't eaten enough before, so I specially found you some snacks." Seeing the monster appear, Chen Nan grinned.

He was glad that this monster arrived in time.

Otherwise, he would most likely hate this place today.

Murong Qing seemed to have thought of something, and said angrily, "Was Elder Ji Tian eaten by this evil beast?" "

Presumptuous!" Chen Nan was furious: "All beings are equal, it is my tiger brother, how can you treat it as an animal?" Do you believe that my tiger brother ate you?

Murong Qing's face was gloomy.

I didn't expect that one person and one beast colluded together.


Without warning.

The monster let out a low tiger roar.

Frightened, the disciples of the Baishan Sect were terrified.

Even the timid guy collapsed on the ground.

Murong Qing held a long sword and looked at the monster with indifferent eyes: "The strength of this evil beast is certainly good, but as long as our disciples of the Mountain Worship Sect work together, we can still defeat it!"

"As long as we worship the mountain sect can kill this evil beast today."

"The reputation of my Mountain Worship Sect will surely spread throughout the netherworld!"

"Even become a first-class supreme great sect!"

"All the disciples obey the order and go all out to kill this evil beast!"

Accompanied by Murong Qing's impassioned brainwashing.

The disciples of the Baishan Sect also tightly held the long sword in their hands.

Hundreds of disciples were killing the monster in all directions.


The monster let out a low roar.

It raises its unicorn feet at will.

Shoot at the oncoming disciples.

It slapped one paw into the void.

Immediately, more than a dozen disciples of the Mountain Worship Sect flew away.

And then a tail swing.

Those disciples behind him were pumped away here.

It took less than ten seconds.

The hundreds of disciples of the Baishan Sect all fell to the ground.

Look at it so ferocious.

Chen Nan's heart rose for a while.

Thanks to the space realm, otherwise he wouldn't have survived last night.

"Huh, the head of the Baishan Sect actually escaped with his daughter?" Chen Nan looked surprised, and did not notice the figures of Murong Qing and Murong Lan's father and daughter.

"Let their disciples delay time, but their father and daughter take the opportunity to escape."

"It's a shameful approach."

Chen Nan developed a strong dislike for Murong Qing.

Although after the appearance of this monster, they fell into a desperate situation.

Maybe it's too much to worry about.

But it's better to let the disciples run away separately.

In this way, there may still be people who can escape.

And he poured well.

Not only did he not let his disciples escape, but he even ordered them to strike at the same time.

And he took advantage of this time.

He fled with his daughter.

This means simply does not deserve to be human.

Just before Chen Nan could react.

The strange-looking monster let out a low roar at him.

I saw storage bags fly out one by one.

It is the relic of Ji Tian and others.

Chen Nan seemed to understand its meaning, and asked cautiously: "You let me find the elixir to restore the injury inside?" The

monster nodded and began 'extra meals'.

Chen Nan also opened the dozen storage bags.

In addition to Ji Tian's storage bag, there were several pills to restore his injuries.

The remaining bags contained only some broken silver and a change of clothes.

He put the silver away, then took out two pills and swallowed them.

In other words, this primary elixir would naturally not be seen by him.

But today is different.

In the case of injury, there are a few pills that can't be cared about so much.


"Father, can't we really kill that guy?" In a quiet valley dozens of miles away, Murong Lan clenched his fists, his face full of anger.

Her anger was not just because a disciple of the Baishan Sect had been killed.

It was because he failed to kill Chen Nan.

Murong Qing gritted his teeth and said, "That guy colluded with that evil beast to kill more than a hundred disciples of my Mountain Worship Sect, how can I let him go?"

"If he doesn't die, how can he be worthy of my disciple who died in vain by the Mountain Worship Sect?"

"If he doesn't die, how can heaven survive?"

Murong Lan's face was full of unwillingness: "However, the strength of that beast is too strong, we can't beat it at all!" The

words came out.

Murong Qing's face suddenly showed a helpless and angry expression.

Mo said that he was just the peak of the Soul Craving Realm.

Even if he stepped into the Body Capture Realm, he might not be able to kill that monster.

He took a deep breath, tried to calm his emotions, and then said, "Even if we can't kill that evil beast, we can borrow the hands of others to work together to kill it."

Murong Lan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up: "Father, but he wants to unite other forces to surround and suppress that evil beast?"

Murong Qing nodded slightly: "This time the Fire God Sect site has seen the light of day, which has attracted the attention of all forces.

"Now those forces are reaching Montenegro one after another."

"There are some superpowers among them."

"Even the forces of Hundred Flowers Valley have sent masters."

"Just find them."

"Tell them that there are humans and the evil beast who plotted to kill the human beings who entered the mountains."

"The strong of those forces will definitely join hands and surround and suppress that evil beast together."

"At that time, whether it is the evil beast or the human being."

"There is no place to die!"


Dou Shifts the stars.

In the blink of an eye, it was the wee hours of the morning.

There was silence between heaven and earth.

Chen Nan also stopped cultivating.

By this time, all the injuries on his body had healed.

Strength returned to its peak.

The moment you open your eyes.

The monster came into view.

It was directly in front of Chen Nan, five meters away, lying there and falling into a deep sleep.

Even if asleep.

But the huge tiger head also exuded a powerful beast qi, as well as a fierce qi.

Because even now, Chen Nan didn't figure out what the origin of this monster was.

Seeing that the monster was already asleep.

Chen Nan had the idea of wanting to escape.

In his current state.

You can leave this place in an instant.

But eventually abandoned the idea.

This monster did not eat himself while he was cultivating, and he could see that he should have no evil thoughts about himself.

If you run away while it is asleep.

This behavior is certainly impolite.

It may even irritate the other person.

Take 10,000 steps back.

Even if he really escaped.


It has long remembered its breath.

Can I escape?

Unless he used the space realm, he fled back to Tongcheng overnight.

In this way, it may be able to escape its pursuit.

But didn't you come to Montenegro to find opportunities?

He didn't even find the opportunity, how could he be willing to return to Tongcheng?

He gave up the idea of running away.

Silently took out the anti-Heavenly Sect's teleportation card.

Told the others about the physical features of the monster.

Although he does not know the origin of this monster.

But he believes.

Those who are anti-heavenly should be able to give themselves the answers they want.

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