Countless petals float in the air.

Carrying the chododon kite came slowly.

Wrapped in pale pink garment.

The white gauze reveals the graceful lines and clearly visible collarbones.

The gait is graceful and feminine.

Three thousand green silks tied up with a headband.

The head is inserted into a butterfly, and a strand of blue silk hangs down on the chest.

Thin application of pink only adds color, and the faint red feeling on the cheeks creates a delicate skin like petals.

The whole person is like a butterfly flying in the wind, and like a clear ice and snow.

The light sweeping eyebrows contain spring, the skin is as delicate as warm jade, and the soft light is like greasy.

The cherry small mouth is not dotted and red, delicate.

Two strands of hair on the cheek gently brush in the breeze.

With a bit of seductive flair.

This moment.

Chen Nan couldn't help but look fooled.

He didn't expect that the clump kite would also come here.

Don't say it yet.

Beautiful sister, it's really getting more and more flavorful.

And in this instant.

He even forgot that body and soul were being burned.

Du Yue gestured towards Chen Nan's head, and then a soft voice came out of his mouth: "Everyone, please give me a thin noodle and give me the opportunity of the Fire God Sect to the Valley of Hundred Flowers." Her

voice was soft and pleasant, as if there was a magical power.

It relaxes the mind.

The Five Poisons Sect Lord chuckled at Tianshe, and did not put Du Yuan in his eyes at all: "Du Gu Lord, I'm afraid you Hundred Flowers Valley doesn't have such a big face, right?" Wan

Yan, the owner of the Hidden Sword Mountain Villa, said lightly: "Since ancient times, those who have the ability to have treasures in the world have learned that if Hundred Flowers Valley wants the opportunity of the Fire God Sect, they can snatch it.

"If this opportunity can finally fall into the Valley of Hundred Flowers, it is also the creation of the Valley of Hundred Flowers."

Yu Bo, the owner of Tianluo Building: "It should be so." "

It's obvious.

They didn't want to give this chance to Hundred Flowers Valley.

After all, the Vulcan Sect was ten thousand years ago.

Even the imperial court has to fear the existence.

Even the Emperor of the capital had come here to worship the God of Fire.

Du Yue soared into the air and appeared beside Chen Nan.

After smiling at him, he immediately looked at the other four powerhouses who had captured the body realm: "He is my person, if you want to get involved in his chance, please kill me first."

Her voice was flat, but firm.

Wan Yan, the owner of the Hidden Sword Villa, showed a look of surprise: "He is your person?" I really didn't expect that the lord of the Hundred Flowers Valley who was high above would actually like a little white face.

"If this matter gets out, it will definitely shock the entire cultivation world."

The Five Poisons Sect Lord grinned at Tianshe and showed his dark teeth: "Du Gu Lord, you are high, you are the Hundred Flowers Valley Lord, there are many people who like you, how can you like his little white face?" "

Du Yuan is the first strange woman in the cultivation world.

Strength detached aside.

Whether it's looks, figure.


Those were all the first in the cultivation world.

There are countless suitors.

Among them, there are some dignitaries.

But they were all rejected by her.

Who could think.

She actually liked a waste on the first floor of the Soul Gathering Realm.

"Who to like, this is my right!" A red long sword appeared in Du Yue's hand, and the momentum of the whole person changed drastically at this moment.

Murderous, like a goddess of war: "You can question me, but I will never allow you to slander the man I like!" "


Without warning.

A sword qi that was practiced tore through the night, towards the Five Poisons Sect Lord towards the Heavenly House.

Xiang Tianshe hurriedly took the house.

They thought the clump was just talking.

But I didn't expect it.

They just said a little white face, and she was furious.


This little white face is still outstanding.

has thoroughly pinched the heart of the clump kite.


She will not lose her sense of proportion and make such a big fire because of a word.

"Sister, you stand back and let me deal with them!" Chen Nan gritted his teeth and controlled his last trace of sanity from being eaten away by the flames.

If that's the case.

That would be eaten back.

It's gone in an instant.


These people came just right.

It can vent the energy accumulated in his body.

Du Yuan was a little worried.

After all, these four are all powerhouses who have won the peak of the body realm.

Strength is transcendent.

Even if Chen Nan obtained the opportunity, he was definitely not their opponent.


She really couldn't stop refusing this guy!


Even if she cares about Chen Nan.

But she really couldn't bear to refuse him.


She stepped aside.

I intend to believe Chen Nan.

If Chen Nan really had any danger, she could also strike in time.

In case of.

In case something happens to him.

She will definitely level the Hidden Sword Villa.

Swing the Moon Worship Sect.

Five poisons.

and even Tianluo Tower.

Let the disciples of the four great sects pay for Chen Nan's life.

Wan Yan, the owner of the Hidden Sword Mountain Villa, his eyes lit up: "Everyone, as long as we strip the divine fire out of his body, we can obtain the opportunity of the Fire God Sect!"

"The opportunity is just around the corner, let's show your talents!"

The words fell.

He leaned forward with one palm.

In a flash.

Dense long swords appeared around Chen Nan.

The tip of the sword, shining with chill, locked him in all directions.


Accompanied by Wan Yan's low roar.

Countless long swords pierced into Chen Nan's body at the same time.


Just when those long swords pierced into Chen Nan's body.

A blazing flame suddenly erupted in Chen Nan's body.

The flames enveloped those long swords, causing them to melt instantly.

"Is it really divine fire? How could the power be so terrifying? Wan Yan's face turned sallow.

He didn't think about his treasures.

It melts in an instant.

"Hmm... Comfortable!

"It's so comfortable!"

In flames.

Chen Nan let out a comfortable moan.

"Can your attack be more intense?"

"It's okay."

"Work hard!"

"Die dry."

"I can stand it."

Chen Nan was like a pervert and let out an almost crazy laugh.

Wan Yan's blow just released the energy accumulated in his body.

"I'll try!" Yu Bo, the owner of Tianluo Building, picked up the jade flute and put it to his mouth to play a stirring song.

One after another sound waves visible to the naked eye turned into sword light and shadows, piercing through the void and falling on Chen Nan's body.

Chen Nan suspended quietly in the air.

Let those swords and shadows penetrate the body.

The flames on his body kept swaying.

It's like a candle that's about to go out at any moment.

He closed his eyes and had an intoxicated expression on his face: "Yes, that's it, only in this way can you kill me and extract the divine fire in my body."


"I can use the Divine Fire to withstand your attack at the first level of the Soul Gathering Realm."

"If you obtain the Divine Fire, then you must not soar into the sky and become an invincible existence under the world?"

"Don't be idle."

"Let's all slash!"

"Hurry up, I'll accompany you to fly around."

"Bring out your strongest means to attack me!"

"As long as I'm dead."

"The chance in me is yours."

Chen Nan seemed to be a pervert.

But the mind is unusually clear.

Because with the blow just now.

The energy accumulated in his body has already vented a lot.

If these people continue to attack.

Then he will definitely be able to control the laws of fire in his body.

The four heads of the Hidden World Sect all frowned.

I vaguely felt that Chen Nan was definitely not well.


None of this matters.

The important thing is that they see the potential of the divine fire.

As Chen Nan said just now.

He only had a Soul Gathering Realm powerhouse who could kill hordes of Transformation Realm powerhouses in seconds, and even Soul Loving Realm powerhouses.

You can see the horror of divine fire.


The four Body Realm powerhouses all unleashed their strongest moves to kill Chen Nan.

Chen Nan was like a living target, his face full of madness, allowing the attacks of the four to fall on him.

Three seconds later.

His originally stiff body suddenly moved.

A pair of wings formed by the convergence of flames appeared behind him.


Completely controlled the laws of fire in his body.

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