At the same time.

The four heads of the Hidden World Sect all stopped attacking in unison.

They frowned.

Staring at Chen Nan deadly.

They could feel that Chen Nan's aura was weaker than before.

That's a good thing.

I don't know why.

The pair of fire wings more than ten meters long behind Chen Nan.

And the intriguing smile on his face.

All give people a sense of foreboding.

Although Chen Nan is still a Soul Gathering Realm cultivator.

But whoever it is.

There is an inexplicable fear of the unknown.

"Tired, huh?"

"How about trying my attack next?" Chen Nan grinned.

He waved it with one hand.


The red dragon chain instantly appeared in front of Wan Yan, the owner of the Hidden Sword Mountain Villa.

Wan Yan's face showed a hint of disdain.

A terrifying yin qi roared out, blocking Chen Nan's attack.

Chen Nan frowned slightly.


Even if he got the law of fire.

But not completely controlled.

With his current ability to control the laws of the fire system.

It is not enough to kill a body snatching realm powerhouse head-on.

Of course.

Even if it is a soul realm, he may not be able to kill.

Although he had killed several Soul Loving Realm powerhouses before.

But it is by the power of the law of fire.

And now.

If you want to fully urge the power of the law of fire.

He also has to face a situation of being eaten back.


The Moon Worship Sect Leader had no intention of pointing through the air.

A terrifying fingerprint tore through the void.

A heavy bombardment hit Chen Nan's chest.


Chen Nan was shot out tens of meters.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

There was a sharp pain in his chest.

See this scene.

Du Yuan suddenly became angry, she flew to Chen Nan's side, her eyes full of killing intent: "Unintentional old man, you dare to hurt my brother?" Are you tired of living?

Wuxin's face had a hint of disdain: "Lord Du Gu, if you grab the opportunity, it is inevitable that there will be casualties."

"Even you can't keep this person today."

"Then try it!" Du Iris erupted with a powerful killing intent.

The air plummets.

It can be seen that patches of goose feathers and snow have appeared in the night sky.

It's summer.

The sky was covered with goose feathers.

This strange weather phenomenon made the earthly listeners look puzzled.

What puzzled him even more.

Those goose feathers and snow just drifted in the night sky, not falling.

He's curious.

Sticking out his tongue and licking one of the snowflakes.

Then a heart-wrenching pain swept through.

This is licking a snowflake.

Instead, he licked the blade!

"Is it snow falling on earth?" Tianluo Landlord Yu Bo had a solemn expression.

Immediately, a thick yin qi was released to resist the flying snow.

He is also the head of the Hidden World Sect.

He knew the horror of this move.

"Lord Du Gu, I really didn't expect you to perform the strongest move of Hundred Flowers Valley for this man." Wan Yan's tone had a hint of sourness.

"What's so good about him, why would you do this trick for him?"

"Do you really want to break the net with us?"

Chen Nan's heart trembled.

He didn't know what the snow fell on earth meant to the kite.

But one thing is not hard to know.

This move must have hurt her a lot.

Otherwise, the four people in front of them would not seem so uneasy.

Du Yue: "Chen Nan is the man I identify, as long as I am alive, I will not let people hurt him."

"I won't let anyone hurt him in front of my eyes."

Speaking of this, turning his head to look at Chen Nan, a hint of paleness appeared on his absolutely beautiful face.

It gives people a poignant taste: "Don't worry, with my sister here, I won't let you suffer the slightest harm."

Chen Nan suddenly felt an invisible knife stabbed into his heart.

There was an unforgettable pain.

He didn't expect Du Yuan to have such a deep affection for himself.

Even at the cost of fighting for their lives.

"How can I, Chen Nan He De!"

He had mixed feelings.


After coming to Hades.

Chen Nan intends to restrain his fancy personality.

He didn't want to show mercy everywhere.

I don't want to slag.

Although there is Ning Yinqiu.

But for him.

Ning Yinqiu is a good way to pass away loneliness when lonely and relieve loneliness.

As for the cold and flattering, it is out of revenge.

Xia Youwei's side is a little complicated.

It is mainly a debt owed by the host.

But he also has a good impression of Xia Youwei.

After all, that girl was really naïve, kind, and simple.

But it's just a good feeling, not a move.

But at this moment.

He found.

His plan to seal his heart seems to be failing.

His heart is fleshy.

Not hard-hearted.

Du Yuan's good to him is in his heart.

This kind of person.

Who doesn't love?

The Five Poisons Sect Master sighed lightly to Tianshe: "You should know that love is the deadliest poison in the world, and you shouldn't be emotional."

"If it weren't for that, you wouldn't be where you are today."

He is a master of poison.

Even the deadliest poison in the world is called love.

The corners of Du Yue's mouth rose, and an intriguing smile appeared: "I know that it is the deadliest poison in the world, but if I don't taste this poison, how can I be worthy of this world?" Wan

Yan, the owner of the Hidden Sword Mountain Villa, snorted coldly: "Lord Du Gu, I don't deny that the trick of falling snow into the world is very strong.

"But you think you're alone."

"Can it withstand our four peak powerhouses?"

Tianluo Lou Lord Yu Bo's eyes were complicated: "Lord Du Gu, I respect you for fighting for love, even so, I, Tianluo Lou, am willing to give up this opportunity!" "

Tianluo Tower is the most mysterious of the five hidden sects and has the best reputation.

He didn't want to take advantage of people's dangers.

Du Yuan looked at Wan Yan of the Tibetan Sword Villa, the Moon Worship Sect had no heart, and the Five Poisons Sect Xiang Tianshe, and a crazy smile appeared on his face: "It may be difficult to fight one against four.

"But with one against three, you can try it."

A cold light flashed in Wan Yan's eyes: "Don't measure yourself!" "


Without warning.

A long sword appeared out of thin air behind Du Yu.

Instantly pierced the chest of the clump kite.

Chen Nan's face changed drastically.

He felt the fluctuations in space.

I wanted to block it, but in the end it was still slow for a moment.

I could only watch as the clump kite was penetrated through his chest.

Yin red blood stained the clothes on Du Yue's chest.

But she clenched her silver teeth, her eyes full of hatred: "You can die!" She

slashed out with a sword.

The snow in the sky swallowed up Wanyan.

"Block these sword qi!" Wan Yan's face was solemn, and he roared angrily at the two old men behind him.

Then he grabbed the void with both hands.

Next second.

Countless long swords appeared around Chen Nan and Du Yue.

Just when Chen Nan was preparing to use the space field.

Du Yuan said softly, "Have you forgotten what my sister said before?"

"But..." Chen Nan's eyes were red.

He naturally remembered Du Kite's instructions.

The space field must not be used in front of outsiders.


He didn't expect that.

It's all this kind of time.

Du Yuan was still thinking about him.

Du Yue stretched out his hand to wipe the blood stains from the corner of Chen Nan's mouth, and a confident smile appeared on his face: "My sister is also the master of the Valley of Hundred Flowers, how can she not have the means to save her life?" "

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