"Shouldn't her life be in danger?"

A sense of foreboding rose in Chen Nan's heart.

He immediately dismissed his idea.

The Valley of Hundred Flowers is one of the five hidden sects.

There must be many means.

Even if Du Yuan cast a taboo move before and the snow fell to the world, it would not be life-threatening.

And also.

If her life is really in danger.

Even if you want to die.

Shouldn't you also stay by your side and enjoy the last moments?

After all.

He has already shown her his intentions.


"Hidden Sword Villa!"

"This beam is knotted!"

Thinking of Wan Yan performing the Tibetan sword technique and stabbing Du Yuan's sword.

A strong killing intent rose in Chen Nan's heart.

If it weren't for that sword.

The coddler's injuries would not have been so serious.

"There is also the Moon Worship Sect, the Five Poisons Sect, you will all pay for your actions!"

Chen Nan knew.

If it weren't for the three religions forcing each other.

The clump kite will definitely not cast snow to fall into the world.


The Tibetan Sword Villa, the Moon Worship Sect, and the Five Poisons Sect all deserve death.

"Although I now control the laws of fire, I can't fully exert the power of the laws of fire."

"At best, it can be one in ten thousand."

"If you exceed this threshold, you will be eaten back."

This time, he obtained the laws of fire, even if he did not control them all.

But it's also worth the trip.

"He's there!"


There was an exclamation in the distance.

A group of disciples dressed in the costumes of the Tibetan Sword Villa flew over the Black Mountain.

There were more than 50 people.

Moreover, they are all powerhouses of the Soul Gathering Realm and the Transformation Realm.

"Good to go!"

A sharp cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

Even if he is not the opponent of the powerhouse of the Body Grabbing Realm now.

It is also possible to kill these people to recover some interest.

Chen Nan looked to the side and transformed into the true voice of a white dog: "Dabai, haven't you eaten enough?"

"Today you will eat until you vomit!"

The words fell.

He works directly in the field of space.

Shroud those disciples in it.

If there are masters around.

He definitely didn't dare to use the space domain.

But the strength of those in front of them is below the Avatar Realm.

With his strength.

Their lives can be wiped out in an instant.

In a flash!

Those disciples of the Hidden Sword Villa splashed with bursts of blood mist.

Their limbs were strangely detached from their bodies.

The screams were endless.

Their bodies disappear out of thin air.

Then appeared in front of Di Lian.

Di Ting looked at Chen Nan with satisfaction.

You've finally done a job!

It's just that.

Can you fucking not give Lao Tzu a random name?

Brother Tiger for a while.

Tiger for a while.

Now it's called Dabai.

Are you polite?


after hearing and eating those more than thirty disciples of the Hidden Sword Villa.

Chen Nan took it and headed south.

He planned to bypass Montenegro and return to Tongcheng.

After all, directly crossing the Black Mountain will be discovered by the strong people of the three sects.

And with his current strength.

It is not the opponent of the powerhouse of the Body Grabbing Realm at all.

All the way without incident.

Although he also encountered some disciples of the Three Sects searching for his whereabouts.

But all of them were unwittingly erased by him.

It became a snack for listening.


top of Montenegro.

Wan Yan, without intention, sat cross-kneeled in the ruins of the Vulcan Sect to Tianshe.

The eyes are solemn.

Because they received a message.

Some of their disciples disappeared for no apparent reason.

Especially the Tibetan Sword Villa.

Sixty-five disappeared.

It was as if those people had disappeared out of thin air.

This gave all three a sense of foreboding.

I don't know what happened.

After all, they are on the top of Montenegro.

If something happens to their people, they will definitely perceive it in the first place.

"Gentlemen, chance has chosen the Lord, this is the destiny of heaven!" Yu Bo floated in midair: "Instead of snatching the opportunity that does not belong to you, it is better to improve your strength."

"In this world, any treasure or chance is not as important as its own strength!"


Saying that, he led the disciples of Tianluo Tower to leave Black Mountain on a magic weapon.

The three looked at each other.

Wan Yan said, "If I'm not mistaken, Du Yuan and that man should have left the small world.

Wuxin nodded slightly: "That strange beast has always lived in the Black Mountain, presumably it knows the situation of the small world well, and it is very likely to know the other exits of the small world."

Xiang Tianshe said viciously: "I really didn't expect that we would return empty-handed this time, which is really unhappy."

Wan Yan suddenly grinned: "It's not a disappointment, even if we don't have the opportunity to obtain the Vulcan Sect, but Du Yue made a taboo move in the snowfall world."

Wuxin and Xiang Tianshe were stunned for a moment, and their eyes bloomed.

Wan Yan continued, "If I'm not mistaken, once the cast snow falls into the world, the caster will break his meridians and leave the world within three months.

"You can think about it."

"If that woman dies, who can carry the banner of Hundred Flowers Valley?"

"If my three major forces launch an attack on Hundred Flowers Valley at the same time."

"Isn't this opportunity even richer than the Vulcan Sect?" Saying that, he raised an eyebrow at the other two.

Wuxin's eyes flashed with excitement and greed: "Lord Wanzhuang is right, Hundred Flowers Valley is one of the five hidden sects in the netherworld, which has been passed down for ten thousand years and has a deep heritage.

"If our three major sects can conquer the Valley of Hundred Flowers."

"The opportunities we get are really going to be very rich."

Xiang Tianshe grinned strangely: "Our Five Poisons Sect doesn't want the chance of Hundred Flowers Valley, I just want a disciple of Hundred Flowers Valley." "

Hundred Flowers Valley is full of female disciples.

And each one is as beautiful as a flower.


I don't know how many people are coveting the disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley.

Wuxin said: "Since it is our three major forces that are besieging the Hundred Flowers Valley, then the opportunities of the Hundred Flowers Valley must naturally be divided equally, whether it is cultivation resources or women."

Wan Yan nodded: "Wuxin Daoist friends are reasonable, all things and people should be divided equally." "

It's obvious.

The two also set their eyes on the woman in Hundred Flowers Valley.

Xiang Tianshe was a little unhappy, but still said, "In that case, then in three months, the outside of the Hundred Flowers Valley will gather." The

three hit it off.

The plan was determined.

In their opinion, it is only a matter of time before they win the Valley of Hundred Flowers.


in a mountain forest more than 200 miles away from Montenegro.

Chen Nanzheng and Di Ting walked side by side.

Seeing Di Ting looking in the direction of Montenegro, his eyes still flashed with solemnity.

Chen Nan couldn't help but frown, and couldn't help but ask, "Did you hear something?" "

True listening is not only good at listening to the thoughts of the human heart.

You can even hear everything.

After all, its name itself has the word 'listen' in it.

Di Ting withdrew his gaze.

Without warning, he opened his mouth and bit on Chen Nan's leg.

"Are you crazy?"

Chen Nan grinned in pain, but he didn't expect Di Ting to suddenly attack him.

Not waiting for him to come to his senses.

He felt vertigo appear in his soul.

Followed by.

An ancient, golden contract appeared over his sea of knowledge.

His eyes lit up.

Did you take the initiative to recognize yourself as the Lord?

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