Chen Nan's heart beat faster.

You must know that the true hearing is the first divine beast in the underworld.

It represents the supreme faith of Hades.

There is a saying.

Suppose he rebels now.

As long as there is a truth, follow you.

You can respond to it.

Even overthrew the reign of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital.

Of course.

Chen Nan was just a passer-by in the underworld.

He wouldn't do that kind of thing.

But there is a truth to listen to follow you.

It can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Even if he is now casting the laws of space.

Even if he was seen, it would not associate him with the Anti-Heaven Sect.

For the truth is to listen to the good.

Only those who follow the best will follow.

Just when he was excited.

A childish voice sounded in the depths of his mind: "Hidden Sword Villa, Moon Worship Sect, and Five Poisons Sect agreed to attack Hundred Flowers Valley in three months!"

Chen Nan's face was full of incredulity: "Why did they attack the Hundred Flowers Valley in three months?" "

Falling snow on earth is a taboo move in the Valley of Hundred Flowers, and once this move is performed, the caster will die within three months." They wanted to wait for Du Iris to die and take the opportunity to attack the Valley of Hundred Flowers.

Chen Nan's heart trembled.

There is a feeling of five thunderbolts.

He couldn't believe it.

But this is what I have heard.

He could find no reason to deny it.

Because he doesn't lie.

At the same time, Chen Nan also understood why Du Yue returned to Hundred Flowers Valley alone.

She knew her situation.

She knew she was going to die.

It's just that she has her mission.

Before dying, he must return to Hundred Flowers Valley to make some arrangements.


She didn't want to die in front of her eyes.

Chen Nan's heart was like a knife, and he quickly asked, "Do you know how to save Du Yue?"

Di Ting gave him a resentful look: "I'm not as omnipotent as you think."

Chen Nan was anxious.

He would never allow the clump to die.

Never again will you experience a loved one leaving you.

Don't think about it.

He took out the anti-Heavenly Sect's teleportation card.

There's a lot of information on it.

Ask him if he surrendered to the truth.

Whether or not I got the chance of the Vulcan Sect.

He quickly replied to the message: "Di Lian has recognized me as Lord, and I have also received the opportunity of the Vulcan Sect.

"But now I'm having an extremely tricky thing."

"Need brothers to help."

"The Lord of the Hundred Flowers Valley, Du Yue, is kind to me."

"To save me."

"She cast snow and fell to the world."

"So much so that irreversible damage to the body appears."

"Will die in three months."

"I can't let her die."

"I hope the brothers will help figure out a way."

That's it.

He could only pin his hopes on these old monsters of the Anti-Heaven Sect.

He was saved by the kite.

Be saved no matter what.

If you can't even save the woman you love so much.

How can he talk about saving the world?

After the message is sent.

He soon received a reply from Lao Liu: "Fifth brother, the snow falling in the Valley of Hundred Flowers is a very terrifying move, once it is cast, no one can survive, and the brothers are afraid that they will not be able to help you in this matter!" Old

Fourth: "Old Six is right, the reason why Hundred Flowers Valley has been passed down for so many years."

"It depends on the snow falling on the earth."

"This is a peerless school that can only be cultivated by the previous valley masters."

"But after all these years."

"Whoever casts snow falls on earth."

"They have all been eaten back, and the end is miserable!"

Lao Qi comforted, "Fifth brother, we know that you are a person with great affection.

"Even if we want to help you, we can't help."

"But don't worry, even if we can't save Lord Du Gu, we can help take care of Hundred Flowers Valley."

Looking at the words that appeared on the wooden tablet, Chen Nan rose a strong unwillingness.

Even despair.

This is after he came to Hades.

For the first time, such intense despair was felt.

If there is no way to even oppose the Heavenly Sect.

Then he really didn't know how to save Du Yu's life.


The third elder also replied: "Fifth brother, don't be discouraged, although the snow will be eaten back in the world."

"But I know a way to cure the after-effects of falling snow."

"I have a kind of pill here, called the Biogenesis Pill."

"As long as you can refine this elixir."

"Even if you live the dead and give birth to white bones, it is not difficult."

"It's just."

"The medicinal materials for refining the Three Lives Creation Pill are very rare."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up and he saw hope: "I'll think of a way to do the medicinal materials, hurry up and send me the Danfang." "

As long as there is a 1 in 10 million chance.

He also had to give it his all.

You can't let the clump go away from you.

Almost ten seconds passed.

He received a Danfang from the third elder.

What he didn't expect was.

To refine the Three Lives Creation Pill, only three medicinal materials were needed.


All three herbs are unusually rare.

The first is the 10,000-year-old flower.

The other side flower is not uncommon for Chen Nan.

After all, he had refined too many Yin Pills with the other side flower.

Five hundred thousand taels of silver can buy one plant.


The age of those flowers on the other side is only two or three hundred years.

The flowers on the other side that have reached the age of 10,000 years are definitely an extremely scarce existence.

The second is 10,000-year-old Panlong Ginseng.

This is an extremely rare ginseng.

Not to mention 10,000 years of coiled dragon ginseng, even a thousand-year-old coiled dragon ginseng is worth a lot.

The third is even rarer.

It is a perpetual Nai River fish that lives in the Nai River.

One more point.

Nai River fish die when they leave the water.

Other words.

Even if you find the 10,000-year-old flower, as well as coiled dragon ginseng.

If you want to refine elixirs, you also have to go to the Nai River.

After catching the Nai River fish, refine it into elixir while it is fresh.

"Dao Sheng One, One Life Two, Two Life Three, Three Lives All Things!"

"Perhaps this is the reason why the Three Lives Creation Pill only needs three medicinal materials to refine!"

Chen Nan kept the method of refining the Biochemical Pill in mind.

Danfang has it.

The next step is to find the 10,000-year-old flower, the 10,000-year-old dragon ginseng, and the 10,000-year-old Nai River fish.


You still have to improve your cultivation.

Although I don't know what grade of pill it is.

But one thing is obvious.

The medicinal materials used to refine this elixir are rare.

There must be no mistakes during the refining period.

Otherwise, the previous achievements will be lost.

"The clump kite cast snow to fall into the world, suffered a serious reaction, and will die within three months."

"And I, only have two months."

"I have to find three medicinal herbs in two months."

"Only this is the way to save her life."

"Avoid the Valley of Hundred Flowers being attacked by the Hidden Sword Villa, the Moon Worship Sect, and the Five Poisons Sect."

In this instant.

Chen Nan had already thought about what to do next.

"Let's go, let's go back to Tongcheng."

Chen Nan looked at Di Ting and said, "In the future, you can maintain your current form." He

was afraid that the truth would turn into his fierce appearance before, which would cause panic among the people of Tongcheng.

I am also afraid of attracting the attention of others.

After all, this guy hasn't really grown up yet.

The next evening.

Chen Nan returned to Tongcheng with the truth.

This outing was not long ago, adding up to only five days.

After going home and taking a shower.

Chen Nan changed into a black cloak, put on a golden mask, and then came to Qingyun Tower.

The purpose of coming to Qingyunlou is simple.

Let Qingyunlou help find the medicinal materials for refining the Biochemical Pill.

Seeing Steward Wang, Chen Nan spoke: "Steward Wang, you should know what I came here for, right?" Steward

Wang blurted out: "You want to pit me again?" "

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