Watching Ma Jun appear, a trace of unhappiness flashed in Guo Yu's eyes.

He will never forget the Ma family's blatant cheating behavior during the previous Yin Poor Assessment.


He didn't get angry.

Because Chen Nan said.

Believe in Him at all times.

Chen Nan smiled and said casually: "I have nothing to do, so I came here to fish to relax and relax, but I didn't expect that Ma Gongzi had such a big Yaxing and also came here to fish!" Hearing

Chen Nan call himself Ma Gongzi, Ma Jun hurriedly said, "Master Chen, don't call me Ma Gongzi, you can call me a pony." "

As for fishing... I've always enjoyed this activity, I feel that fishing is self-cultivating. "

Although there was a conflict with Chen Nan.

But now Chen Nan's status is no longer what it used to be.

Although the level of fifth-level yin difference is like that in the eyes of the Ma family.

But as the old saying goes.

The county official is better than the current management.

Not to mention that Chen Nan is still the governor of the water transport Yamen.

He is now like a sword hanging over the head of the Ma family.

A sword that can decide the life and death of the Ma family.


The Ma family must spare no effort to curry favor with him.

After all, the water transport terminal is being built day and night, and when it is built, it will be open to ships.

At that time, it was when the Ma family was crazy to accumulate wealth.


He also heard that Chen Nan was fishing here.

I came here with a fishing rod in order to pretend to be an accident.

"Master Chen, you don't mind if I sit here, do you?" Ma Jun opened his mouth with a smile.

Chen Nan was amused: "This is not my home, if you want to sit here, sit here!" "

Well!" Ma Jun was overjoyed.

He immediately sat three meters away from Chen Nan, then hung up the bait extremely unfamiliarly, and threw the hook several times before throwing the hook into the water.

Guo Yu looked disdainful.

Is this what you call frequent fishing?

Fishing a lot and not throwing a rod?

The scene was somewhat quiet.

It was as if Chen Nan and Ma Jun had become strangers.

And a short silence.

It was soon broken by the half-pound black fish that Chen Nan fished out.

Ma Jun exclaimed: "Wow, what a big black fish!"

"I've been fishing here for days, and I haven't seen a fish this big!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this fish should be the biggest in the moat!"

"My adult ran several fish bigger than this before!" Guo Yu couldn't stand it at all.

Can you perform a little more pompously?

How dare you say that this is the biggest fish in the moat?

Do you know that you are embarrassed to shoot this?

Ma Jun said incredulously: "There are even bigger fish than this fish in the river?" But why don't those fish bite someone else's hook?

"Oh, I see!"

"It is Lord Chen Hong Fu Qi Tian, the official fortune is prosperous, those fish will compete for food."

Guo Yu didn't know how to answer.

Meet this kind of guy who slaps horses for the sake of swatting.

He is no match for him at all.

He bent down and grabbed the fish and put it in a bamboo basket.

Chen Nan hung up the bait, continued fishing, and then said, "Ma Jun, you and I can't make a deal."

"Although there are some conflicts between us, those things have already turned the page."

"You don't have to slap horses on purpose, I don't like this set."

Ma Jun repeatedly said yes.


But I was very happy.

Chen Nan can say this.

The explanation has completely relieved the unpleasantness that occurred between the two.


Chen Nan's float sank violently.

Chen Nan successfully grabbed this mouthful.

He raised the fishing rod in his hand.

But because the rod is too hard, there is no cushioning.

The hook is directly disconnected.

The big fish disappeared into the moat without even surfacing it.

Ma Jun wants to slap the horse.

But I saw that the fish had run away.

But I don't know how to speak.

Guo Yu said listlessly: "Big brother, I just said, you can't do this fishing gear, you have to run five or six this morning, right?" Listen to me, stop fishing, go home and rest!

Chen Nan gave him a roll of his eyes: "Where is so much nonsense?

"Go and go, go home and help me tie a few sets of hook lines, I just want to eat my own fish, can't this little request satisfy me?"

Seeing this, Ma Jun hurriedly said, "Master Chen, I have ready-made fishing gear here, why let Brother Guo Yu take a trip?" Come come on, you use mine.

Chen Nan couldn't help but say, "If I use your fishing gear, how will you fish?"

Ma Jun said with a smile: "You can also see, I don't know how to fish at all, and I haven't caught one for so long."

"Instead of wasting time, give you the fishing gear and follow you to learn how to fish."

Chen Nan was also not polite, and said, "Okay, you can rest on the side!" Said and took the other party's fishing rod.

Although they are all bamboo fishing rods.

But this one in Ma Jun's hand is even lighter.

And it's very resilient.

Even the fishing line is different from what he uses.

It appears to be a translucent material.

It's like the kind of fishing line on Earth.

But Chen Nan knew.

This fishing line is most likely the silk of the celestial silkworm.

It's malleable and tough enough not to break.

Seeing that Chen Nan couldn't put down his fishing gear, Ma Jun hurriedly said: "If adults like this fishing gear, I will ask someone to get you a set of the size you want."

Chen Nan shook his head: "Forget it, your set of fishing gear is not cheap at first glance, I can't afford it." Saying that, he hung up the earthworm and threw it into the water.

Ma Jun said: "Sir, this set of fishing gear is really not expensive, it is just three or five taels of silver." Ma

Jun lied.

The price of this set of fishing gear reached 1,000 taels of silver.

This is because the fishing rod is polished from bamboo on the bamboo mountain.

This in itself is not cheap.

The fishing line is a good silk, and the price is calculated by meters.

The hooks are also made of fine steel.

A set adds up to at least a thousand taels.

But he knows.

In front of Chen Nan, even if it was something of great value, it had to be said to be worthless.

Only in this way can we bring each other closer.

"If it's really not expensive, then you can help me get a set of five meters, but the fishing line must be long, preferably five hundred meters." Chen Nan stared at the float in the water.

He was prepared for the Nai River fish.

Because he knew that nothing could float in the Nai.

And it is also impossible to fly.

To get Nai River fish.

The only way to do that is fishing.

Because of this, he used fishing to lure out the Ma family.

So let them help them get a set of fishing gear that can catch Nai River fish.

Of course.

And the most important point.

That is to get the other party to agree to help him find 10,000 years of coiled dragon ginseng.

Ma Jun didn't think about it, and directly answered.

Whether it is a five-meter-long fishing rod or a five-hundred-meter silk thread, it is a trivial matter for the Ma family.

He thought that Chen Nan would definitely catch a lot of fish after using his own rod.

Thus giving yourself a chance to slap yourself on the.

But he didn't expect that several powerful mouths were not caught

, which made him a little curious, and couldn't help but say: "Why is the adult absent-minded, is it possible that there is something on his mind?" If you have it, you can say it, and our Ma family may be able to help you solve your problems. "

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