Chen Nan turned his head to look at Ma Jun, he frowned, slightly puzzled: "Am I absent-minded?"

Ma Jun endured the tension in his heart and said, "You were obviously a little absent-minded just now, and Brother Guo Yu must have found out too, right?"

Guo Yu said lukewarmly: "The eldest brother was not only a little absent-minded just now, he seems to have something on his mind these two days. These

words were taught to him by Chen Nan.

Ma Jun was overjoyed.

Sure enough, Chen Nan had something on his mind.

If Ma Jun can help him solve his problems.

Then can't he remember the Ma family?

"Master Chen, you also said before that we don't fight and don't know each other." Ma Jun struck while the iron was hot: "Since we are friends, shouldn't we help each other?" "


A dull voice came from a distance.

An old man fell to the ground in embarrassment because of a slip under his feet.

Steward Wang saw that the wind was sunny and sunny today, so he thought of coming to the moat to catch fish.

It's his favorite thing on weekdays.

But I didn't expect to meet Chen Nan and Ma Jun.

If that's all, that's it.

What he didn't expect was even more.

Ma Jun actually wanted to have a relationship with Chen Nanpan.

You unlucky child!

You really can't figure out Chen Nan's routine!

Generally speaking, as long as he starts climbing relationships.

That would indicate that he was going to set a trap for others.

You're good.

Unexpectedly took the initiative to give him a relationship?

Seeing Chen Nan's gaze.

Steward Wang showed an awkward but polite smile.

Quickly took the fishing rod and went to the side.

Don't dare to get too close.

Because whenever he was with Chen Nan, he was worried.

Of course.

He wasn't too far away either.

He wanted to follow Chen Nan to learn how to trick others.

Chen Nan also did not expect to meet Steward Wang here.

But he didn't come forward to say hello either.

In fact, they know each other's identities well.

It's just that Steward Wang is a joker.

He didn't want to recognize each other, and Chen Nan wouldn't poke that relationship.

"I did have a tricky thing." Chen Nan raised the fishing rod and threw it back into the water: "But this favor, your Ma family may not be able to help."

In the distance, Steward Wang raised his eyebrows.

If nothing else.

Chen Nan definitely wanted to borrow the energy of the Ma family to find Panlong Ginseng.

Or the perpetual Nai River fish.

Ma Jun's face was full of confidence and said, "Lord Chen, my Ma family has a lot of connections in the capital city, whether it is court affairs or rivers and lakes, they have a certain right to speak.

"You really have to be tricky, and our Ma family can really help you with the help of the dog."

Chen Nan smiled and shook his head: "Don't say so much, in case you can't do it, won't it be a slap in the face?"

Ma Jun smiled and said, "There should be no such possibility."

Chen Nan pondered for a moment and said, "I need a 10,000-year-old coiled dragon ginseng, and I will need it in two months."

Ma Jun's expression instantly froze.

He didn't know what Coiled Dragon Ginseng was.


He knew that once the name of the medicinal herb was added ten thousand years.

Those are unusually rare treasures.

It's really priceless.


Chen Nan's voice sounded: "You don't need to rush to give me an answer first."

"After all, 10,000-year-old coiled dragon ginseng is rare."

"Go back and ask your father if he can find it."

"If I could, I would buy it at a high price."

"After all, as a fifth-level Yin difference, I can't take advantage of your Ma family."

Ma Jun swallowed his saliva nervously and said, "Okay, I'll return to the clan now, my lord, you fish first, and I'll be back soon." Said and quickly left the river.

Steward Wang on the side admired Chen Nan.

He did not force the Ma family to help him find coiled dragon ginseng.

Instead, he asked if the Ma family could find it.

High emotional intelligence is manifested here at once.

Even if the Ma family can't find Panlong Ginseng.

But you will never say the word 'can't find'.

Once you say this, it is tantamount to punching yourself in the face.

Admit your own incompetence.

Now the Ma family wants to climb the relationship of Chen Nan.

Will they admit their incompetence???


If Chen Nan forced the Ma family to look for Panlong Ginseng.

The Ma family will definitely be dissatisfied.

You haven't helped our Ma family make money yet.

Are you going to force us to do things for you?

Do you still have our Ma family in your eyes?

If so.

The Ma family is very likely to become angry.

He even refused to help Chen Nan find Panlong Ginseng on the grounds of incompetence.


Chen Nan's attitude towards the Ma family is very friendly.

Respect for them.

And with the character of Ma Sanyuan, even if there are thousands of difficulties and obstacles to finding coiled dragon ginseng.

It will definitely perform in front of Chen Nan's eyes.

Think of this.

He sighed secretly.

Chen Nan is right.

Business is more than just money.

It's still human!

You can really learn a lot by following him!


Ma's family.

Ma Sanyuan learned that Chen Nan needed 10,000 years of coiled dragon ginseng.

He frowned.

Pacing back and forth in the garden.

There is an incredible light in the eyes.

"Chen Nan actually asked our Ma family if we could help him find the 10,000-year-old Panlong Ginseng?"

"He... Doesn't he know the energy of our Ma family? "

Ten thousand years of coiled dragon ginseng is not an unattainable existence for the Ma family.


To get this thing.

They have to spend a lot of money.

Use some connections that you are reluctant to use.

If Chen Nan forced the Ma family to look for the 10,000-year-old coiled dragon ginseng.

Then he would definitely turn his face with Chen Nan.

Although he was the governor of the water transport Yamen.

But his authority was limited to the pier in the city.

Leave this dock, he's not shit at all.

For him.

It is entirely possible to set up a small pier upstream.

It's a big deal to unload the goods and transfer them to Tongcheng.

It's just that it's a little more troublesome.

But now.

Chen Nan gave him a problem.

He can use his energy and connections to find 10,000-year-old coiled dragon ginseng for Chen Nan.

But doing so will cost a lot.

But there is no need to refuse him.

After all, his attitude towards the Ma family is very friendly.

And people also said it.

If he finds the 10,000-year-old coiled dragon ginseng, he will definitely not treat the Ma family badly.

People have given the Ma family enough face.

How can the Ma family give a face?

Taking a deep breath, Ma Sanyuan said: "You go to the river to reply to Chen Nan, and our Ma family will help him get the 10,000-year-old Panlong Ginseng, and it will definitely be delivered to him within two months." Ma

Sanyuan finally chose to befriend Chen Nan.

After all, it was before to please him.

The Ma family spent five million taels of gold to buy him a Soul Gathering Pill.

If you turn your face with him at this time.

Isn't the previous effort wasted?

Five million taels of gold!

That's no small amount!

"Good father, I'll go to the river and tell Chen Nan about this." The Ma family turned and left.

Looking at the back of his son's departure.

Ma Sanyuan is not only looking forward to it.

"If we help Chen Nan find the 10,000-year-old coiled dragon ginseng."

"The relationship between our Ma family and Chen Nan is bound to become intimate."

"If the dock is built, the cargo ship will dock."

"He shouldn't embarrass our Ma family, right?"

"Even if we really have some contraband on our cargo ship, he will turn a blind eye, right?"

"If he still embarrasses us at that time, it will be too much of a thing!"

"However, from what I know about this person, he is definitely not the kind of despicable villain!"

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