He laughed maniacally.

The long sword in his hand was radiant.

He was as if he had drunk stimulants, extremely excited.

Holding a long sword, he killed Chen Nan.

"Good to go!"

Chen Nan immediately took out the sabre.

Fight with Xiang Tianxiong.

There was a deafening crash in the air.

Although Chen Nan only had the eight-layer cultivation of the Transformation Realm.

But he was assisted by the laws of space.

It was difficult to solve with Xiang Tianxiong, a seventh-layer powerhouse who captured the body realm.

Watch the two fight in the air.

Both sisters Lu Bailing and Lu Qingqing had a feeling of shock.

They only regarded Chen Nan as a human being of the eighth layer of the Avatar Realm.

Who would have thought.

He was actually able to fight Xiang Tianxiong?

"Sister, the strength of this human being is really too strong!" Lu Qingqing swallowed nervously.

Lu Bailing also nodded slightly: "It is true that we underestimated him, his strength, even if our sisters go together, we may not be able to defeat him."

Lu Qingqing showed an intriguing smile on her face: "Not necessarily!"

"If we sisters go together."

"Definitely can't get him off the ground and walk."

Lu Bailing gave his sister a resentful look.

Don't like her to say such words.

Lu Qingqing smiled playfully, and then said puzzled: "Sister, don't you all say that human beings are arrogant and domineering, and they are the head of all souls, so they don't put other races in their eyes?"

"Even so, why didn't Young Master Chen forcibly break into the mountain and ask for the White Spirit Snake?"

"Even kneeling down the mountain for so long?"

Lu Bailing shook his head.

She also didn't know why Chen Nan worshipped the mountain.

Even do not hesitate to kneel.

With his strength.

As if it were not necessary.


"Your strength is really terrifying!"

"The eighth layer of the Regionalized Formation Realm can be indistinguishable from the old man!"

"Is this the ability that Vulcan Sect brought to you by chance?"

Xiang Tianxiong continued to swing his sword towards Chen Nan.

A thick gasp also came out of his mouth.

But his eyes were burning.

"You want to see the chance of the Vulcan Sect?"


"I fulfill you!"

Chen Nan quickly stepped back.

Then he snapped his fingers.

In a flash.

The flames in the air transformed into a fire dragon.

Roared and rushed towards Xiang Tianxiong.

"Carving insect tricks, dare to get an axe in the banmen?"

Xiang Tianxiong spat viciously.

Immediately, he poured Yin Qi into the long sword.

A sword slashes forward.

The cultivation of the seventh layer of the Body Grabbing Realm was extremely terrifying.

There is no doubt about that.

With him a sword slash.

The fire dragon was split in two by him.

But that's about it.

Even though the fire dragon was split in two, it did not disappear.

The two fire dragons, one left and one right, swallowed towards Tianxiong.


Chen Nan took out the dragon chain that he had captured during the Vulcan Sect.

He stroked it gently with his hand.

The power of the laws of space was instilled by him.

He waved his hand casually.

The chain made a rattling sound.

Instantly crossing the distance of space, Xiang Tianxiong was wrapped around the void.

"Just with a broken chain, you can imprison the old man?"

Xiang Tianxiong's face was full of disdain.

When he released the Yin Qi and prepared to break it open.

But a horrifying discovery.

This chain turned out to be extremely hard.

Even he couldn't break free.

"Damn it!"

"This is not a dragon chain!"

"The chain is not so hard at all." A piercing scream was sent to Tianxiong.

It was clear that he knew the chain.

Know this magic weapon.


The magic weapon of the Dragon Chain still could not threaten the powerhouse of the seventh layer of the Body Capture Realm.

Right at this moment.

Two fire dragons pierced his chest one after another.

A mist of blood was splattered.

It also seriously injured Xiang Tianxiong.

He was covered with hair.

The clothes were all burnt.

The flesh and blood on the body are blurred.

Blood spat out of his mouth.


His eyes were extremely excited, as if he saw a rare treasure.

He stuck out his tongue and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Revealed a crazy and morbid sinister smile: "Your strength is really strong!"

"I really like it!"

"I feel that this body of yours is tailor-made for me."

The words fell.

A ghost suddenly bloomed in his eyes.

The soul flew directly towards Chen Nan.

He wanted to take Chen Nan's flesh for himself.

At that time, all his opportunities will also belong to him.

Lu Bailing exclaimed: "Young Master Chen be careful, he wants to take away your body!" "


Chen Nan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Next second.

Xiang Tianxiong's soul was enveloped in a transparent ball.

That was the law of space that Chen Nan cast.

When he was in the Fire God Sect, Chen Nan was almost devoured by Murong Qing of the Mountain Worship Sect.


When facing the Soul Thirsty Realm, as well as the powerhouse of the Body Grabbing Realm.

He has always been cautious.

He also expected that Xiang Tianxiong would sacrifice his body.

That's why.

Only then will he exert the power of space to imprison his soul in a small space.

"Who the hell are you?"

"What is this means?"

"Hurry up and get me out of here!"

"There is a kind of competition between you and me!"

Xiang Tianxiong's soul roared constantly.

He wanted to break free from the shackles around him.

But in vain.

Chen Nan controlled Xiang Tianxiong's soul to fly back into his hands.

He smiled and said, "You don't care what means I have, just remember that it is enough to destroy you!" The

words fell.

A raging flame burned in his hands.

"Damn it!"

"You let me get out of here!"

"I beg you to let me go, okay?"

Xiang Tianxiong's soul was screaming.

In pleading.

He couldn't leave though.

But the temperature of the flame can be felt.

Mo said that Chen Nan controlled the laws of the fire system.

Even mortal fire can hurt a cultivator's soul!

Lu Bailing and the Lu Qingqing sisters were stunned.

Chen Nan's means are too much.

Each subverts their perception.

And each one is extremely terrifying.

Although it is not known what means he used.

But one thing is obvious.

Xiang Tianxiong will surely die today.

Because his wailing is fading.

"The surname Chen, even if you kill me, my eldest brother will not let you go."

"You will not die well."

"I curse you to go through eighteen layers of hell after you die!"

Accompanied by a heart-rending curse to Tianxiong.

His soul disappeared between heaven and earth.

This made the Lu Bailing sisters not come to their senses for a long time.

Even if he saw Xiang Tianxiong die with his own eyes.

It's also unbelievable.

After all, this is the deputy sect leader of the Five Poisons Sect.

A super powerhouse with the seventh layer of the Body Capture Realm.

Even if you look at the entire cultivation world.

That's also a first-class master.


But he died in the hands of an eighth-layer junior of the Transformation Realm.

"The two sisters are not injured, are they?"

Heard Chen Nan's voice.

Only then did the two sisters react.

Lu Bai said excitedly: "Thank you Young Master Chen for fighting righteously."

Chen Nan smiled: "My sister is serious, this is my responsibility."

"Since the two sisters are not injured, then the junior will leave!" Saying that, he disappeared into the air under the confused eyes of the two sisters.

The two sisters were stunned!

Didn't he come to ask for the White Spirit Snake?

If that's the case, why leave?

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