The sisters looked at each other.

I couldn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Chen Nan Gourd.

After all, he had just saved their sisters.

Under normal circumstances.

He should take the opportunity to ask for the White Spirit Snake.


He didn't say a word.

And left Snake Mountain.

The human mind is really complicated.

It's not as simple as a demon at all.

So the sisters looked in the direction where Chen Nan left.

The next scene stunned the sisters.

Chen Nan just left Snake Mountain.

But he didn't leave.

He actually knelt down the mountain again.

"Sister, what the hell is this guy doing?" Lu Qingqing had a strange expression.

Lu Bailing shook his head.

She also wanted to know what Chen Nan did.


Racking my brains can't think of this guy's idea.

"Let's go, go down the mountain and take a look." Lu Bailing said softly.

Lu Qingqing nodded.

Immediately, the two sisters slowly floated down in front of Chen Nan from the mountain.

Lu Bailing sighed lightly, with a hint of complexity in his eyes: "Young Master Chen, if you can't get the White Spirit Snake, do you really swear not to give up?"

Chen Nan said, "Senior, the White Spirit Snake is very important to the younger generation, please cut your love!"

Lu Qingqing looked at Chen Nan curiously, her beautiful eyes full of doubts: "You saved our sister's life before, but why didn't you mention this on the mountain?"

Chen Nan said, "I don't share the sky with the Five Poisons Sect, and even if I meet people from the Five Poisons Sect in other places, I won't let them go."

Lu Bailing said disapprovingly, "But you saved our sister's life after all." "

She knows.

If it weren't for Chen Nan today.

The sisters will surely die tragically at the hands of Xiang Tianxiong.

With their abilities, they couldn't fight a seventh-layer powerhouse in the Body Grabbing Realm.

"The eldest husband has something to do and something to do, and I Chen Nan is most unaccustomed to carrying people with Entu in this life!" In fact, Chen Nan also knew that if he mentioned this matter on the mountain.

The sisters may give themselves the White Spirit Serpent.

But that wasn't what he wanted.

Because he has done so many good deeds in his life.

Never thought of getting something in return.

Lu Bailing had a sense of admiration for Chen Nan in his heart: "Young Master Chen's behavior makes the little woman admire, but there is one thing that the little woman wants to be sure.

"As long as I give you the White Spirit Snake, will you promise me a condition?"

Chen Nan endured the joy in his heart and nodded solemnly: "Yes."

Lu Bailing asked again: "Even if you do something sorry for her?"

Chen Nan was stunned and couldn't help but say, "What does senior mean by this?"

Lu Bailing: "I heard that human love is very holy and faithful.

"If my condition is to marry you with other women, will you agree?"

"Will you betray your relationship in order to save her?"

Chen Nan was immediately stunned.

Indeed, love is faithful.

It is a divine being.


If you answer this question from the bottom of your heart.

Will expose the character of his scumbag!

Without waiting for him to speak.

Lu Bailing's voice sounded: "I can give you the Bailing snake and let you catch the Nai River fish."

"But I also have a condition."

Speaking of this, she glanced at her sister, and her voice was ethereal: "Our sisters have lived in Snake Mountain since childhood, and they have never left Snake Mountain after thousands of years of cultivation.

"But our sisters all long for human love."

"If Young Master Chen promised to accompany our sisters in Snake Mountain for ten days."

"I'll help you lure out the Nai River fish."

Guo Yu's scalp was numb, and he swallowed his saliva nervously: "The two seniors, the shemales have different paths, but they can't be like this!"

Lu Bailing chuckled, with a hint of disdain in his eyes: "Although shemales have different paths, in my eyes, they are just the foolish opinions of the world!"

"I've always believed in the same path!"

Guo Yu read poetry.

It's a high eight fight.

Now he blushed.

How many meanings?

I say shemales have different paths.

You say the same way?

Are you putting this on hold to play idiom solitaire with me?

Chen Nan also felt that his head was buzzing.

He didn't expect that the two-headed snake demon would actually propose such perverted conditions.

This makes him, a pervert, feel perverted.

If there are other conditions, Chen Nan will definitely agree.

But this condition took him seriously.


He's scum!

He himself admits this.

But there is one thing to say.

He's just a scumbag.

Even when mixing with the immortal world.

I didn't think about getting a banshee.

Or female demons to play.

He Cheng wanted to come to Hades.

There was a banshee eyeing him.

Let him accompany this snake demon sister to play for ten days?

Do you monsters play so wild?

Thinking that Du Yue's situation was not optimistic, Chen Nan directly responded: "Okay, I will accompany your sisters for ten days." Although

Chen Nan didn't want to get together with the two-headed snake demon.


Does he still have a choice?

Although this will make it difficult for him to accept.

But it doesn't matter if it's all carbon-based organisms.

Big deal, let the two control their emotions.

Don't change back to the essence when you are excited.

Lu Qingqing's eyes lit up.


Finally able to play people.

Looking back at Lu Bailing, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes: "So, there is no pure love in this world, right?"

Chen Nan asked calmly: "Could it be that in the eyes of the seniors, love is watching your beloved die in front of your eyes?"

Lu Bailing: "You betrayed her."

Chen Nan: "But I saved her life."

Lu Bailing shook his head slightly: "If I were her, I definitely don't want you to use this method to save me."

"But you're not her." Chen Nandao: "Love is a very sacred and complicated thing.

"There is no reason or logic at all."

"People who love each other will go out of their way for each other's sake."

"Even if you pay with your life, you don't hesitate."

"Even if I betrayed my woman."

"She won't blame me either."

"Because she knows that everything I do is for her."

Lu Bailing's eyes were slightly dull.

I don't understand what love is.

She exhaled a turbid breath and said softly, "Since Young Master Chen promised to accompany our sisters for ten days, let's climb the mountain!" Saying that, he turned and walked down the stone steps towards the mountain.

Seeing this, Guo Yu hurriedly said, "Beautiful sister, my eldest brother is not clean."

"He's not a virgin."

"I am."

"How about I go to the mountains to accompany you for ten days?"

"Don't say ten days, even ten years."

He didn't want to embarrass Chen Nan.

Willing to sacrifice his precious virginity for Chen Nan.

Even if he lived with these two banshees for ten days, he had no complaints.

Lu Qingqing gave Guo Yu a disdainful look: "I'm sorry, you're too ugly." "

╥_╥..." Guo Yu was speechless.

I don't even dislike you guys as demons.

You even dislike me for being ugly?

Chen Nan stood up and listened to Guo Yu and Di, "You guys wait for me here first!" Saying that, he walked towards the mountain side by side with Lu Qingqing.

Lu Qingqing's eyes were full of ecstasy, as if he had discovered a new continent.

It kept flashing to Chen Nan's left and right, front and back positions.

Chen Nan secretly sighed!

You don't have to think about it.

Fell into the hands of the banshee.

They will definitely ravage themselves, right?

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