"I am willing to go to Guangling Mansion!"

Chen Nan's eyes were firm.

It is better to be reused after going to Guangling Province.

Even if you can't reuse it, you can take the opportunity to cultivate.

Strive to reach the Ghost King Realm as soon as possible.

Although cultivation is very costly.

But don't forget that penicillin is a gold mine.

Not to mention that the Leng family also won the shipping.

There is no worry at all that there is no money to buy cultivation materials.


There is also the old three kings in charge.

That old thing has always been working for its own benefit!

Han Zongyuan said seriously: "I know you have your plans, but one thing to remember, don't resign." The yin order in you can help you a lot of times.

"Your Majesty, remember!"


capital city.

Imperial Master's Mansion.

Emperor Zheng Yu is over seventy years old, and his hair is white.

Wearing a black python robe.

The whole person released a momentum that was not angry but threatening.

He looked at the secret letter that came from Tongcheng urgently.

A strong killing intent was released in his eyes.

Then a flame spread out in the palm of the hand, burning the secret letter to ashes.

He made an indifferent voice: "Let An Xuanmo come to see me." "

Yes!" The butler bowed and withdrew.

Almost five minutes later.

An Xuanmo appeared in Zheng Yu's study: "Xiaguan meets the imperial master!"

Zheng Yu's face was expressionless: "There is no need to go over there in Tongcheng!"

An Xuanmo couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you want me to kill the Ma family father and son?" He

had received orders from Zheng Yu before.

Send him to Tongcheng to kill the Ma family father and son.

Although the Ma family father and son committed capital crimes.

But after all, it is Zheng Yu's people.

Zheng Yu sent someone to kill the father and son, which can be regarded as giving them the last dignity.

"The Ma family father and son are dead."

"Died at the hands of that guy named Chen Nan." Zheng Yu's eyes exuded a strong killing intent.

"The Ma family father and son are my dogs."

"Even if their father and son want to die, I ordered them to be killed."

"Chen Nan tends to pressure and lures their father and son out of prison."

"Killed their father and son on the grounds of escaping from prison."

"Forcibly close the gunpowder trafficking case."

"This is simply defying the dignity of the old man."

"He doesn't die."

"The old man is angry."

An Xuanmo took the initiative to ask: "Xiaguan will go to Tongcheng and behead Chen Nan's first rank to the lord!"

Zheng Yu shook his head slightly: "You go to Guangling Mansion and wait for Chen Nan."

"If nothing else."

"He will go to Guangling Prefecture to serve."

An Xuanmo bowed and said, "Your subordinate takes orders!" "


three days later.

Chen Nan received a reward from the imperial court.

Because of his meritorious work in killing the father and son of the Ma family, he won the sixth-level Yin Difference.

Let him immediately go to Guangling Prefecture to serve.

The exact position is unknown.

It is necessary to go to Quang Ling Province, according to the internal situation of Guang Ling Province.

It is determined by the prefect Yuan Zun, as well as Song Daotai.

Although the position has not yet been decided.

But one thing is obvious.

The sixth-level yin difference is comparable to the existence of the prefect.

The position will certainly not be too low.

Of course.

Chen Nan is different from the others.

He did not have any power or backers within the court.

To put it bluntly, it is a light pole commander-like existence.

After returning to the Chen family and bidding farewell to his mother.

Chen Nan went to Xia's house again.

Xia Hou liked his future son-in-law very much.

After all, he became a sixth-level yin difference at a young age.

How many people today can have this ability?

Although after the sixth-level Yin difference, it is difficult to upgrade the level.

But one thing is obvious.

Chen Nan's current achievements are already shocking to the present.

If nothing else.

It is very likely that he will become a ninth-level yin difference in the future.

Become a powerful minister of the dynasty.

But he knew the court was dangerous.

The slightest mistake will end up in ashes.

It is even possible to be condemned by the Nine Races.

"Chen Nan, I am still very satisfied with you as a person, but your work is not stable at the moment."

"When it is stable, come and marry my daughter!"

This is the original words that Xia Hou said to Chen Nan when Chen Nan left the Xia family.

Even if he was optimistic about Chen Nan.

But let the two marry when Chen Nan was on the rise.

The Xia family has to take a big risk.

For Xia Hou's proposal, Chen Nan did not refuse.

Instead, he happily agreed.

The reason why he likes to be a scumbag.

The main thing is not to be responsible.

Once he really held a wedding with Xia Youwei, he would definitely be restricted everywhere.

Take 10,000 steps back.

None of them are married on earth.

He came to Hades but became a relative.

If he waits to go back, his confidantes can't give him an urgent eye?

Before leaving, Chen Nan went to Wu's Printing Factory again.

Saw his good friend Ning Yinqiu.

He didn't have much contact with Ning Yinqiu's life.

But personal friendship is close.

After learning that Chen Nan was going to serve in Guangling Mansion.

Ning Yinqiu looked a little sad.

But she couldn't decide anything.

You can only express your inner reluctance with practical actions.

Let Chen Nan exhale.


"Xianggong, you go to Guangling Mansion first, and when I stabilize the shipping, I will go to Guangling Mansion to find you." Lonely Mei has been busy with shipping for the past two days.

After all, the fat difference of shipping fell in the Leng family, which is really a great creation.

She couldn't live up to Chen Nan's expectations of her.

Work hard to make money.


She has just come into contact with this industry, and she still has a lot to learn.

"Cheng, I'm waiting for you in Guangling Mansion!"

Chen Nan said goodbye to Leng Qingmei, took Guo Yu, listened, and rode out of Tongcheng.

Just came to the North City Gate.

He saw Wu Jiu and the others waiting here.

Wu Jiu carried a pot of wine.

Song Yunfei was holding a stack of bowls.

After a few people drank a bowl.

Wu Jiu patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: "Brother, you have to take care of the trip to Guangling Mansion, if you can't get mixed up there..." Blah blah!

"You kid Hong Fu Qi Tian, and he is good at pit people."

"Surely no one can treat you like that."

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched.

Are you praising me?

Or hurt me?

"Brothers take care, I will come back to see you when I have time!" Chen Nan got on the horse, waved his hand at Wu Jiu and the others, and then grabbed the horse's belly.

The horse hurried out of the city gates.

For this group of brothers who share tribulations, Chen Nan still likes it very much.

He had to go north.

Two people and two horses.

A dog runs wildly on a dirt road.

Although Chen Nan can transform into a golden-winged roc bird, he will carry them over in the shortest time.

But when it's okay, he still likes this traditional way of passing.

He likes the feeling of riding a horse.

Both traditional horses.

Or another kind of horse.

At sunset.

The two and one dog came to an official post located in the wilderness.

Two trees were planted in the station.

One is a persimmon tree.

The other is also a persimmon tree.

It just so happens that autumn has arrived.

Golden persimmons hang from trees.

It makes people look like they want to pick one and taste it.

"This post station has quirks!" The voice of listening suddenly sounded in Chen Nan's mind.

Chen Nan frowned.

He had no doubt about what he heard.

After all, this guy can listen to a lot of voices.

It can also perceive some existences that ordinary people cannot feel.

Di Ting's tone was solemn: "There is danger here, it is still too late to leave now, otherwise blessings and misfortunes are unpredictable!" "

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