Chen Nan looked at the quiet official post: "Does this danger come from me, or is this official post coming from?" "

From you!"

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "That is, even if we leave now, danger will accompany us?"

"Yes, someone doesn't want you to step into Guangling Mansion."

Chen Nan thought of Song Ziwei's father.

That Song Daotai, whose status was second only to Yuan Zun.

Although he has become a sixth-level yin.

But one thing is obvious.

Song Ziwei has always been her own personal handmaid.

If you enter Guangling Province yourself.

The face of the Song family will definitely be damaged.

"Since you can't dodge, let's face the difficulties!" A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

Although sometimes he likes to be passive.

But in the face of the enemy.

He likes to strike first.

Moreover, with the cultivation of the eighth layer of his incarnation realm.

As long as it is not a strong person in the ghost realm, you can give it a shot.

"Be smart, if something really goes wrong, immediately hold Di Listen's thigh!" Chen Nan sent a message to Guo Yu.

Although this guy stepped into the sixth layer of the Yin Realm.

But in front of real masters.

But there is no possibility of survival.

Guo Yu nodded solemnly.

Although it is about to be in danger.

But mixing with the big brother is really exciting!

Immediately, he thought of the murderous appearance after hearing the illusion of the body, and immediately summoned: "Brother dog, I will give face later, don't use your whip to beat my face."

Di Ting gave him a proud look: "I can't control this kind of thing."

"If it really hits you in the face, please don't go to your heart."

Guo Yu: "...

"Where did everyone in the post station die?"

"When this official is here, why don't you see anyone come out to greet you?"

Chen Nan rode into the post station, his voice low, revealing invisible anger.


The staff of the post station ran out with a respectful face: "The villain does not know that the adult is coming, and if he is not welcome, please forgive the sin!" "

He looked to be in his forties.

Leaning over.

A sycophantic smile on his face.

Chen Nan rolled over and dismounted, handing the reins to the other party: "Tie up our horses and prepare some grain and grass."

"By the way, prepare us some wine!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The staff nodded and bowed.


Chen Nan and Guo Yu listened to the three-story wooden building.

At the time of entry.

Chen Nan used the Lookout Qi Technique.

Because he only felt the breath of the middle-aged man just now.

He was the only one in the entire official post.

And the other party is just an ordinary person.

If there is real danger here.

It definitely can't be because of the other party.

Sure enough.

When Chen Nan used the Qiqi Technique, he found out.

Tables, chairs and benches in the room.

Even the chopsticks on the table are transformed by the powerhouses of the Transformation Realm.

It's outrageous.

He gave a cursory glance.

There were at least twenty Avatar Realm powerhouses in the room.

"Kill me, why use such a big battle!"

A bitterness rose in Chen Nan's heart.

This also reinforced his previous speculation.

It is true that some people do not want him to enter Guangling Mansion.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent twenty Avatar Realm powerhouses to wait for him here.

He sat casually on a stool, and his soul sent a message to Guo Yu: "Later, you find a reason, let's quarrel, and you use chopsticks to poke at the upper right corner of the table."

"Remember, be quick and ruthless!"

Although he was not afraid of so many Avatar Realm powerhouses.

But still want to play with them.

If only they could be destroyed quietly.

Wouldn't that be very comfortable?


The staff of the official post brought a marinated goose, a plate of beef, and a pot of wine.

Guo Yu grabbed the wine altar with one hand.

But for some reason accidentally fell on the table.


The wine altar shattered in response.

The liquor instantly covers the entire tabletop.

"If you can't even do this little thing, what else can you do?" Chen Nan was furious.

Guo Yu looked embarrassed: "Big brother, or let's not act!" I'm not good at acting! As soon as the words fell, he did not pick up the chopsticks, and a long knife appeared in his hand.

He raised his long knife angrily and chopped off the top right corner of the table with a pop.

The next moment.

The table turned into a headless corpse.

Blood gushes.

The scene was horrible.

"You even know we exist?" With an indifferent voice, the table on Chen Nan's right turned into a burly man who was eight feet tall.


In addition, those who are strong in the Avatar Realm have also manifested their ontology.

"It's none of my business, it's none of my business!"

The staff member in the official post screamed and ran outside.

But he was slapped out by a Transformation Realm powerhouse.


Accompanied by a dull sound.

The staff turned into a red blood mist.

Chen Nan calmly looked at the man at the head: "Say, who sent you to kill me?" The

middle-aged man snorted coldly: "Our order is to send you to Huangquan, and it does not include answering your questions." When the words fell, he waved his big hand.

A middle-aged man instantly attacked.

He was armed with a sharp longsword.

The sword light flickered.

It's like a poisonous snake swallowing letters.


Chen Nan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Next second.

One piece makes everyone's scalp tingle.

Something shuddering happened.

That middle-aged man's body turned into a strange section.

It's like an eel that has been cut off.

He lost his life without even uttering a scream.

"What happened?"

"How did it come to this?"

The scalps of those more than ten Avatar Realm powerhouses were numb, and they had never experienced such absurd and bizarre things.

Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Tell me who sent you here, I will give you a whole corpse."

The eyes of the middle-aged man at the head were full of killing intent: "Just because of you, how did you kill us?" As soon as the words fell, he slammed his palm towards Chen Nan, his palm wind was messy, and he had a kind of overwhelming momentum.

"I don't know what to lift!"

A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

He used the power of the laws of space.

It transforms into an invisible, finely large web.

Directly envelope everyone.

Then the soul power roared out.

Dao Dao Blood Mist bloomed on those Transformation Realm powerhouses.

"This is the law of space?"

"Are you an anti-Heavenly Sect person?" The middle-aged man at the head had a sallow face, and his eyes were full of deep fear and unease.

Immediately, he felt a sharp pain sweep over.

There was a popping sound in my ears.

In an instant.

Those powerhouses of the Avatar Realm were all in different places, turning into pieces of flesh and blood piled on the ground.

Blurred flesh and blood.


But Di Ting's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to feast happily.

"Just the cultivation of this three-legged cat, also learn to kill others and cross the border?" Chen Nan shook his head helplessly, facing the powerhouse of the Transformation Realm, he had no interest.

Because no matter how you fight.

What means does the other side have.

He will also be killed in front of him.

Along with a powerful aura appearing on the second floor, a hoarse voice sounded: "I didn't expect that I haven't seen it for months, and your strength is so strong!"

Chen Nan's face changed suddenly.

There are even masters?

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